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How I Grew My Hair Back After a Big Chop

Craig Smith

By Health FirstPublished 9 months ago 6 min read

I have always loved my natural hair, but it was not easy to take care of it. I used to spend hours detangling, moisturizing, and styling it every week. I tried different products, techniques, and routines, but nothing seemed to work for me. My hair was dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. I was losing more hair than I was growing.

I decided to do a big chop, which means cutting off all the damaged and unhealthy hair and starting fresh. I thought this would be a good way to reset my hair and give it a chance to grow back stronger and healthier. I was nervous about how I would look with short hair, but I was also excited about the new possibilities.

One of the hairstyles that caught my eye was cornrows. Cornrows are a type of braiding that involves plaiting the hair close to the scalp in rows or patterns. They are very popular among people with natural hair, as they can protect the hair from damage and promote growth. I decided to give them a try and see how they would work for me.

I went to a salon that specialized in natural hair and asked for cornrows. The stylist was very friendly and helpful. She explained to me how cornrows can help my hair grow by reducing the manipulation and styling of my hair, which can cause breakage and damage. She also said that cornrows can protect my hair from environmental factors, such as sun, wind, dust, and pollution, which can dry out and weaken my hair. She added that cornrows can stimulate blood circulation in my scalp, which can boost the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to my hair follicles, enhancing the growth phase of my hair cycle.

She showed me some pictures of different cornrow designs and asked me to choose one. I picked a simple straight row pattern that looked neat and elegant. She then proceeded to wash, condition, and moisturize my hair with natural products. She used a comb to part my hair into sections and secured each section with a clip. She then took one section of hair and divided it into three strands. She started braiding from the front of the section towards the back, adding more hair from the sides as she went along. She kept the braid tight and close to the scalp, but not too tight that it hurt or pulled on my scalp. She continued braiding until she reached the end of the section and secured it with a band. She repeated this process for the rest of the sections until she finished all the cornrows. She then applied some oil to my scalp and hair to keep them hydrated and healthy.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was amazed by how different I looked. My cornrows were sleek and shiny, framing my face beautifully. I felt like a new person. I thanked the stylist for her amazing work and paid her generously. She gave me some tips on how to take care of my cornrows and told me to come back in four to six weeks for a touch-up.

I walked out of the salon feeling confident and happy. I got many compliments on my new hairstyle from my friends, family, and strangers. I loved how easy it was to maintain my cornrows. I only had to wash them once a week with a mild shampoo and conditioner, and moisturize them daily with oil or lotion. I didn’t have to worry about tangles, knots, or split ends anymore.

However, after a few weeks, I noticed that my hair growth was not as fast as I expected. My cornrows were still intact, but they were not showing much progress in length or thickness. I wondered if there was something else I could do to boost my hair growth.

I did some research online and came across an article about red light therapy for hair loss at home. Red light therapy is a type of treatment that uses low-level red or near-infrared light to stimulate cellular activity and blood flow in the scalp. This can help increase the production of ATP (energy) in the hair follicles, which can promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

The article claimed that red light therapy has been proven by multiple studies to be effective for various types of hair loss, such as male or female pattern baldness, alopecia areata (patchy hair loss), telogen effluvium (temporary hair loss due to stress or illness), and chemotherapy-induced alopecia. It also said that red light therapy can improve the quality, thickness, and density of the hair.

I was intrigued by this idea and decided to give it a try. I ordered a red light therapy cap online from a reputable website that had many positive reviews from customers who had used it for their hair loss issues. The cap was a device that fit over my head and emitted red or near-infrared light to my scalp. It came with instructions on how to use it safely and effectively.

I started using the cap every day for 15 minutes after washing my cornrows. I put it on my head and turned it on. The light was warm and soothing, but not hot or uncomfortable. I felt a slight tingling sensation in my scalp, which I assumed was a sign of increased blood flow. I relaxed and listened to some music while the cap did its magic.

After a few weeks of using the cap, I noticed a significant difference in my hair growth. My cornrows were longer and thicker, and I could see new hairs sprouting from my scalp. My hair felt softer, smoother, and more resilient. I was amazed by the results and couldn’t believe how fast and easy it was to grow my hair back.

I continued using the cap and the cornrows for another month until I decided to take them out and see my natural hair. I went back to the salon and asked the stylist to remove my cornrows carefully. She was impressed by how much my hair had grown and complimented me on my healthy and beautiful hair. She washed, conditioned, and trimmed my hair, and styled it in a cute afro. I looked at myself in the mirror and was stunned by how gorgeous I looked. My hair was long, thick, and curly, just the way I wanted it.

I thanked the stylist again and gave her a big hug. She told me to keep using the red light therapy cap to maintain my hair growth and health. She also suggested that I try different natural hairstyles, such as twists, buns, or braids, to keep my hair protected and stylish.

I left the salon feeling ecstatic and proud of myself. I had achieved my hair goals with cornrows and best infrared light therapy devices. I had grown my hair back after a big chop, and it was better than ever. I felt more confident and happy with myself.

I hope you enjoyed reading my story and learned something from it. If you are struggling with your natural hair growth, I encourage you to try cornrows and red light therapy at home. They are easy, safe, and effective ways to boost your hair growth and health. You will be amazed by the results and how they will change your life.

Please share this article with your friends and family who may benefit from it. Also, feel free to leave a comment below and let me know what you think about cornrows and red light therapy for natural hair growth. I would love to hear from you!

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Health First

Let's get healthy! And things will change someday.

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