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How to Protect Yourself from Black Magic and Evil Spirits Using Ancient Buddhist Methods

Unlocking Ancient Buddhist Defenses Against Black Magic and Supernatural Forces

By Brian KaPublished about a year ago 19 min read

The world of ancient Buddhist practices is rich with wisdom and insights, offering guidance on various aspects of life, including protection against negative forces such as black magic and spirits. In this blog post, we embark on a journey to unveil the ancient Buddhist methods of protection, exploring their significance in the contemporary world.

The topic of ancient Buddhist methods of protection holds great importance as it provides individuals with practical tools to safeguard themselves from harmful influences. In a time when people are increasingly seeking answers beyond the ordinary, these methods offer a unique perspective rooted in centuries of Buddhist teachings.

By delving into the context of ancient Buddhist methods of protection, we gain a deeper understanding of their origin and purpose. The practices we will explore have been passed down through generations, preserved within Buddhist traditions for their efficacy in countering negative energies and fostering spiritual well-being.

Throughout this blog post, we will shed light on the reasons why these ancient methods continue to resonate with individuals seeking protection and peace of mind. We will uncover the underlying principles that guide these practices, emphasizing their compatibility with the modern world and the universal human desire for safety and serenity.

Join us as we uncover the veil of ancient Buddhist methods of protection from black magic and spirits, and discover how these profound teachings can empower us in navigating the complexities of the spiritual realm while nurturing our inner strength and resilience.

Understanding Black and White Magic

Magic, in its various forms, has captivated human curiosity throughout history. Within the realm of magic, two distinct categories often emerge: black magic and white magic. In this section, we will explore the essence of black and white magic, their implications, and why it is advisable to refrain from engaging in such practices.

Explanation of black and white magic and their implications

Black magic refers to the use of supernatural powers or rituals with the intent to cause harm, manipulate others, or disrupt natural order. It involves tapping into dark energies and often involves invoking malevolent spirits or entities to achieve one's desires at the expense of others. Black magic can manifest in various forms, such as curses, hexes, and spells aimed at inflicting suffering, controlling others, or seeking personal gain through unethical means.

On the other hand, white magic is associated with the use of supernatural forces or rituals with benevolent intentions. It involves working with positive energies, divine entities, and spiritual practices aimed at healing, protection, and spiritual growth. White magic emphasizes harmony, compassion, and the well-being of oneself and others.

It is crucial to recognize that the implications of engaging in black magic are profound. By deliberately attempting to harm or control others, individuals not only disrupt the natural order but also invite negative karmic consequences into their own lives. The pursuit of power and personal gain at the expense of others can lead to a cycle of negativity and spiritual imbalance, ultimately hindering one's own growth and well-being.

The reasons why it is best not to engage in such practices

Ethical Considerations: Engaging in black magic violates the fundamental ethical principles of many spiritual and religious traditions. It goes against the core values of compassion, non-harming, and respect for the autonomy and well-being of others.

Karmic Repercussions: The universal law of karma teaches us that our actions have consequences. Engaging in black magic with malicious intent accumulates negative karma, which can result in future suffering and setbacks.

Spiritual Imbalance: Black magic focuses on the pursuit of personal desires through harmful means. By disregarding the interconnectedness of all beings and the greater spiritual harmony, individuals who engage in such practices risk disturbing their own spiritual growth and inner peace.

Erosion of Moral Compass: Consistently engaging in black magic can gradually erode one's moral compass, leading to a diminished sense of empathy, compassion, and ethical decision-making.

Disharmony in Relationships: Black magic can strain relationships, foster mistrust, and create a hostile environment. The pursuit of personal gain at the expense of others can lead to alienation, resentment, and the breakdown of meaningful connections.

By choosing to align with white magic or positive spiritual practices, individuals can cultivate virtues such as compassion, kindness, and harmony. These practices empower individuals to foster personal growth, contribute positively to society, and nurture a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings.

