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How Self-Awareness Changed My Life

How it can change yours too

By Andriika Jordan ClarkPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash

Life is hard. Is life actually hard? Yes, it is. It sucks right now. Or is this just how I feel? Ugh. Why do I feel like this? Where are these thoughts coming from? These were the thoughts I had in my mind. Honestly, I am usually an upbeat, happy, and friendly person. Even the happiest people feel sad or go through a ray of different emotions too. It’s what makes us vulnerable, alive, and frankly human. With everything going on in the world right now it is okay to question things- even your life. As a matter of fact, I encourage it. Sit with yourself and see what your mind, heart, and soul are trying to tell you.

Our thoughts and emotions come from our perspectives or beliefs. What you believe is true will manifest as such. If you are believing something negative it will become a thought which will manifest as a feeling which then turns into energy and attraction. In order to combat this we must change ourselves. This goes beyond just changing habits and making goals for this year. We must change ourselves.

For so long, I have just been going and going. Like a hamster on a wheel. Until something happened that knocked me off of that wheel. Then I started to become aware of what that thing was. This was me for the majority of my life. After that, something just clicked. I began questioning my own self and found many revelations. Do you want to change your life? Do you want to make more money? Lose weight? Spend more time with your family? Stop dreaming and doing. Rather, start questioning. Starting becoming aware.

"The unexamined life is not worth living." -Socrates

Everything starts with self-awareness. I began to have these increasing large thoughts of doomsday in my mind and wondered how to make them stop. So, I began to get real quiet not just in my surroundings but in my soul. I started working on my breath and going inside to that peaceful place that I have always felt was there. Self-Awareness has brought to my attention many things that I didn’t notice before. Once you start being self-aware everything in your life will begin to change. In time, I have learned that the key to being your best self is balance. Self-Awareness shows you that. Inside that balance is a small thing called peace. You will never be who you truly are unless you find peace in what and who you are right now. Acceptance is just one of the steps on your path to self-awareness.

YES. Acceptance. Accepting what happened and what is. Once you have done this you can move on to change what can be. You have the power to change your perspective. You have the power to change your life. No one can do this for you. One of the signs that you have become self aware is peace.

Therefore, peace is the process of being still no matter what is happening around you. Peace is being unmoved by outward circumstances, voices, media, feelings, or interactions. Regardless of what other people think, say, or do I choose peace. It is not your responsibility to bring peace to everyone. It is your responsibility to be peaceful for you. In doing so, you give everyone else the opportunity to accept what you are giving or deny it. After that, the situation or circumstance no longer involves you. This will forever change your perception of people and situations.

Peace is one of the symptoms of not just enlightenment but self-awareness. To get there accept where you are, find balance, and let go of the things that are true to you. Let go off all of the expectations, beliefs, and ideas that are not yours. To do this, you must be still. We must quiet our minds and let our souls do the talking. Then and only then will we find peace.

Humans are complex, funny, strange, and amazing beings. Half of the population is logical and the other half is emotional. The truth of our nature lies in having a balance between being logical and emotional. The truth is finding peace first inside and allowing it to come outside. The Master of anything knows this. Peace is important. Balance is key, and self-awareness is everything.

mental health

About the Creator

Andriika Jordan Clark

Bibliophile. Lover of dogs, pizza, and long walks. Multipotentalite. Believer in Justice, Unity, and Love.

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