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How to focus on your life

A story of zen master

By Ankita BeePublished 8 days ago 3 min read

Once, a student monk approached his master with a heavy heart. He expressed his desire to leave the temple, as he found the environment to be overwhelmingly toxic. The student monk complained about the excessive politics, the pervasive negative gossip, and the overall lack of focus among the other monks. He pleaded with the master to allow him to move to a more peaceful and quiet monastery instead, where he could pursue his spiritual goals without such distractions.

The master listened attentively to the student’s grievances. After a moment of contemplation, the master agreed to grant the student's request, but with one condition. The master handed the student a spoonful of water and instructed him to carry it around the monastery without spilling a single drop. Eager to complete this task and move to the tranquil monastery he envisioned, the student carefully accepted the spoon and set off on his mission.

As the student walked around the monastery, his entire focus was on the spoon and the precious water it held. He moved cautiously, mindful of each step, ensuring that not a single drop of water would spill. Hours passed as the student navigated through the various sections of the monastery, his concentration unwavering. Finally, he returned to the master, triumphant, having successfully completed the task without spilling a drop.

The master then posed a simple question to the student: "During your task, did you hear any of the monks talking about politics, gossiping, or speaking negatively?" The student paused and realized that he had been so absorbed in ensuring the water did not spill that he had not noticed any of those distractions. He replied that he had been entirely focused on the task at hand and did not have time to pay attention to any of the negative chatter.

The master smiled and explained the lesson behind the exercise. He told the student that the key to navigating a world filled with distractions and negativity lies in maintaining unwavering focus on one's own goals and purpose. He pointed out that regardless of where the student chose to go, he would inevitably encounter negative people and situations. The master emphasized that if the student remained steadfast in his focus, those distractions would become nothing more than background noise, unable to sway him from his path.

He went on to advise the student not to be fearful of his environment but to listen to himself and concentrate on his own journey. The master reminded the student that even among those who seemed negative, there could be positive qualities yet to be discovered. He emphasized that the essence of inner peace and contentment is to focus on one's own life and self, rather than being swayed by the behaviors and words of others.

The master then shared a profound statement: "If you are happy in one place, you will be happy everywhere, but if you are unhappy in one place, there is no place in the world that can make you truly happy." He explained that true happiness and peace come from within and are not dependent on external circumstances. The key is to cultivate the ability to stay focused and centered amidst any environment.

The student monk reflected deeply on the master’s words. He realized that the path to spiritual growth and inner peace was not about escaping to a quieter place, but about cultivating the ability to stay focused and centered amidst any environment. The lesson the master imparted was about resilience and the power of internal focus.

With newfound understanding, the student decided to stay at the temple. He began to practice the art of maintaining focus on his own spiritual journey, letting the distractions around him fade into the background. Over time, he found that his sense of inner peace grew stronger, and the negativity that once seemed overwhelming became insignificant. He discovered that true tranquility was not a matter of external conditions, but a state of mind he could cultivate within himself.

The student monk’s experience became a testament to the power of inner focus and the ability to find peace regardless of external circumstances. The master’s lesson remained with him, guiding him through the challenges of life and helping him to maintain a sense of purpose and tranquility.


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    ABWritten by Ankita Bee

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