Buddha's Teachings on Magic and Harm

Buddhism, as a spiritual tradition, holds teachings that are rooted in compassion, wisdom, and the alleviation of suffering. When it comes to magic and harmful practices, Buddha's teachings are unequivocal in their emphasis on non-harming and benefiting all beings. In this section, we will explore how Buddha's teachings reject the use of magic to harm others, identify fake monks or individuals practicing harmful magic, clarify that Buddhist scriptures have no methods to harm others, and stress that everything Buddha taught was intended for the benefit of humanity.

Buddha never taught any magic to harm others

Throughout Buddha's teachings, there is no record or evidence of him advocating or imparting any magical practices or rituals intended to harm others. The essence of Buddha's teachings lies in the cultivation of moral conduct, mental purification, and the realization of the Four Noble Truths, which are centered on the path to liberation from suffering.

Identifying fake monks or individuals practicing harmful magic

It is important to be discerning when encountering individuals claiming to be Buddhist monks or practitioners of Buddhism who engage in harmful magical practices. Buddhism strongly condemns any use of magic or supernatural powers with the intent to cause harm, manipulate others, or disrupt the natural order. Genuine Buddhist monks or practitioners adhere to the principles of compassion, ethical conduct, and the teachings of the Buddha.

Buddhist scriptures have no methods to harm others

Buddhist scriptures, including the Pali Canon, Mahayana sutras, and various other texts, do not contain instructions or methods for harming others through magic or any other means. Instead, these scriptures provide guidance on cultivating mindfulness, compassion, wisdom, and the practice of meditation to develop one's own spiritual growth and benefit others.

Everything Buddha taught was intended to benefit humanity

Buddha's teachings were fundamentally rooted in the alleviation of suffering and the well-being of all sentient beings. His teachings revolve around the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, and the cultivation of virtues such as loving-kindness, compassion, generosity, and moral conduct. The purpose of these teachings is to guide individuals towards liberation from suffering and to foster a harmonious and compassionate society.

It is important to distinguish between genuine Buddhist teachings and individuals who may misrepresent or misuse the Buddha's teachings for personal gain or to justify harmful practices. By understanding the essence of Buddha's teachings and their intention to benefit humanity, we can align ourselves with the true spirit of Buddhism and its emphasis on compassion, wisdom, and non-harming.

The Repercussions of Using Magic for Temporal Wishes

In our pursuit of quick solutions and immediate gratification, some individuals may turn to magic as a means to fulfill their temporal wishes. However, Buddhism teaches us to be mindful of the repercussions that arise from such actions. In this section, we will discuss the negative consequences of using magic for immediate gains and explain the potential long-term problems and backlash associated with these practices.

The negative consequences of using magic for immediate gains

Karmic Consequences: Every action, including the use of magic, generates karma, which is the law of cause and effect. When magic is used solely for personal gain or without considering the well-being of others, negative karma is accumulated. This negative energy can have a detrimental impact on one's spiritual growth and overall well-being.

Dependency and Lack of Self-Empowerment: Relying on magic to fulfill temporal wishes can create a dependency on external forces and diminish one's sense of personal agency and empowerment. It hinders the development of inner strength, resilience, and the ability to navigate life's challenges with wisdom and self-reliance.

Distorted Perception of Reality: Engaging in magic for immediate gains can lead to a distorted perception of reality. It can foster a mindset of seeking shortcuts and instant gratification, blurring the understanding of the natural processes of cause and effect, effort, and personal growth.

Potential long-term problems and backlash associated with such practices

Disruption of Natural Order: Magic used for temporal wishes often seeks to manipulate or bypass the natural order of life. This can disturb the balance and flow of the universe, leading to disharmony and unforeseen consequences in various aspects of life.

Accumulation of Negative Energies: Engaging in magic without a deep understanding of its implications can attract negative energies and entities. These energies may linger and create disturbances in one's life, relationships, and overall well-being.

