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Things Are Getting Better

The Archangels Offer Us Some 5D Signs

By Jodie HelmPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Things Are Getting Better
Photo by Jungwoo Hong on Unsplash

Sometimes, when I suggest that things will get better in the world, people laugh or get mad, pointing out all evidence to the contrary. For me, it’s easy to believe, because I trust the Archangels completely when they tell me this, but for those who don’t have that particular blessing, I asked the Angels to give me some current and upcoming signs to look for to give us all hope. The following is what they told me.

Question: Can you please give some examples of how things are changing now in the fifth dimension and what changes are likely to come in the near future?


There are subtle changes taking place already. They don’t always feel pleasant initially, but eventually, these effects happening to individuals will lead to more widespread changes.

We’ve spoken before about how people are remembering and processing low vibrational energies and emotions connected to hurtful things from the past. It is a necessary step to progress and live comfortably in the fifth dimension. People must process and release the energy left over from disturbing times and circumstances, so it won’t hold them back. They must acknowledge their feelings related to past trauma, allow themselves to feel those emotions, in order to release them. You cannot live in the light if you’re surrounded by darkness. This can be frightening and hurtful as old memories surface to the conscious mind, especially if the pain has been buried for a long time, but it is essential for the mind and spirit to sort through these memories and release the pain attached to them.

Also on a more individual basis is the spiritual awakening many people are experiencing. People are beginning to question age old beliefs and reevaluate them, leaving some behind and replacing them with ideals based on universal love rather than separation, judgment, and fear.

Also, psychic gifts are beginning to surface in many people for the first time, if their vibration is high enough to allow for it. More and more are connecting with High Guides who will help them get through all the current and coming changes. These incidences will become more and more common as people rid themselves of negative energy.

Those who are sensitive to energies have felt a major increase in energy levels inside the Earth, along with the energy coming from the Archangels and others from higher dimensions to help with The Shift.

Empaths and intuitives are very aware of these spikes along with the sometimes chaotic emotions they can trigger. Many people are feeling restless and unsure, because they can sense these changes on some level, but they don’t know the cause. The go-to emotion for most is still fear, leftover from the third dimensional paradigm.

As more people awaken, they will take note of people and policies that have thrived for decades and realize that change is needed. You will see more and more grass roots movements growing to affect change.

Meanwhile, people who have long been in power will panic for the fear of losing it. They will try to incite separation, hatred, and fear in hopes of maintaining the status quo. This is happening now. There is much unrest, accusation, and dishonesty prevalent today, all in a bid to keep current people and organizations in power. Eventually, however, the people will succeed in making needed changes in society and leadership.

Long held secrets will be discovered prompting major changes. We will not tell you what these secrets are, but you’ll know them as the truth comes out. The people will work together to replace agencies and people who have deceived the general public in the past. Transparency in government will become mandatory at a level never seen before. People will demand and ensure the truth after rampant subterfuge is revealed to the masses.

People will begin to use their unique gifts in creative ways to solve problems and improve conditions around the world. There will be changes in societal norms to reflect a new attitude of unity, rather than separation. There will be more worldwide problem solving groups working cooperatively, rather than competitively.

More and more people will feel drawn to nature for comfort and peace, and the Earth’s wellbeing will become a priority for most. People will find and use their collective power for positive change, and the Earth will eventually heal. There will be resistance to some of the changes proposed, but it will eventually be overcome.

Formal education won’t have the importance it does currently, as people identify and begin to strengthen and use their natural gifts. New skills will be needed. There will be fewer large corporations and more private businesses. Interpersonal interactions and connections will be expected and valued more than huge conglomerates led by people not directly involved with their customers. There will be a return of pride in the workplace for a job well done, and the majority of people will come to realize that a company’s greatest assets are those individuals who work for them.

Differences in backgrounds of people and what they contribute will be sought after, rather than avoided. The general expectation of employers will revolve around change and collaboration, and the focus will be on overall value and improvement worldwide for mankind. Individual contributions and special skills will be combined to foster new products, services, and ideas that will solve the majority of problems faced today.

This will require a return of creativity in education. Upcoming generations will need more choices in what and how they learn. There must be more room for self-directed learning using the unique, natural skills of the students. It’s the development of these individual gifts that will lead the way for the change needed. Creative thinking and problem solving will be at the core of education in the future.

These changes will take time, and many will seem chaotic initially, as changes often do, but they will lead to a better world for everyone. We estimate this will take at least forty to fifty years, although much depends on the free will choices made by all concerned.

Final Thoughts

Although not blatantly obvious yet, there are changes in progress. It will take individual thoughts and actions joining with others to form groups that will eventually affect systemic change worldwide. Those born after 2011 will be more naturally prone to leading changes, as they were born into the fifth, rather than the third dimension and will not be ruled by fear, as most of us have been throughout much of our lives.

The Archangels tell me that the first two generations after 2011 will affect massive change that will build a far better world. I won’t be around to see it all, but we’re seeing the tide change now if we look hard enough. I know our problems seem insurmountable, and they probably would be if the changes already taking place on Earth and with its people were not such an integral part of the many changes needed.

One more thing, I hear from readers all the time that “strange things” are happening in their lives. Some have reported seeing angels, others have told me they’ve had a sense of knowing about people and pending events they’ve never had before, while still others say many things just seem to be falling into place in a way that makes sense to them after struggling for much of their lives. These could be some of those psychic gifts making themselves known, so you’re not going crazy! If something like this happens to you, don’t freak out! It’s a blessing and a gift, one that I cherish every day, but it’s a little surprising in the beginning. If you have questions, you can always ask me, and I’ll be happy to help if I can shed any light.

Love and Light to all of you!


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