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How To Feel Better Quickly

Your "Back to Basics" Checklist

By Kayleigh Fraser ✨Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 8 min read

I worry that we have collectively become too accepting of feeling lethargic, bored or unmotivated. These states may indeed be typical within our modern era but they are far from 'normal'. The following is a mental list that I run through once I become aware my energy has fallen into any of these states of being, or is simply not as vibrant as it ought to be. I find these 10 questions to be the best shortcuts back to good feeling.

When we consistently self care and meet our basic needs; living in joy, love and feeling motivated are simply natural side effects. From there we are well placed to share and give to others, raising them up to meet our level of energy. Too many of us are endlessly giving from our empty metaphorical cup and this always results in frustration, resentment and burn out - which is detrimental to us (and everyone who loves us - we cannot hurt ourselves without hurting others).

So, when my candle feels like it is burning low, I think to myself "Back to Basics" and run through these questions one by one. Sometimes I go through the entire list. Sometimes only one thing need to be corrected in order for my energy to rise (think in terms of a lead weight being removed from a helium balloon - you are merely problem solving to find and cut the lead weight attached to your energy).

The Back to Basics Checklist


This has to be your first question. Breath is the fastest route to changing your enegry. Learning & practicing basic pranayama techniques can profoundly change your physiology and mental state - and in a matter of mere seconds. Slowing the breath, slows the body. In slowing the body, you slow the mind. In slowing the mind, you calm the emotions. Being at peace is the foundation on which to build lasting positive emotions.


There is an overwhelming amount of academic journal evidence which shows us how vital hydration is to the brain and body. Dehydration causes severe cognitive impairment, impacting the body rapidy. When we are dehydrated we fall into survival mode. This is where our heart rate and blood pressure increases, our immune system suppresses and all of our blood is sent to our muscles (to name but a few physiological changes). This is stress to the body. If we stay long enough in stress - it is like running our car with the gas and brake pedals on at the same time. Eventually the engine will burn out. That engine is indeed your body.


Often we think we are hungry, when in fact we are energy depleted. Having a short nap, or an early night can do absolute wonders for our mental and physical health.

Many studies discuss just 20 minutes of meditation has the ability to negate between 3-6 hours of lost sleep - making it even more important to take that time to step away from business, work & other people's chaos to quiet your mind for 20 minutes! Give yourself permission. If you feel selfish doing so, understand that in helping yourself, you are actually helping everyone that you come into contact with. The more at ease and relaxed you are, the more you put others at ease. The days of glamourising stress and burnout are long over.


What have you been eating recently? Lots of processed, carb rich, factory foods? Meat & dairy products? Breads? Or healthy, fresh, vibrant leaves, fruits, nuts, seeds & vegetables? What we eat literally becomes our body, so we ought to care very much about what that food is and what kind of fuel it is providing for us. If you know your diet has been poor recently - no problem. This is not the time for energy zapping regret, shame or guilt. It's just time to pick up a healthy snack or to cook a nutritious meal. Something that will more than repay your investment of time and energy!

Perhaps I should add in here - this is perhaps time to question any poisons (such as alcohol or daily medications) you have been ingesting also. Are they benefitting you or is there another way to achieve the desired result healthily?

[Please see my other article on the 3 Golden Rules of Eating]


Could I be comfier? Could I be in softer clothing? Is my waistband digging in? Would I feel better with socks off? Am I too hot? Too cold? Is the room I am sitting in tidy? Does my environment feel chaotic or relaxed? Is it too light? Dark? Have I been sitting too long in one position? Could I relax more? Questions questions!

Basically anything that makes you feel comfier is a win here. No matter how seemingly insignificant that may be. Try it! Check in with your body, scan head to toe and adjust what you need to adjust before moving on.


Often we think we need to lie or sit down when we feel tired, but sometimes we are weary from a lack of movement. Sometimes a brisk 10 minute walk or cycle can do us the world of good. When was the last time you went swimming? Or played at the local kids park? (I promise you are never too old for a slide and monkey bars!).

