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How to Thwart Psychic Attacks

You have more control against them than you realize using simple methods of protection

By Pam ReederPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
How to Thwart Psychic Attacks
Photo by Ahmad Dirini on Unsplash

In my previous story (read here), I defined psychic attacks and how they work. If you made it to this part 2, I can only assume you somewhat believe in psychic attacks and therefore, now have interest in thwarting them. So, how exactly do you protect yourself from psychic attacks? There is actually no one way to do it. The "right" way is the one or combo that works best for you. My main line of defense is self protection. I start there because it allows me to protect myself without harming another which is important to me. I don't want to hurt others, I just don't want to be hurt. And to keep me safe, I raise my vibration. Why? I'll use this fax analogy. Although antiquated technology, it works as a good explanation.

When you dial a number on a fax machine and hit send, it makes a weird squalling sound as it attempts to connect to the other fax machine. We always called that "the handshake." If the other machine didn't respond to the signal request/aka handshake, then the connection wasn't made and the senders communication didn't send to the intended recipient. This is exactly what we want to do with negative energy -- we don't want to enable that "handshake" and be receptive and allow it to connect to us.

Negative energy vibrates at low, dense frequencies, so our goal is to elevate our personal frequency to a higher level so that the "handshake" of negative energy can never take place. Because our vibration is at a higher frequency, the denser energy can't stick. It either disintegrates, or it bounces off. Either way, we are protected from it.

Peter Baksa, author of The Point of Power, writes,

Since we are conscious, we can choose what part of the randomness around us to be affected by, and how we in turn would like to affect it. It is through the property of entanglement that we can affect change in our environment. Our minds are transceivers, able to receive and send signals into the "quantum soup" of the zero point field by way of the highly coherent frequencies of our thoughts.

(quote source here)

So, if you're still with me, let me share some of the personal protection methods that I use with a brief explanation of how/why they work.

Energy Bubble Meditation

When I feel like negative energy is dragging me down, I center myself by placing both hands on my stomach, take deep breaths, close my eyes and envision a protective light coming out of the top of my head and then flowing down around my entire body surrounding me in a protective bubble. I seal the bubble by setting the intention that only good energies may enter. I read and watch enough sci-fi and fantasy stories and shows, that this imagery comes easy to me. You can get as detailed as you desire if you have good visualization skills. Incorporate your senses of sound and touch for a more immersive experience. I like to imagine a hum and pulse to my energy bubble and the energy field is yellow. You can imagine any color. But you don't have to be elaborate with this meditation if you find lots of details difficult; simple imagery is fine. If you have issues envisioning imagery at all, run your hands from your head and then down the sides of your body all the way to your feet to represent the energy bubble flowing over you. In your mind, or out loud if you are somewhere that you can speak, tell yourself what is happening as you run your hands over yourself. Once my energy bubble is in place, I sit quietly for a bit with my eyes closed watching the bubble pulse around me. Generally I feel calm and safe after a few moments and I return to my regular duties.

Obsidian Armor Meditation

During times when I feel greatly overwhelmed or threatened or pulled down by negative energies, I start with the Energy Bubble Meditation but I transform the protective light after it flows around me into black obsidian armor. Black obsidian is known for its ability to repel negativity.

Crystal Cave Meditation

This one may sound hoakey, or maybe all of them have so far, but not to worry, I give lots of other options on how to elevate your vibration. I just happen to be blessed with a vivid imagination which is what makes reading and writing so enjoyable for me. When I read, I "see" the stories. In this meditation, I literally go into a a crystal cave. It is gorgeous and it looks like it is right out of a sci-fi movie. My cave is white crystal quartz and it has a yellow glow shining through them. Yellow is my favorite energy color, but yours can be any color.

By Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Meditation Purposes

The purpose of the meditations shared above are to put your mind in a thought pattern that strips away fear, chaos and helplessness and shifts your thought patterns to peace, power, and protection. This in turn changes your vibration to a higher frequency which in turn thwarts the connection and effects of negative energies directed at you, surrounding you or even being generated from within you.

Wash Away Negative Energy

Another way to dissipate negative energy and thwart a psychic attack is to wash it away in the shower. I combine this with a meditation envisioning all negative, dark energies falling away and pure bright energy glowing around me. For this, I have a bar of soap scented with Patchouli and Sandalwood, both of which are known to have protective properties amongst many other uses.

Essential Oils for Protection

Essential Oils are the essence of plants distilled into a highly concentrated liquid. These oils have vibrations and can elevate your vibration. You can diffuse the oils in a room diffuser, sniff them straight from the bottle, wear them as a scent (make sure you have no sensitivities to them), wear them on aroma jewelry. I am heavily into essential oils so I readily have them available for use when I need to lift my vibration to disintegrate negative energies. Rose Oil vibrates very high at 320 MHz but it is a very expensive oil. Helichrysum vibrates at 181 MHz. Frankincense vibrates at 147 MHz and Lavender at 118 MHz. My routine oils on hand are Frankincense and Lavender, as well as Peppermint which vibrates at 78 MHz.

Author generated chart

A normal healthy body vibrates at 62-72 MHz. Negativity vibrates from 20 to 150 MHz, so we want to vibrate above that.