Shallow Fulfillment and Unsustainable Solutions: Magic used solely for immediate gains may provide temporary relief or satisfaction but often fails to address the underlying issues. The solutions obtained through magic may lack depth and sustainability, leaving individuals unfulfilled in the long run.

Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Turmoil: The pursuit of magic for personal gain can lead to ethical dilemmas and inner conflicts. Engaging in actions that harm or manipulate others goes against the core principles of compassion, kindness, and non-harming, leading to inner turmoil and a disconnect from one's own values.

Buddhism encourages us to cultivate patience, wisdom, and compassion in addressing our desires and challenges. Instead of seeking quick fixes through magic, the teachings guide us towards self-reflection, mindfulness, and the development of wholesome qualities that lead to genuine and lasting well-being.

Signs of Influence by Black Magic and Spirits

Black magic and the influence of negative spirits can have subtle yet noticeable effects on individuals. Recognizing these signs is crucial in addressing the underlying issues and seeking appropriate methods of protection and restoration. In this section, we will identify signs that indicate one may be affected by black magic and spirits, highlighting indicators such as disorientation, personality changes, accidents, and more.

How to identify signs that one may be affected by black magic and spirits

Disorientation and Confusion: Sudden bouts of confusion, feeling disoriented, or experiencing a loss of clarity in thoughts and decision-making processes can be indicative of black magic or spiritual influence.

Personality Changes: Unexplained shifts in personality, such as sudden anger, aggression, or depression, can be signs of external influences. These changes may occur without any apparent cause or trigger.

Unexplained Accidents or Misfortunes: A series of unexpected accidents, mishaps, or misfortunes that occur repeatedly without logical explanation may suggest the presence of negative energies or spiritual interference.

Acting against the Benefit of Loved Ones: Feeling compelled to act or behave in ways that are contrary to one's usual nature, especially if it harms or goes against the interests of loved ones, can be an indication of external influence.

Unexplained Attraction or Repulsion: Experiencing intense attraction or repulsion towards someone or something without a clear reason or understanding may point to the presence of unseen influences or energetic manipulations.

Feeling of Being Watched or Followed: Sensations of being constantly watched, followed, or monitored, especially in specific locations or situations, can be a sign of spiritual presence or interference.

Uncomfortable Sensations in Certain Areas: Feeling a sense of discomfort, heaviness, or negative energy in particular areas of a house or specific locations, without any discernible cause, may indicate the presence of spirits or energetic imbalances.

It is important to note that these signs are not definitive proof of black magic or spiritual influence, as they can also be attributed to other factors. However, if several of these signs persist over an extended period and coincide with negative occurrences in life, it may be prudent to consider the possibility of external influences.

Buddhism's Approach to Countering Spirits

Buddhism offers various methods and practices to counter the influence of spirits and address offenses made towards local deities. These methods are rooted in compassion, wisdom, and the understanding of interdependence. In this section, we will explore Buddhism's approach to countering spirits, including dealing with offenses to local deities, clarifying the nature of offerings, and emphasizing the act of giving as a gesture of reconciliation.

How to deal with offenses to local deities: Making offerings and apologizing

In Buddhist practice, if one has offended a local deity or disturbed the harmonious relationship with the environment, a way to address this is by making offerings and offering sincere apologies. This practice seeks to acknowledge the offense and restore balance and harmony.

It is important to clarify that making offerings to local deities or spirits does not imply taking refuge in them or worshipping them as objects of devotion. Instead, it is a way to acknowledge their presence and show respect, aiming to mend any disharmony that may have occurred.

The act of giving as a gesture of reconciliation

The act of giving is central to Buddhist practice and philosophy. When making offerings to local deities or spirits, the intention is to foster reconciliation and restore harmony. The offerings can include items such as flowers, incense, fruits, candles, or small cakes, symbolizing generosity and the act of giving.

