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Health management

Life is short. What is health? How to be healthy?

By Mary HobbsPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

The study found that more than 70 percent of deaths could be attributed to factors that could be controlled, such as weight, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, blood pressure and mental state. 80 percent of heart disease and diabetes, 70 percent of strokes and 50 percent of cancers could be avoided with effective health management. At the same time, the reduction of "modifiable health hazard factors", such as: obesity index, bad habits and other harm to the human body, can greatly improve the level of personal health, personal unhealthy factors can be controlled and reduced.

The Report of the World Health Organization points out: one third of human diseases can be avoided through preventive health care; One third of human diseases can be effectively controlled through early detection; One third of human diseases, through effective communication of information can improve the treatment effect; "Genetic factors account for 15 percent, social factors account for 10 percent, climatic conditions account for 7 percent, 60 percent are determined by oneself, and medical conditions account for only 8 percent." For example, diets high in energy and fat and low in physical activity are closely associated with overweight, obesity, diabetes and dyslipidemia. A high-salt diet is strongly associated with the risk of hypertension; Alcohol consumption is associated with a higher risk of hypertension and dyslipidemia.

Those who ate the most fat and were the least physically active had the greatest chance of developing any of these chronic diseases.

1. Climate social factors: 17%. Including pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and physical, chemical, social, economic, cultural education, employment and other factors.

2. Behavioral lifestyle: 60%. Including nutrition, customs and habits, hobbies (smoking, alcoholism), transportation (such as car accidents), physical exercise, mental state and so on.

3. Health services: 8 per cent. Social medical and health facilities and systems and their utilization.

4. Biological genetic factors: 15%. Physical characteristics, physiological characteristics, metabolic types, behavioral instincts, etc. inherited from parents.

A health management plan can help reduce your risk of developing the disease by 50%

Experience in health management has shown that through effective proactive prevention and intervention, health management service participants are 50 per cent more likely to take prescribed medication regularly and 60 per cent more likely to be prescribed more effective drugs and treatments, resulting in a 50 per cent reduction in overall risk for health management service participants. Health management is the whole process of comprehensive detection, analysis, evaluation, prediction and maintenance of health risk factors of healthy people, sub-healthy people and disease people. Its purpose is to mobilize individual and collective initiative and use limited resources effectively to achieve maximum health improvement results. As a service, it is based on the assessment of individual health status and provides individuals with targeted health guidance to enable them to take actions to improve their health. It covers both lifestyle management and disease management. According to the health management theory, a person's life dynamic fluctuates in three states of "health", "sub-health" and "disease", and a group can also be divided into three groups of "health", "sub-health" and "disease" according to the health state.

Health management service is to maintain and restore the health status of these three different health states and corresponding population by means of health education, health intervention and health promotion.

How to manage health?

Risk factors that cause disease in human life can be divided into "modifiable risk factors" and "unmodifiable risk factors".

Non-modifiable risk factors include age, sex, and family history.

Modifiable risk factors include: obesity index, waist circumference, blood pressure, blood sugar, living habits, bad hobbies, exercise level, etc.

Health management is to effectively improve personal behavior and lifestyle, such as reasonable diet, increasing exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol, to control and reduce the harm of personal "modifiable risk factors", and delay the harm of unmodifiable risk factors to people as much as possible. This is the most basic scientific basis for health management.

Step 1: Health survey: collect health information. The most common method is a physical examination. Collect personal health and lifestyle-related information, identify health problems, and provide basic data for evaluation and intervention management;

Step 2: health assessment: evaluation of health hazard factors. To predict the health status and development trend of individuals, so as to achieve the role of health warning, and to provide a basis for intervention management and intervention effect evaluation;

Step 3: health intervention: formulate measures to intervene in management. Personalized health guidance for different risk factors through the development of individual health improvement action plans is the core of the health management process. Factors affecting the effectiveness of health management The scientificity of health plans. In the formulation of health plans for customers, in addition to providing correct medical guidance for sick customers, it is more important to formulate nutrition, exercise, psychology, environment and lifestyle improvement plans for customers.

The key to the formulation of the plan is to combine it with the daily life of the customer, and step by step on the basis of the customer can execute and persevere. The scientific nature of the health plan itself is crucial, so it is recommended to invite professional health managers to assist in the formulation.

Start time of health management

In countries where health management is universal, the earlier people start health management, the better the results. In Japan, health management begins at birth, and children are taught the right way of life when they enter kindergarten. It is no exaggeration to say that they have been doing health management all their lives. Life expectancy in Japan is now 83, the highest in the world. Therefore, health management to take early, the earlier the management is easier.

My compliance

The executor of the health management plan is undoubtedly the managed himself. As it involves reasonable diet, moderate exercise, improvement of living habits and other aspects in daily life, it is necessary for the manager to follow the health management plan to implement it seriously. In the implementation process can borrow some monitoring tools, such as fat measuring instrument, exercise energy consumption monitoring instrument and other self-monitoring implementation means, with the guidance of health management division, in the strengthening period to develop correct living habits.

Support from others

Studies show that in the process of health management, if there is support from family and friends, the compliance of the managed will be greatly improved and their confidence in improving bad habits will be enhanced. For example, due to family genetic factors and similar living habits, families often have the same disease. If we can improve the health management concept of family members and form a good group atmosphere at the same time, it will achieve twice the result. On the contrary, if there is no support and encouragement from family members, it will increase the difficulty and require greater willpower from managers.


About the Creator

Mary Hobbs

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