If you want amazing at home, free practices via YouTube - try Qi Gong with Lee Holden or Yoga with Adrienne - both offer amazing videos that require little motivation or input of energy for a big boost. Other ideas? Try just stretching or get the tunes on and dance for 10 minutes.


I guarantee one of these three is needed right now. Have a playlist specifically for feel good songs that you love singing along to.

Music can also include searching new genres on youtube - try something new and see how it makes you feel. I recently discovered some music called "Bliss - Seven Lives". It's out of this world and puts me immediately into a more relaxed, but energised state of being. I absolutely love it. Maybe try hang drum music? Or simply piano tunes. How about Ludovico Einaudi. Or maybe you need something fun like an upbeat, nostalgic 80s playlist.

Music is one of our most powerful tools to take us from one state of being and into another. Administer as required.


This question is not designed to have you reaching for the phone to peruse social media (studies show this results in us actually feeling more disconnected), or even for our best friend hoping they can cheer us up (how very selfish of us!).

What this means is for us to check in with how connected to ourselves we feel. Sometimes we can go through such periods of distraction & busyness that we dissociate somewhat and begin to live on a kind of autopilot mode.

Becoming aware of how present and connected you feel is often the only remedy you actually need. Awareness brings presence.

This is also a time to question whether we need to get outside and into nature. Tend your garden (if you are blessed enough to have one) or your houseplants. Don’t have any? Walk to the shop and get a peppermint plant - it will give you the best fresh mint & honey tea you’ve ever tasted (and is immensely satisfying to serve to guests when you grew it yourself!). They also are incredibly easy to keep alive!

Take a walk in the park, the forrest, mountains or beach (geographical location depending). Spend time looking at the sky or the grass. Watch birds fly about. Entice some closer with a birdbath (literally a large bowl with fresh water).

Whatever it is that you choose, take note of how you feel after. Next time you come around to this question, you will recall which activity restored you most quickly and with the least amount of effort ❤️

Just like in Who Wants to be a Millionaire - reserve phoning a friend for when you really need them. Or, ideally, only phone when you have love to share instead of wanting to take from them! The quicker you can get yourself back on track - the more more you have to share with the people you love.


This could be about lighting a candle, incense, or smelling aromatherapy oils. It could involve gently, sensually touching our own skin. It could involve adjusting the lighting in the room to being more pleasant. Make a cup of hot chocolate or your favourite herbal tea and inhale the scents before slowly sipping on it.

Whatever it is that makes you feel good - go for it. If you aren't sure - time to experiment!


Appreciation is one of the highest frequency emotional states we have, being the closest to love. We cannot be in a state of appreciation and of lower emotional states (eg. depression, anxiety, fear, jealousy, comparison) simultaneously. It is one or the other. Which makes most sense to choose? The one that flushes good feeling, healing chemicals through our brain and body? Or the opposite?

Something as simple as writing a list of what we appreciate about ourselves, the people in our life and the life that we have can change your emotional state very quickly. Speaking it out loud is even more powerful. Try to create a habit of practicing this throughout your day. Perhaps this could be the first thing you do upon waking and the last thing you do before sleep? Struggling? That's okay, it can seem strange at first before you get into the swing of things. Try starting off with the words "I Love..." and list the things in sight around you.

Our grannies didn't have the academia backing them up when the told us to count our blessings, but we now do! No excuses. Let's focus on what we have to be grateful for rather than what we lack. After all, the laws that govern this quantum reality state that what we give energy to, grows. Thoughts are energy. Words are energy. Let's choose to grow what we actually want more of!

Below is a link to my newborn YouTube Channel where I hope to share much of my health & wellbeing wisdom.

If you enjoy my content, please keep me in cups of tea via my Tip Jar and I will keep creating! At the moment every little truly does helps 🙏🏻 Thank you for being here.

Much Love



About the Creator

Kayleigh Fraser ✨

philosopher, alchemist, writer & poet with a spirit of fire & passion for all things health & love related 💫

“When life gives you lemons,

Know you are asking for them.

If you want oranges, focus on oranges”


INSTAGRAM - kayzfraser

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