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How Do You Make a Dandelion Tea Quickly?

Have you tried it?

By James HeavystormPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How Do You Make a Dandelion Tea Quickly?
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Dandelion is extremely widespread on Romanian lands and is found almost everywhere, even on the side of the street, in some areas. It is not only a flower with a nice appearance, but it is a key ingredient, for thousands of years, in treating and combating many diseases.

Also, although you have probably never considered this aspect, it can be used in the kitchen, in the composition of some dishes. However, the most well-known form in which it is consumed is tea made from the flower and its root.

Dandelion tea - this is a one hundred percent natural product and, consumed regularly, has very important benefits both internally and externally for the body. In addition, it is prepared extremely quickly and you can grow or harvest dandelion flowers from anywhere, and in just a few minutes, you can personally prepare a healthy dandelion tea at home.

Dandelion tea - a pleasant aroma

If you opt for the dandelion flower in the preparation of tea and you do not want to buy dandelion tea from stores, ready-packaged, you need to follow a few simple steps to properly prepare this wonderful liqueur. Also, you need to know exactly what parts of the flower are used in making the tea, depending on the purpose for which you want to consume it. Here are our recommendations:

If you want to use dandelion tea for therapeutic purposes, as an alternative to classic medication, with pills, then it is good to know that you can use both the flower itself and its root.

The leaves have a more diuretic effect, and the root is used as a treatment for liver disease, especially the infusion is prepared as follows: in 150–200 ml of hot water, add a maximum of 10 g of dried dandelion leaves, mix and leave to infuse in the kettle or any other container, about 10 minutes.

For the infusion to be done correctly, cover the vessel complete with a lid. After the indicated time, dandelion tea can be consumed and for optimal and fast results, it is recommended to drink 2–3 cups of tea daily;

Also, if some of you prefer to consume dandelion decoction, you should know that it is prepared only from dandelion root.

Here are how: a few grams of root (about 4–5 g), boil in a kettle or other smaller bowl for 7–10 minutes. After boiling, the mixture thus obtained is consumed 2–3 times a day.

It is very simple to prepare dandelion tea and in a maximum of 10 minutes, you can enjoy all the benefits it has, both on health and physical appearance, in the latter case being extremely good in treating skin conditions. Next, we reveal exactly how good it is and why you should start consuming it, as a natural alternative to classic treatments with different pills.

The health benefits of dandelion tea

Dandelion tea, whether you know it or not, has been used for thousands of years to treat certain ailments, because the flower from which it is made - dandelion, contains vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and other substances necessary to maintain good health. Therefore, consume dandelion tea if you face one or more of the following problems:

  • Dandelion tea acts effectively as a detoxifier, which means that it eliminates harmful toxins, accumulated in the liver and keeps it clean and healthy. Also, if you have kidney problems, try dandelion tea treatment, because it successfully improves kidney function;
  • If you are overweight, then you can try dandelion tea, because some substances found in it, have effects against obesity, as demonstrated by numerous studies over time. So, if you want to lose weight, but the treatments with pills or in other forms are expensive and you are not even a fan of these ways to lose weight, consume without problems, dandelion tea. Due to its diuretic effect, it also eliminates water accumulated in excess by the body and reduces the feeling of bloating. At the same time, it stops the accumulation of certain fats harmful to the body;
  • Dandelion tea can prevent the appearance of chronic diseases because it helps to successfully eliminate free radicals from the body, this being possible due to phenolic compounds and flavonoids, substances present in this type of tea, in fairly large quantities;
  • Due to iron, magnesium, zinc, and calcium in dandelion tea, the latter can strengthen bone health and can prevent the early onset of osteoporosis, an extremely serious disease that occurs more and more often, even in young people. You can prevent it from occurring and you can have stronger bones if you drink dandelion tea regularly. It is a simple, fast, cheap, and efficient way to give your bones the power they need;
  • Dandelion tea contains a lot of iron, as I mentioned before. Only this, individually, has many benefits on the body, because it improves blood circulation and properly oxygenates many vital internal organs. So, if you know that you have problems with circulation, stop drinking dandelion tea and you will certainly not regret it;
  • Even though at the moment, research is quite limited, it has been proven that, to some extent, dandelion tea is also good for people with diabetes. It can regulate and control blood sugar levels, which is vital for diabetics;
  • If you often face digestive problems, dandelion tea can help you with this problem as well. Certain compounds in this liquid act as stimulants for digestion, also having diuretic and laxative effects. This contributes to the acceleration of digestion, to its functioning in normal parameters, as well as to the relief of the symptoms of bloating, diarrhea, cramps, or hemorrhoids.

The benefits of consuming dandelion tea are numerous and extremely important and you should not deprive your body of the amazing effects of this liquid. It is one of the cheapest and healthiest ways to treat the above conditions and more. Dandelion tea is also used externally, having extraordinary effects on the skin. In the following lines, we reveal for what aesthetic problems you can use it.


About the Creator

James Heavystorm

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