By engaging in this practice, individuals express remorse, acknowledge their actions, and seek to rectify any harm that may have been caused. It is a gesture of reconciliation that aligns with the Buddhist principles of compassion, understanding, and interconnectedness.

Mantras and Chants for Protection

In Buddhism, the recitation of mantras and chants holds great significance as a means of invoking spiritual energies and seeking protection from negative influences. In this section, we will explore specific mantras and chants that are used for protection and their benefits.

Sanskrit mantra to counter unclean spirits

One powerful mantra that is used to counter unclean spirits is as follows: "Namo Guru Beh Namo Buddha Ya Namo Dharma Ya Namo Sangha Ya." This Sanskrit mantra can be chanted as a daily practice to ward off negative energies and protect oneself from spiritual disturbances.

Instructions on reciting the refuge mantra, the Heart Sutra, and its mantra

Refuge Mantra: Chanting the refuge mantra is a fundamental practice in Buddhism. It goes as follows: "I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma, I take refuge in the Sangha." This mantra is recited as an expression of seeking refuge in the Three Jewels—the Buddha, the Dharma (teachings), and the Sangha (spiritual community).

The Heart Sutra: The Heart Sutra is a profound Buddhist scripture that encapsulates the essence of emptiness and wisdom. Reciting the Heart Sutra helps purify the mind and deepen one's understanding of the true nature of reality.

Heart Sutra Mantra: The mantra associated with the Heart Sutra is "Tayatha Om Gatey Gatey Paragatey Parasamgatey Bodhi Soha." This mantra is chanted to invoke the wisdom of the Heart Sutra and cultivate insight into the ultimate truth.

The significance and benefits of chanting these mantras

Protection and Spiritual Shield: Chanting mantras acts as a spiritual shield, creating a protective barrier against negative energies and influences. The vibrations and sacred sounds generated through chanting help purify the mind and environment, establishing a sacred space of positivity and protection.

Focus and Mindfulness: Chanting mantras requires concentration and mindfulness, which helps quiet the mind and cultivate inner peace. It serves as a powerful tool to redirect one's attention away from negative thoughts and emotions, promoting mental clarity and stability.

Purification and Transformation: Mantras have the power to purify negative karma and transform it into positive energy. Through consistent practice, one can gradually dissolve obstacles, eliminate harmful tendencies, and cultivate wholesome qualities, leading to personal growth and spiritual development.

Connection to Divine Energies: Chanting mantras establishes a connection to divine energies and enlightened beings. By invoking the blessings of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, practitioners can draw upon their guidance, wisdom, and protection.

It is important to approach the recitation of mantras with sincere intention and a pure heart, avoiding any harmful or negative intentions. Consistent practice and wholehearted devotion enhance the effectiveness of these mantras, helping individuals experience the transformative power and protection they offer.

Making Offerings and Engaging in Singdongma

In Buddhism, making offerings and engaging in specific practices hold deep spiritual significance and serve as means of protection and counteracting the effects of black magic. In this section, we will explore the practice of making water bowl offerings to the Buddha and delve into the concept of Singdongma for strong cases of black magic.

Performing water bowl offerings to Buddha

One powerful practice in Buddhism is making water bowl offerings to the Buddha. This practice involves setting up seven bowls of water as offerings, although more can be used for greater efficacy. Each bowl represents a different offering, such as water for drinking, water for washing, flowers, incense, light (candles), perfume, and food.

By mindfully arranging these offerings and visualizing their purity and beauty, practitioners cultivate a sense of reverence, gratitude, and connection to the enlightened qualities of the Buddha. The act of offering represents generosity and serves as a powerful gesture of devotion and spiritual connection.

Singdongma for strong cases of black magic

In cases of severe black magic, the practice of Singdongma can be engaged to counter its effects. Singdongma is a fierce protective practice that harnesses the energy of the wrathful Goddess Singdongma to dispel negative influences and obstacles.

