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Health, fitness and nutrition

Stop shaming and criticizing others for doing things you are not willing to do

By SilviaPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Let's just start with the fact that for a lot of people, weight is a personal choice. I've seen a lot of criticism recently towards people who take health and fitness seriously. Namely towards people who train numerous hours per week and watch what and how much they eat, all in order to feel and look a certain way. A way that makes them happy, a way that they wish to look like. They make daily choices that take them closer to their goals and they don't compromise on their priorities. They don't make up excuses...they find ways how to accomplish their goals because it's important for them. Yet, a lot of people are criticizing them for promoting this certain lifestyle because it 'shames fat people' or is 'fat-phobic' or some other bullshit excuse why fitness people are bad and toxic. Well, I've had enough of these whiny lazy people who try drag others down just because they don't have the willpower or discipline to put in the hard work necessary to lose weight and improve one's body. And I'm not saying that everyone should be into fitness and health or that everyone should lose weight and eat less or anything like that. But then those people should not criticize those who do wish to eat and look a certain way.

And funnily enough, it's often the lazy, unmotivated and negative goddamn people who find a way to blame others and take no responsibility for their actions (or lack thereof). No one wants to accept that there are no shortcuts and it's about one's daily decisions that makes the difference. It's easier to shame or criticize people who do wake up early, work out many hours a week and do take the time to meal prep or cook healthy meals instead of ordering in or going out for pizza. It's easier to say that 'oh, but I don't have the time or energy' or 'I don't have the motivation or willpower'. It's easier to blame everyone and everything else rather than take personal responsibility. And I am getting real tired of seeing and hearing this. No one wants to accept the facts and hard truths because everyone is all about "feelings" nowadays. Everyone just wants to protect their feelings and stay in the comfort zone because no one wants to experience being uncomfortable. And guess what? Hard work is uncomfortable.

One of the harsh truths is that most of us are over eating daily which leads to weight gain over time. People don't know much about calories and nutrition, and thus have no accurate knowledge about what they consume day in and day out (quantity, calories etc). Sugary, refined, fried foods are readily available everywhere you go. We live in a world where unhealthy choices are just convenient and that's what people go for. Most people underestimate the calories they consume because people don't know much about nutrition. and most people also overestimate the calories they burn when walking or working out. They then overcompensate for the short 30- minute walk they took down the block or the 100 jumping jacks they did. And don't even get me started on the fact that people are extremely sedentary- barely getting even 5k steps in per day. But of course, let's blame everyone and everything else for our fat bodies and weight gain.

This needs to stop. People need to start taking personal responsibility for their way of being, since there are always choices...you can always make a better choice and get started on improving your health and everything else. One you stop blaming everyone and everything else for the way you are (or where you are, the way you look etc), you can actually start working on yourself. No one is gonna do it for you. It's on you. And I know that we are not dealt fair or equal cards, but how we play our hand is on us. We can either blame everything and everyone and stay as we are, or we can own up to our bullshit and do something about it.

And I am not saying that it goes for everyone. I know and acknowledge that there are people out there that have medical and/or health conditions that affect their bodies in various ways and that they have little to no control over certain aspects such as weight. And I know that emotional eating and unhealthy food relations are a big part of weight struggles and these need deeper help and guidance to solve. I am not targeting those individuals, but for most people, weight is a personal choice. I know this truth hurts. I know it sucks to hear that, but that's just how it is. It's our daily choices that add up over time that cause the weight gain and general obesity. Lack of exercise and poor nutrition choices (due to myths, wrong information and/or lack of knowledge) is what the problem is for many of us. And it's within you to do something about it. Stop shaming and criticizing others for doing things you are not willing to do just because 'you don't feel like it' or some other bullshit excuse. Stop making yourself into a victim and start doing something that will help you towards your goals.


About the Creator


I tend to have quite "unpopular" opinions and this is the place I have decided to write about them. All stories will be based on my personal values and life experiences. I hope to find like-minded people here.

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