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How To Lose Weight In Your Face - 5 Best Face Exercises That Work

Looking at a person’s face, you can easily tell which people are slim and healthy and which aren’t. There is the classic “egg timer" look that people with less fat have, with their cheekbones more prominent and their faces appearing slimmer.

By Mr M ReaneyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How To Lose Weight In Your Face - 5 Best Face Exercises That Work
Photo by Huha Inc. on Unsplash

Looking at a person’s face, you can easily tell which people are slim and healthy and which aren’t. There is the classic “egg timer" look that people with less fat have, with their cheekbones more prominent and their faces appearing slimmer. If you are one of those people with an apple-shaped face or double chin, it means that you have excess fat around your jawline or cheeks. This part of your face has more fat because there are many subcutaneous fat cells present in this area. The good news is that with some targeted face exercises and diet changes, you can reduce this excess weight in as little as six weeks.

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Why Exercising Your Face is Important

The face exercises that can help you lose weight in your face are listed below. Like any other part of your body, your face muscles need to be toned and in good shape. When your facial muscles are in good shape, they will contribute towards your overall appearance and your facial appearance will be slimmer. - Stronger facial muscles will also help you prevent or lessen the appearance of wrinkles since they help keep your skin firm. - Good-looking people with a healthy glow usually have firm, toned facial muscles. - If your facial muscles are weak, your face will appear droopy and squashed. - Having good-looking facial muscles will also help you boost your self-confidence.

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Face Exercises For Weight Loss

- The smiling muscles around your mouth and cheeks can be strengthened with a couple of simple exercises. - There are also exercises that can help you firm up your jawline and chin. - When you do these exercises regularly, you will notice improvements in your appearance and your self-confidence in as little as six weeks. - Smile often and regularly when doing the exercises for the smiling muscles. This will help you to build up the muscles even more. - When exercising the jawline and chin, move the muscles in a slow and deliberate way. This is so that you don’t overexert them and cause your face to cramp.

Shoulder Shrugs

The muscles on your upper back and shoulders can be toned with shoulder shrugs. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your knees slightly bent. Bend your elbows and rest your hands on the back of your neck. Squeeze your shoulders together, hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower your shoulders back down and relax. Repeat this 10 times several times a week.

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Rotating Faces

Exercises for your jawline will help to firm it up and reduce the appearance of any double chin you may have. Place your index finger and thumb on either side of your jawline and gently apply pressure. Slowly open your mouth and then close it again. Repeat this 10 times. When you have the hang of it, gradually increase the pressure applied to your jawline. You can also apply slight pressure to the muscles on either side of your face—this will help to firm them up too.

Jumping Jacks

The jumping jacks facial exercise is a common one and will work wonders if you do it as part of a daily routine. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your hands on your hips. Bend your knees slightly, jump up in the air, bringing your knees up to your chest and clapping your hands. Land on the ground and slowly slide your feet back to their original position. Repeat 10 times. You can also do this exercise while standing up against a wall. Place your feet about a foot from the wall, bend your knees and jump up.

Bear Shrugs

The final facial exercise is the bear shrug. This is a great exercise for anyone who wants to build up their trapezius, a large muscle that covers most of the upper back and shoulders. You can do this one while sitting on a chair or sofa, or while lying down on a bed or mat. Pull your shoulder blades together and squeeze them, then slowly release them. Repeat this 10 times and do it a few times a week. These exercises will help you to tone and firm up the facial muscles, as well as the other muscles in your body. This is important since it will give you a slimmer, better-looking face and will also help you prevent or lessen the appearance of wrinkles. If done regularly, these exercises will help improve your overall appearance and boost your self-confidence. In addition, these exercises are easy to do, so you don’t have an excuse for not doing them.


The face is the first place on your body that reveals how healthy you are. If you have excess weight in your face, it can make you look older and less attractive than you really are. These five face exercises can help you lose weight in your face and make you look younger and more attractive. So, start doing these exercises a few times a week and soon you will be on your way to having a thinner, healthier-looking face that will make you look and feel better.

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