Steps involved in the Singdongma practice and its significance

Recitation of Mantras: The Singdongma practice begins with reciting specific mantras. The refuge mantra and mantras of revered figures like Je Tsongkhapa or Guru Rinpoche are chanted, invoking their blessings and protection. These mantras serve as a means of establishing a connection with enlightened beings and harnessing their power.

Prayer to Singdongma: Following the recitation of mantras, a short prayer is offered to the fierce Goddess Singdongma. The prayer acknowledges her wrathful nature and requests her assistance in dispelling black magic and negative forces. It seeks to transform harmful energies into positive and protective forces.

Singdongma Mantra: The mantra associated with Singdongma is "Ah Kha Sama Ranza Shanda Rasa Maraya Phet." This mantra is chanted with devotion and intensity to invoke Singdongma's presence and power. It is recited a significant number of times, often reaching 100,000 recitations or more, until the influence of black magic subsides.

The practice of Singdongma emphasizes the necessity of holding pure intentions and avoiding any harmful or negative intent. It is essential to approach this practice with respect, faith in the enlightened beings, and a genuine desire to counteract negativity and restore spiritual harmony.

Fierce Goddess Singdongma Prayers and Mantras

The fierce Goddess Singdongma holds a significant role in Buddhist practices aimed at dispelling magic and negative influences. In this section, we will explore the introduction of Singdongma, provide her associated mantra and prayer, and offer instructions on the recitation process and frequency for maximum effectiveness.

The Goddess Singdongma and her role in dispelling magic

Singdongma is a wrathful female deity in Buddhism known for her ferocity and protective qualities. She is revered for her ability to dispel black magic, counter negative forces, and eliminate obstacles on the spiritual path. Singdongma embodies the transformative power of wisdom and compassion in facing and overcoming adversity.

Mantra and prayer associated with Singdongma

Singdongma Mantra: The mantra associated with Singdongma is "Ah Kha Sama Ranza Shanda Rasa Maraya Phet." This powerful mantra carries the vibrational essence of Singdongma's energy and is recited with devotion and intensity to invoke her assistance in dispelling magic and negative influences.

Singdongma Prayer: A prayer to Singdongma can be recited to express reverence and seek her blessings. An example of a Singdongma prayer is as follows:

"Lion-faced dakini! Because of the force and power of the recitation of your mantra, let enemies who torment us, hindering spirits who harm us, and obstructive conditions, in short, every enduring inauspiciousness be turned back! Host of blazing wrathful females! Smash into dust-motes the body and speech of all the nature of hindering foes and release their consciousness in Dharma Dhatu! Through the recitation of your mantra, let me quell all injury, achieve my aims just as I wish, and spread the teachings in both word and practice."

Instructions on the recitation process and frequency for effectiveness

Recitation Frequency: To harness the protective power of Singdongma, the mantra should be recited with dedication and consistency. It is recommended to recite the mantra 21 times, 108 times, or more per day, depending on personal circumstances and commitment.

Accumulating Recitations: The practice of Singdongma entails accumulating a substantial number of recitations, often aiming for 100,000 repetitions or more. This requires perseverance, devotion, and a steady commitment to the practice.

Pure Intentions and Faith: It is crucial to approach the recitation of Singdongma's mantra with pure intentions and a sincere desire to dispel negativity, protect oneself, and benefit others. Faith in Singdongma's transformative power as a compassionate protector further enhances the effectiveness of the practice.

Mindful Visualization: During the recitation, one can visualize Singdongma manifesting in her fierce form, surrounded by radiant light and wielding her divine power to dispel magic and protect. This visualization strengthens the connection with her presence and reinforces the intended purpose of the practice.

By engaging in the prayers and mantras dedicated to Singdongma, individuals can invoke her protective energy, neutralize the effects of black magic, and establish a shield of spiritual resilience. It is essential to approach these practices with respect, devotion, and an understanding that their effectiveness is rooted in the purity of intentions and commitment to the path of wisdom and compassion.