Christina Lopez on Balance Live Well writes:

Positive vibrations are high-frequency thinking patterns, attitudes, emotions, whereas negative vibrations are low-frequency thinking patterns, attitudes and emotions.

The easiest way to identify a negative vibration is to be aware of when and how we feel resistance within ourselves. Positive vibrations make us feel at ease, while negative vibrations can make us feel doubtful, worried and anxious. We also often pick up on energies that don’t belong to us. If we begin to identify these energies as a part of who we are, we can feel stuck in a low vibrational state. We all need to let go of this resistance and live in accordance with our sense of inner peace.

Whether you are affected by energies that don’t belong to you, or you are stuck in a cycle of negative thinking, I would like to share some of my most effective neuro-performance tools for your vibrational toolbox. The key is that you’re willing to do the work.

Shifting the tone of your internal dialogue is key. Pay attention to what you are telling yourself. Your mind and body will respond to the vibration of your thought patterns. Switching the tone to sound positive as you speak to yourself will cause an immediate shift in your vibration.

For example, practice saying these statements to yourself: “I know this is happening for me, not against me – there must be value in it!” “I am grateful for this challenging experience.” “I believe this is happening for good.”

(read the entire, excellent article here)

Music to Elevate Vibrations

Music is another vibrational tool that can help elevate your vibration. I find YouTube to be a gold mine for finding music videos for this purpose. I often wear headphones or earbuds at work for this reason.

Here is just one of many that I like to listen to.

DISCLAIMER: I have no affiliation with and receive no compensation from any of the websites listed in this article. The links included above and below are used merely to provide the sources of my quotes.

Using Crystals As Self Protection

Another method of self protection is using crystals. I use a piece of Blue Kyanite that I wear on my person at all times. It is a fantastic stone that converts negative energy into positive energy. How convenient is that? When someone out there is throwing mean nasties your way either accidentally or on purpose, the stone just dissolves it into something positive when it reaches you. Can't beat simplicity. And trust me, I know the difference when I don't wear it. Here's a photo of my blue kyanite pendant:

Author's personal photo of blue kyanite pendant

This particular piece is in its natural state which is how I prefer my stone. Here's a few excerpts from around the web about the properties of Blue Kyanite:

BJordanGemstones says:

[Blue Kyanite] has a potent ability to transfer and amplify high frequency energy. It is known as one of the stones that will aid in the development of both intuition and psychic abilities overall.

Kyanite is a gemstone that does not accumulate negative energies, and it therefore never [has] need to be cleansed or cleared. As the energy of kyanite is all but unlimited, it is said to be one of the best gemstones for use as an attunement stone.

Visit their website to see the full article.

Psychic-Revelation.com says:

Kyanite: It is THE anti-negativity stone. It doesn't just repel it, it destroys it."

Visit their website here for their article on Kyanite and here for their complete list of stones good for protection against psychic attack.

And from Charms of Light:

Kyanite is an excellent stone for meditation and attunement. It will not retain negative vibrations or energy, therefore never requiring clearing. Kyanite aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly. It provides balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body.

Kyanite has a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility. It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels. It drives away anger, frustration, confusion and stress and helps to provide a capacity for linear and logical thought. Kyanite provides a stimulating energy, encouraging perseverance in and support of activities and situations which would normally reduce one’s strength. It can help when connecting to your spirit guides. Kyanite induces dream recall and can promote healing dreams.

Kyanite treats the urogenital system, adrenal glands and parathyroid glands. It aids in disorders of the throat, brain and muscular system. It helps to heal infections and lower blood pressure. Kyanite is a natural pain reliever."

Pretty amazing isn't it. So, yep, this stone is definitely a must have for anyone serious about protection from psychic attacks and negative energies. It covers so many of my day to day needs as an energy worker that IF I had to pick just one stone, I would choose this one, Blue Kyanite. And amazingly, Blue Kyanite is relatively inexpensive. If you are crafty and want to do some wire wrapping or just carry a raw piece, you can purchase bulk like this. (Disclaimer: NOT an affiliate link)

This stone also looks beautiful when polished up and set in jewelry. You should be able to find numerous samples around the web.

And I would so totally wear this Blue Kyanite ring! I'm contemplating ordering it. (Disclaimer - this is NOT an affiliate link)

I hope you find this helpful information. I am a firm believer that pro-active is better than reactive. However, with Blue Kyanite, it covers all the bases. You just can't go wrong with it in my humble opinion.

I encourage you to do some research on Blue Kyanite and see all the different ways it can enhance your life.


Hopefully, I didn't lose you along the way and you dumped off thinking you had entered crazy town. If you stayed to the end and find that you are definitely intrigued by all of the various ways to defend against psychic attacks, I strongly encourage you to experiment and research until you find methods that help you achieve results when you feel targeted by negative energies or feel your thoughts and vibrations shifting to the negative.

See Part 1 of this series here:

self care

About the Creator

Pam Reeder

Stifled wordsmith re-embracing my creativity. I like to write stories that tap into raw human emotions.

Author of "Bristow Spirits on Route 66", magazine articles, four books under a pen name, technical writing, stories for my grandkids.

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