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High blood sugar can not eat peanuts?

People with high blood sugar, these 4 kinds of "vegetarian" or to eat less

By Diane DoraPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

High blood sugar is the threshold for the risk of diabetes, and if not properly controlled, it can easily develop into diabetes. Once you have diabetes, it is a problem, which means a lifelong companion.

Therefore, high blood sugar must be taken seriously, and the causes of high blood sugar are mainly related to dietary habits. If the diet is not controlled, it will easily lead to abnormal fluctuations in blood sugar.

But many hyperglycemic patients are confused about what to eat and what not to eat, so it is easy to eat the wrong food. Patients with hyperglycemia should insist on five low diets, i.e. low carb, low fat, low oil, low salt, and low sugar.


About high blood sugar

Factors that increase blood sugar

1. Irregular diet

Improper diet is an important cause of high blood sugar, such as when the usual diet is too much, it can lead to an increase in free glucose in the blood, which will lead to an increase in blood sugar.

And if the diet is not enough, i.e., when hungry, it can promote the isogenesis of sugar, which will also cause an increase in blood sugar. In addition, an unbalanced diet, and a large number of high-fat food, can also increase the incidence of high blood sugar.

2. Excessive body obesity

In clinical practice, excessive body obesity is one of the causes of hyperglycemia. If people consume some food with high sugar content for a long time, it will lead to body obesity, and then lead to the gradual increase of blood sugar levels in the body.

3. Stress

For example, when there is a stressful condition such as burns, the secretion of insulin will be suppressed to a certain extent, while the secretion of other hormones will rise, and the situation of blood sugar will rise at this time. When the stressful condition is eliminated, blood sugar will return to its normal state.

4. Lack of sleep

According to the research of authoritative diabetes treatment institutions, there is another cause of high blood sugar, which is high blood sugar caused by lack of sleep.

If a diabetic patient sleeps poorly for several days in a row or does not get enough sleep, it is easy to cause high blood sugar or unstable blood sugar. Therefore, the quality of sleep and the cause of high blood sugar are inseparable.

The danger of elevated blood sugar]

1. Decrease immune system

Patients with high blood sugar can not make full use of glucose, most of the unused glucose will be excreted quickly with the urine.

To keep the body's energy in a sufficient state, it will get energy from protein and fat. This lowers the immune system, mainly manifesting itself in wasting and general weakness.

2. Causes Diabetes

Long-term hyperglycemia is harmful, and many people suffer from diabetes related to long-term hyperglycemia and unreasonable control. The rise in blood sugar value will lead to a decrease in pancreatic islet function and insufficient insulin secretion, etc.

Many important organs in the body will also function abnormally after the rise of blood glucose value, and keep the blood glucose value stable with the correct method. You can keep away from diabetes by responding to the rise in blood sugar levels immediately.

3. Harmful to the nervous system

Elevated blood sugar also leads to the accumulation of sugar alcohols in the nerve cells of the patient, and the circulatory system becomes impaired, which leads to the nerve cells not receiving sufficient blood and oxygen supply.

This can lead to malnutrition and disorders of nerve cells, and can also lead to peripheral neuritis, plant nerve disorders, and other neurological diseases.


What health benefits can peanuts bring?

1. Protect the heart

Peanuts are rich in niacin and protein, and also contain a lot of dietary fiber and vitamin B1. Eating a small handful of peanuts every day can protect cardiovascular health, prevent atherosclerosis and reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease.

2. Improve memory

Peanuts contain resveratrol, a strong antioxidant that protects the brain against inflammation associated with Alzheimer's disease. Peanuts also contain large amounts of lecithin and ceruloplasmin, which maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system and slow down the rate of brain decline.

3. Delay aging beauty and skincare

Women who love beauty can eat more peanuts because peanuts have the effect of delaying the aging of beauty. And peanuts contain catechins, with the effect of slowing down the aging of antioxidants.

And the lysine in peanuts can promote cell regeneration, peanut soup, is both delicious and nutritious, but also have a good effect on the skin.

4. Increase satiety

If you eat peanuts can increase our sense of satiety, and peanuts are a high-satiety food. Eat some peanuts in the morning, peanuts can reduce the food we eat throughout the day.


High blood sugar can not eat peanuts?

Patients with high blood sugar can eat peanuts appropriately, but it depends on the situation. For patients whose blood sugar control has reached the standard, you can eat peanuts appropriately, for patients whose blood sugar control has not reached the standard should eat less or no peanuts.

In addition, in the market often appear fried peanut rice, containing fat will be higher than ordinary peanut rice. The ability to raise blood sugar after eating is more significant than ordinary peanut rice, diabetic patients need to try to avoid eating fried peanut rice.

However, you can eat fresh peanut rice, after eating peanut rice also need to pay attention to monitoring blood sugar. To understand the impact of peanuts on their blood sugar, to avoid excessive fluctuations in blood sugar.


Doctor: people with high blood sugar, these 4 kinds of "vegetarian food" or eat less

1. pumpkin

Pumpkin as a coarse food has been controversial, some people think it can lower blood sugar and can eat more. And some people think it is a sugar food, to stay away. Which side is right, anyway?

Because pumpkin contains pumpkin polysaccharide, some people believe that eating pumpkin can lower blood sugar, but experiments have proven that pumpkin polysaccharide does not lower blood sugar. On the contrary, the glycemic index of pumpkins is 75, which is not recommended for people with high blood sugar.

2. lotus root

When it comes to lotus root, many people like to eat it. Lotus root contains a lot of powdered sugar, especially the seven-hole lotus root, which not only contains a lot of starch but also has especially little water. For diabetics, if in use, choose to make soup to eat.

Because lotus root contains a lot of starch, and carbohydrates, diabetics may eat too much of it in blood sugar, which is not good for health.

Lotus root

3. diamond horn

The rhizome generally appears in the autumn and winter season, its taste is good, and many older people are very fond of it, but we do not feel it is sweet when eating.

But it is not known that it contains a very high nutritional content, the starch, and glucose content inside the rhizome are relatively rich. Generally, eating more is easy to let the body's blood sugar raise, and thus affects their health.

4. pickled vegetables, pickles

Pickles, pickles can be considered "vegan", although the material itself is mostly vegetables, in the process of pickling will be placed a large amount of salt and additives are.

Not only is there a serious loss of its nutrients, but eating too much will also increase the body's sodium content. The serious damage to blood vessels, but also not conducive to the control of blood sugar.


About the Creator

Diane Dora

man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink.

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