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How to Lose Belly Fat in One Night

The fat in the abdominal cavity, commonly known as belly fat, is the true monster.

By Carl BriskoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

There are plenty of ways to lose belly fat, but the only one you can do at night is the most effective—and it’s shockingly simple! By following just these three steps, you’ll wake up to find your belly is flatter than ever. Read on to learn how to lose belly fat while you sleep!

Sleep On Your Left Side

According to a study by scientists at Sweden’s Lund University, those who sleep on their left side burn up to 40 percent more fat than right-side sleepers. Sleeping on your left side promotes better blood circulation and digestion, and it increases oxygen flow throughout your body. This may result in a faster metabolism and more fat loss. To get into position, lie on your back with both knees bent. Place a pillow under your head and another one between your legs. Bend both arms behind you so that they rest on top of each other with palms facing down. Close your eyes and relax for five minutes or until you fall asleep.

Reduce Stress Levels

Stress can lead to a number of physical conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and anxiety. However, too much stress can also cause your belly fat levels to rise. In fact, research shows that chronic stress can cause even healthy men to gain abdominal fat (1). Reduce stress by taking deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth when you start feeling anxious or stressed. Try meditation or exercise! If neither is appealing, take a walk outside or spend time with friends and family. Remember, getting enough sleep will help reduce stress levels as well. So make sure you’re getting at least seven hours every night!

Don’t Eat too Late

You probably already know about all of those reasons why you shouldn’t eat too late at night, but here are a few more: When you go long periods without eating (like overnight), your body responds by storing your energy from food as fat instead of burning it. This is especially true if you have carbohydrates in your system. Your body doesn’t have time to burn it as energy, so it stores it as fat. If you eat before bed, on the other hand, your body burns that energy immediately because it needs fuel to keep working while you sleep. That’s why many nutritionists recommend that people who want to lose weight should stop eating three hours before bedtime and also avoid snacking before they go to sleep. The key word there is eat; if you want a snack after dinner, try drinking some water or herbal tea rather than scarfing down an entire bag of chips.

Keep a Healthy Diet

Exercise is vital for losing belly fat, but so is diet. Reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet and opt for whole grains, lean proteins and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. By keeping your blood sugar stable throughout the day—and following a balanced diet—you’ll keep your appetite under control, which will make it easier to resist cravings later on. This can also help reduce belly-bloating hormones like insulin that lead to extra fat storage around your waistline.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise will help you sleep more soundly, and, therefore, lead to a better night’s rest. But not all exercise is created equal. If you want your workouts to leave you feeling energized when it’s time for bed, try something like Pilates or yoga. These two disciplines are great for strengthening your core—including ab muscles that flatten your belly—and improving flexibility and balance.


By adding a few healthy habits and an exercise routine, you can burn belly fat while you sleep. Although it might seem like a tough task, there are plenty of tips and strategies available for anyone looking to trim down their waistline. If you’re having trouble losing belly fat with your current routine, consider adopting some or all of these steps to jump-start your weight loss. Before long, you’ll wake up with a flatter stomach and a smaller waistline than ever before!

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