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Healthy Food for Weight loss

...tips on how to shed extra fat fast

By Queen IsraelPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Healthy Food for Weight loss
Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” -William Londen

Thinking of smarter way to lose weight, this article gives you huge lists of healthy food for weight loss. These foods will help you shed extra fat and achieve that fit body shape you desire.

There is a correlation between what you eat and your overall well being. You are simply what you eat. When it comes to shedding extra fat, your diet, exercise and mindset play vital roles.

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” Edward Stanley

1. Walnut

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Regular Walnut consumption has been associated with better weight management and less adiposity. A study documented in Nutrition Journal, 100 overweight and obese men and women were split into two groups. One group was placed on a reduced energy density diet while the other group was placed on a walnut enriched reduced energy diet for 3-6 moths. It was observed that walnut group witnessed weight loss. This finding provides further evidence that a walnut-enriched reduced energy diet can promote weight loss.

Also, another study in the Journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism found out, Walnuts in particularly satisfy your appetite by making you feel fuller for longer.

2. Popcorn

By Pylz Works on Unsplash

Popcorn is a complete whole grain containing high fiber content, low in calories and has a low energy density.

University of Scranton performed a study that revealed that popcorn contains large amount of polyphenols. Polyphenols are known to contain many health benefits such as improved digestion, better blood circulation. Popcorn can be a healthy snack to enable you lose weight.

3. Citrus Fruits

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Citrus fruits are the most-consumption fruits in terms of energy, nutrients and health supplements. Citrus fruits include oranges, mandarins, limes, lemons, grapefruits, and citrons. Citrus are consumed mainly as fresh or raw materials for juices or are canned as segments. Citrus fruits are good sources of nutrients with ample amount of Vitamin C. They also contain other macronutrients including dietary fiber, potassium, folate, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, Phosphorus , magnesium, copper, riboflavin and pantothenic acid.

They contain biochemical compounds such as flavenoids, alkaloids, coumarins, limonoids, carotenoids, phenol acids, and essential oils. These compounds play some vital health functions including anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, as well as cardiovascular protective effect.

A research documented in Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, where mice were divided into 3 groups and the first group was fed a low fat diet, the second group a high fat diet and the third group fed with a high fat diet supplemented with lemon polyphenol. The result revealed that the group fed with lemon polyphenol supplement had low body weight, thus the lemon polyphenol suppress body weight gain and body fat accumulation.

Also, according to the study done by American Society in 2016 Citrus can prevent obesity related diseases, heart diseases, diabetics, and liver diseases. One way of getting citrus in your diet is by adding them to your water.

4. Berries

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Scientists from Harvard University found in 2016 that daily take of blue berries and strawberries can help people to lose weight in the long term. It is said that the reason for this is that berries have high amounts of flavenoids which have been linked to weight loss.

5. Whole Grains

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Whole grains are rich in fiber, contains low calorie content.

Stuffs University study proved that people who eat 3 or more daily servings of whole grains such as Oat meal lost weight. Whole grains are higher in fiber which keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

6. Avocados

By Louis Hansel on Unsplash

A study published in a Journal Internal Medicine Review found out that Avocadoes can help people lose weight. The reason for the weight loss is that Avocados are rich in many nutrients that helps with higher fiber and healthy fat, vitamin E and C, folate, magnesium, copper and potassium.

7. Cayenne Pepper

By Elle Hughes on Unsplash

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition performed a study that found daily consumption of one of the compounds found in pepper aids abdominal fat loss. It does this by boasting body’s abilities to convert food into energy.

8. Salmon

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2015 study from Kyoto University found that Salmon helps your body transform fatty white cells in the fat burning base cells. Salmon help build muscles. It contains the right type of fats such as omega 3, which help your body burn more fats.

9. Cinnamon

By Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Researchers at the University of Michigan have found that Cinnamon activates thermogenesis (a metabolic bodily process that helps burn calories and produce heat).

10. Apples and Pears

By Robson Melo on Unsplash

Research which was posted on the UN National Library of Medicine 2013 states the result of the study by the state University of Rio De Janeiro on the correlation between apple, pear and weight loss. Women who eat apples and pears and Oatmeal cookies 3 times a day, after 12 weeks the group that had a fruit supplements lost more weight and had a greater decrease in blood glucose than the group that ate the Oatmeal cookies.

11. Chicken

By JK Sloan on Unsplash

According to 2013 Medical Journal Obesity, boosting dietary protein decrease total body fat and abdominal fat. This helps increase lean body mass and body energy expenditure thereby aiding weight loss.

12. Spinach

By Louis Hansel on Unsplash

A study done by the Journal Hormones states that eating three cups of Spinach a week can speed up weight loss by 10 percent.

Author of the study, Petya Kamenova, M.D states that Spinach has a lot of Lipoic acid, which is a compound that helps block sugar from getting into blood cells. This causes the sugar to be used for energy instead of being stored as fat.

13. Whey Protein

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

A study posted to the US National Library of Medicine found out that whey protein supplements increase fat loss and help develop lean muscle. Subjects that took Whey protein lost 6.1% of their body fat mass.

14. Eggs

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Report from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization (2018) stated that eating more protein for breakfast can help fat loss. It is recommended to have 25grams of protein in your breakfast to speed up metabolism and inhibit craving. One of the ways of getting protein into your breakfast is done by eating eggs.

15. Milk

By Eiliv-Sonas Aceron on Unsplash

Study by McMaster University (2007) states that drinking milk is one of the ways to burn fat. The study had 2 groups of people. One group drank regular milk and the other drank soy milk. Milk drinking group came out on top with muscle gain of about 40% more muscle mass than the soy milk drinkers. This showed that it is important to gain muscle because it is our muscles that help us to burn fat.

16. Beans

By Tijana Drndarski on Unsplash

A study published in Journal Archives of Internal Medicine found out that eating more beans improve blood sugar control, blood sugar diseases such as diabetes. Beans contains plant based protein that will keep you fuller for longer

17. Sweet Potatoes

By Louis Hansel on Unsplash

According to a review published by Biomedical and Environment Sciences in 2015, sweet potatoes are rich in resisting starch which helps to reduce risk of obesity.

18. Mustard

By Pedro Durigan on Unsplash

Scientists from Oxford Brookes University claimed that mustard increase your calorie burn by 21%. Mustard also contains zero calories.

Final Thought:

The above 18 list of healthy food for weight loss can help make your weight loss journey a smooth experience. If you have discipline, drive and determination, nothing will be impossible for you.

“Weight loss is not impossible. Weight loss is hard, but hard is not the same as impossible.” –Author Unknown

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About the Creator

Queen Israel

I write on healthy living, skincare, hair care and also on grant proposal.

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