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How to Balance Your Chakras

The transformative journey in improving our lives is never-ending, balancing our chakras will help ensure a constant growth to our infinite being.

By George GottPublished 8 years ago 6 min read

According to the different traditions and practices there are thousands of chakras, the energetic vortices that receive, assimilate and radiate life energies. The widely known are the seven major chakras which govern and influence our organs, nerves, hormones, endocrine glands and other bodily systems. They affect the emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual states of our existence.

The first, root chakra is located at the base of the spine. Its element is earth. It is our survival center where ancestral memories are stored. The second, sacral chakra is located a few inches below the navel. It is the center of creativity, emotions, sexuality. Its element is water. The third or solar plexus chakra is the place for our ego, will, self-esteem, power. Its element is fire. The fourth, heart chakra is located at the chest center, over the sternum. Love and compassion are characteristics of this chakra. Its element is air. The fifth or throat chakra is located in the throat. It is associated with expression and communication. Its element is sound. The sixth, or third eye chakra is placed in the center of the forehead. Its characteristics are imagination, intuition and true understanding. Its element is light. The seventh or crown chakra is located at the top of the head. This is a place of our inner knowledge, connection to pure consciousness, wholeness and other realms. Its element is thought.

Many practitioners state the following sequence of colors for these seven chakras: red, orange, yellow, green or pink, light blue, indigo, violet or white. On the other hand, there are others who claim that the widespread order of colors of our chakras can be quite different in various individuals. Also, they note that these swirling energies are consisted of various colors, not the single one.

Harmonizing the Omnipotent Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is like a bridge between lower and upper chakras, lower and higher levels of consciousness. It is an universal healer for all chakras and without its balance the portals to higher consciousness levels will be closed. We can put one or both palms on the central part of the chest where the heart chakra is located. Then, we focus our awareness on our heart beats, energy and the whole chest area. With every next conscious and deep breath we take in we become more aware of the power of our heart. In that way, ‘the gate’ is slowly opening to true listening to the stories coming from our heart. In other words, we are listening with our heart and balancing all other chakras and energy systems, too.

The next steps are healing and raising the vibration of it by doing the ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and responsibility for our own and others’ actions called Ho’oponopono. Here, the four phrases are used that are hard to be said or heard so frequently in everyday life. While we are still holding our palm(s) on the heart area and focusing our attention on the heart chakra, we can, for example, choose to let go of grudges by saying to ourselves:

I realize that I am responsible for ( actions, feelings, thoughts, the current situation I’m in). I’m sorry for holding onto grudges.

Then, with all our heart and soul we ask for forgiveness by saying these words:

Please forgive me. The countless repetitions of the phrase itself will be useless if we undoubtedly mean it.

After that, by perceiving the new vibrations of the whole chest area, we express the deepest gratitude towards some supernatural force, our own being or whatever we may think of. When we say thank you, we lift up the vibrations of our whole being as well. The next powerful phrase is I love you. We can say it to ourselves, somebody else, the situation we’re in and so on. As we are genuinely saying this phrase, all the sounds of our utterances vibrate on an entirely new level. Love raises the vibrations of the heart chakra. It has been the best known healer since the ancient times.

How to Balance Your Chakras With the Healing Hands

The process of clearing is done by putting hand(s) a few inches above the chosen chakra’s center and doing the counterclockwise motion for at least three minutes. Then, when we finish the clearing we should shake off our hands. Also, we can clear the chakras in this way by starting from the root chakra up to the crown chakra. If at some point, we are clearing ourselves or we are helping someone else and that person feels uncomfortable because of the changes in his/her energy, then we should perform the opposite circling motion. Above a man’s crown chakra we should circle in the opposite direction, too.

The process of chakras’ balancing is done by clockwise motions. On the other hand, we should develop our intuitive way of balancing the chakras and understanding the subtle changes in their energies. While we are testing, clearing or reharmonizing them any technique or theory can’t replace our unique and instantaneous insights into these spinning energies.

Connecting Your Chakras

When we consider the topic balancing your chakras, the echoing impact of one chakra on another is enormous. For example, if the root chakra is blocked or imbalanced, the life energy can’t go upwards and a person can dominantly dwell in the survival mode. He/she can’t trust other people and fear would rule over his/her life.The following things can help in grounding and balancing the root chakra:

‌• By walking barefoot in the natural environment we are reconnecting with the Earth and the whole life on it. We will enhance our overall physical health as well.

‌• When we sit under the tree in Padmasana, lotus pose or some other flexible and suitable position for meditating on the root chakra. Firstly, we bring our awareness to crown chakra. Then, we imagine how the magnificent light goes through the crown chakra, down to all other chakras until it goes through the root chakra where it continues its way down through the earth.

‌• We can also chant the mantra LAM and be aware of how the power of sounds harmonizes and changes the vibrations in our body. At that moment, we feel how we are more connected to the Mother Earth.

After that, we imagine and feel how the new energy and light are coming from the earth through the root chakra and all other ones up to the crown chakra and beyond. Then, we can say this affirmation to ourselves:

I am safe, secure and grounded. We feel how the energy flows freely through our body and how we open the path for connecting all the chakras.

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About the Creator

George Gott

Writer & Social Media Editor for Jerrickmedia who is an avid reader of sci-fi and a fierce defender of women, minority, and LGBTQ rights.

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