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How to increase immunity to fight Covid 19?

How to increase immunity power

By Shivay TalksPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How to increase immunity power

As we all know that coronavirus is spreading so fast nowadays, in such a situation it is important that you keep yourself safe from it and take precautions. Along with the necessary precautions, it is also necessary to have good immunity to avoid coronavirus.

Do you know from where our body gets the power to fight diseases? So today we will tell you here how our body fights against diseases and infections and who gives it strength. The answer to this is immunity, which is also called immunity. It is immunity that fights against all kinds of infections, cleans the dust in the lungs, and kills cancer cells.

If your immunity is right then you will be able to fight against coronavirus as well as other diseases and serious diseases. Let us know what and how many types of immunity are there. Know how immunity can be increased and for what reasons the immunity of our body can be reduced.

What is Immunity?

Immunity is called immunity or immunity in Hindi. Immunity was first described by Russian scientist II Mennikov and French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Initially, immunity was considered only as of the immunity of the organism against infection or infectious diseases but later it was discovered that it gives the power to our body to fight against all kinds of diseases as well as to fight against diseases. It also changes the cells of the body. For example, if your immunity is good, then you can also fight against a deadly disease like cancer.

Types of immunity:

There are two types of immunity - innate and additive immunity.

Innate immunity: It protects a person against diseases but it is not long-lasting.

Additive immunity: It provides protection against diseases and long-term protection against specific pathogens.

“All animals, plants, and fungi have innate immunity. Whereas Vertebrates have additive immunity.

By Mariana Medvedeva on Unsplash

Due to low immunity

Have you ever wondered why some people get sick more than others? The answer is that their body probably does not have the capacity to fight germs and viruses, which means that your immunity or immunity is very low or their immune system is weak. There can be many reasons for its decrease which are given below-

Stress: Almost all of us must have felt stress at some point in our lives. Tension is characterized by headache, chest pain, feeling restless and overall tension. All these factors together force our immune system to work harder so that our body can fight diseases. But sometimes our immune system does not know how to fight them which causes low immunity.

Not exercising: It is not always necessary that our immune system is always fit for our body and according to our lifestyle, a study suggests that regular exercise helps neutrophils to function, neutrophils are those cells. They work to kill unwanted and sometimes dangerous microorganisms. These microorganisms can negatively affect health. Not exercising in this way can cause low immunity.

Not getting enough sleep: Did you know that even when you are sleeping, your blood cells that fight infections are still working to keep infections away from your body. Therefore, less sleep and fatigue can also be the reason for low immunity.

Improper nutrition: It is estimated that poor diet and lack of exercise together are responsible for the murders of between 310,000 and 580,000 Americans each year. That's why it is important to eat a balanced diet that contains all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants, and essential elements present. On the other hand, fatty junk foods should be avoided because they contain polyunsaturated fats that prevent the immune system from working.

Ways to increase immunity

To increase immunity, you can do the following diets and measures which are as follows-

Exercise regularly: Regular exercise increases our immunity by increasing our blood circulation.

Consume foods rich in vitamin D: Consuming vitamin D can be beneficial to health, especially as our body fights against respiratory infections, including colds and flu.

Avoid taking over-the-counter drugs. Excessive drug intake can interfere with your immune system and can seriously affect the function of your liver, kidney, and respiratory system. Although medicines and antibiotics help the body to heal from diseases, it does not help in improving the immunity of the body.

Drink green tea instead of coffee: Although coffee contains some anti-oxidants, it inhibits the absorption of calcium in our body, so drink green tea instead of coffee, it increases your metabolism and helps in increasing immunity.

By Jared Rice on Unsplash

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Smoking, tobacco, and alcohol use can interfere with the functioning of your immune system. Due to this, your body can be infected with many diseases, so give up all of them and make your immune system strong.

Avoid toxic foods capacity is reduced.

Maintain hygiene: Most infections are spread by touching contaminated surfaces and then applying them to your mouth, eyes, nose. The possibility of getting this infection can be overcome by adopting some good habits, such as – taking care of cleanliness around, washing hands thoroughly before and after eating food, do not eat contaminated food, cut nails. Do it etc.

Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep forces the immune system to be compromised so you should get enough sleep every day.

Laugh openly: Laughing openly not only increases your immunity but also improves your mental health, so whenever you get a chance, laugh openly with your friends, relatives.

Consume Immune Boosting Foods: Consume immunity-boosting foods like watermelon, wheatgrass, yogurt, spinach, sweet potato, broccoli, garlic, ginger, pomegranate juice, etc. To improve your overall immunity.

Watermelon contains Glutathione, an antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system. Wheat germ can also be consumed to increase immunity. It is a great source of antioxidants, B vitamins, and zinc. Wheat germ also contains a great combination of protein, fiber, and some healthy fats.

Our body needs a lot of immunity, only then it can fight against various types of diseases and infections, so it is important to take care of your body, take a healthy diet and take care of your immune system and immunity.


About the Creator

Shivay Talks

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of Political and motivational movies and play cricket and chess. There are some articles on Health, some on traveling and some on politics with languages and dance as well.

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