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I Channel the Archangels

I Will Share Their Messages With You

By Jodie HelmPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
I Channel the Archangels
Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

Yes, it's true. I channel the Archangels. I haven't always been able to do this, or at least I didn't know I could, but I've been having two-way conversations with them for a few years now, and it's a very loving, enlightening experience.

I've been writing on Medium for a while now, and I have gained a nice following and decided to try the Vocal platform, also. The messages I share are all loving, uplifting, and hopeful, not to mention informative and encouraging. I've always been very upfront about what I write about, hence this first, introductory piece. I'm neither a liar, nor a crazy person (at least no more crazy than most of us!), and I encourage all of my readers to take whatever resonates and leave the rest. I never try to convince or prove anything to anyone. I've learned that there is no proof that exists for skeptics that will satisfy them, and that's perfectly okay. Some people are ready to hear the messages, and others are not. Everyone is on their own path. Trust your intuition. If what I read touches you, great! That's why I write. The Archangels bring a lot of people to my writing who benefit from it, and I'm grateful.

Many people comment on my articles and send me emails asking me to ask questions for them to the Archangels, and I often do so, happily. I don't charge a fee, I don't ask for anything in return. I just want to help wherever and whoever I can. Mostly I just write about things I think people wonder about or of which they are afraid. Things I've wondered and worried about.

The only questions the Angels will not answer are personal questions about other people, specific questions about the future, or anything that could put me in danger. For instance, if you want to know your life purpose, they won't tell me what it is, first because it's none of my business, and they protect everyone's privacy, and secondly, because they want us to figure out that kind of thing for ourselves. Although they confirmed my life purpose after I figured it out, they would not tell me what it was beforehand. Neither do they offer a lot about the future other than generalizations and possibilities, because they say the future is never written in stone and can change at any time due to free will choices. They won't tell me any government secrets or whether or not someone committed a crime if they or anyone involved is still living, and sorry, but they won't give me the winning lottery numbers, either.

I sometimes get verbally attacked by people who don't agree or believe the messages I share. The Angels' messages don't always comply with religious beliefs, and that offends some people. I catch a lot of flack from Christians and atheists, two completely opposite sides of the spiritual spectrum. It's not pretty, sometimes. I've been condemned to hell more times than I can count, and I've also lost track of how many times I've been told to seek help for mental illness.

Luckily, I no longer believe in hell, thanks to confirmation from the Angels, and since I've never been happier or more at peace since I started channeling my Guides, I'm not in the least worried that I'm going crazy. Plus, when I channel, the feeling I get is so loving, I know it comes from goodness, not evil or insanity. In fact, the messages I share are so comforting, I am driven to share them with others in the hope that they, too, will feel more peace and hope after reading them. We can all use more of that, don't you think?

I also will state up front that I do not practice any traditional religion; I kind of do my own thing. By the way, the Archangels aren't religious, either. They don't favor any religion, country, group, race, etc. They love us all equally and unconditionally. They offer us advice on how to navigate these difficult, changing times, and they were created to help mankind. All of their messages are uplifting and positive, never judgmental or critical. They're always trying to help us.

I'll be sharing messages about the following topics, among others:

- God, Source, Spirit

- Religion and Spirituality

- Prayer and Meditation

- Chakras, Auras, all facets of spiritual health

- The Archangels' views on controversial topics

- Psychic gifts and phenomena

- The Shift of the Earth from third to fifth dimension and its effects

So, if you're interested in this kind of thing, stay tuned. I'll be sharing a lot of the messages I've previously published elsewhere, as well as some new ones, as they arise. If you have questions, you can always reach me through email,

[email protected]

I look forward to us getting to know each other. Blessing to all of you.

Sincerely, Jodie Helm


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    JHWritten by Jodie Helm

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