Important Considerations for Effective Practices

When engaging in practices to counter black magic and protect oneself from negative influences, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. In this section, we will emphasize the significance of non-harming intent, patience and dedication, as well as the need for faith and belief in the efficacy of the methods.

The importance of non-harming intent

In Buddhism, the intention behind any practice is paramount. It is crucial to approach these protective practices with a non-harming intent. The methods discussed should never be used with the intention to harm or cause suffering to others. The purpose is to dispel negativity, protect oneself, and foster spiritual well-being for the benefit of all beings.

Patience and dedication in the practice

Effective spiritual practices require patience and dedication. It is essential to recognize that the results may not be immediate. Just as the accumulation of small drops fills a large vessel, the repetition of mantras, prayers, and rituals gradually strengthens our spiritual connection and brings about positive changes. Consistency and perseverance are key factors in achieving long-lasting effects.

The need for faith and belief in the efficacy of the methods

Faith and belief play a crucial role in any spiritual practice. Having faith in the power of the methods, the enlightened beings invoked, and the teachings of Buddhism can enhance the effectiveness of the practices. Trusting in the transformative potential of these methods allows us to connect with the profound wisdom and compassionate energy that they embody.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of these practices extends beyond immediate results, as they contribute to our spiritual growth, inner strength, and overall well-being.


In this blog post, we have delved into the ancient Buddhist methods of protection against black magic and spirits. Let's recap the key points discussed and conclude with an encouragement to explore these practices with sincerity, respect, and a firm commitment to the teachings of Buddhism.

Throughout our exploration, we have discovered that black and white magic hold implications and consequences that are best avoided. Buddha himself never taught any form of magic intended to harm others. It is important to identify and differentiate fake monks or individuals who engage in harmful magical practices from the authentic teachings of Buddhism. The scriptures of Buddhism contain no methods for harming others, as everything that Buddha taught was meant to benefit humanity and foster spiritual growth.

We have also discussed the repercussions of using magic for temporal wishes, highlighting the potential long-term problems and backlash associated with such practices. Engaging in black magic or seeking immediate gains through magical means may fulfill immediate desires but can invite a host of complications and negative consequences in the long run.

Recognizing the signs of influence by black magic and spirits is crucial for identifying and addressing such challenges. Disorientation, sudden personality changes, unexplained accidents, and a lack of concern for loved ones are among the indicators that one may be affected. By being aware of these signs, we can take appropriate measures to counter the negative influences and seek spiritual protection.

Buddhism provides practical approaches to counter spirits and restore harmony. Engaging in practices such as making offerings and apologizing to local deities helps reconcile offenses and restore positive connections. Reciting specific mantras and chants, such as the Sanskrit mantra to counter unclean spirits, the refuge mantra, and the Heart Sutra mantra, harnesses the transformative power of sound and mindfulness.

Furthermore, we have explored the significance of making water bowl offerings to Buddha and engaging in the Singdongma practice for cases of severe black magic. These practices require faith, dedication, and the accumulation of recitations to invoke the protective energy of Singdongma and dispel negative influences.

We encourage readers to approach these ancient Buddhist methods of protection with sincerity and respect. By embracing these practices, we can develop a deeper understanding of our own spiritual journey and cultivate qualities that contribute to the betterment of ourselves and humanity as a whole. It is through the teachings of Buddhism that we find wisdom, compassion, and the tools to navigate the complexities of life and protect ourselves from negative forces.

May these methods of protection serve as guides on the path towards spiritual growth, inner resilience, and the cultivation of peace and harmony within ourselves and the world around us.

To learn more about how to protect yourself from black magic and spirits, please visit us at Mindful Wealth Wizard by clicking here.


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Brian Ka

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    Brian KaWritten by Brian Ka

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