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Foods to avoid for a Flat stomach

Burn Belly fat immediately

By Oluwatosin OgunniyiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

There is no official list of “foods to avoid for a flat stomach,” which is bad news. However, the good news is that some food categories do encourage the storage of belly fat. If you avoid, or at least limit, these foods, you can lose weight and get closer to getting that flat stomach.

The other piece of good news is that you probably won’t be surprised by most of the foods to avoid to lose belly fat. They are foods that are high in refined sugar and carbohydrates, such as ice cream, chocolate, white bread, and pasta. Consuming excessive amounts of these carbohydrates alters how your body uses insulin and may interfere with other hormones, which can result in weight gain, particularly around the midsection.

Issues With Belly Fat

Many people strive for a flat stomach purely for aesthetic reasons, but losing weight has advantages that go far beyond how you look. Pear and apple are the two main body types. If you have a pear-shaped body, you probably tend to put on weight in your thighs and hips. If you have an apple body type, your stomach is where your weight tends to gather.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, where you gain weight is affected by hormones, diet, and genetics in addition to the environment. It’s a good idea to start looking into ways to start losing weight if you frequently gain weight in your midsection. Your risk of developing health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, insulin resistance, and elevated cholesterol levels increases if you have excess belly fat. Additionally, belly fat communicates with your body to release cytokines, which are linked to systemic chronic inflammation.

But don’t worry; there are many things you can do about it, some of which are fairly simple. It helps to alter your diet in addition to making sure you exercise frequently (at least 30 minutes each day). If you want to lose belly fat, avoid foods that are high in certain sugars, refined carbohydrates, and trans fats.

Excessive fructose

Fructose is the food to steer clear of if you want to lose belly fat, despite the fact that it isn’t technically a food. While occasionally consuming a whole fruit is not a big deal, excessive consumption of fructose in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, a highly processed form of sugar, can cause serious health problems. Fructose, however, differs from ordinary sugar in the form of sucrose or glucose in the way that it stimulates your body’s hormones and proteins.

Instead of entering the bloodstream and causing the cells in your pancreas to release insulin, fructose, when consumed, goes straight to your liver. It also causes the release of cortisol when it reaches your liver, which raises your risk of storing belly fat.

Fructose, unlike other sugars, doesn’t cause a rise in leptin levels or a fall in ghrelin levels, two hormones that regulate hunger and cause you to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. All of these elements working together may result in weight gain, especially around the midsection.

According to a study that was published in the risk of obesity but also specifically increases the risk of developing belly fat, according to a study that was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in October 2015. Contrarily, limiting fructose—in particular high-fructose corn syrup—can aid in weight loss. Ten foods high in fructose should be avoided for a flat stomach, including:




Frozen foods

Canned fruit

Breakfast cereal

Condiments and dressings

Coffee creamer

Ice cream

Sports drinks

The Refined Carbohydrates Class

You should steer clear of all carbohydrates, not just fructose. A class of carbohydrates known as refined carbohydrates has undergone processing to eliminate fiber and many of their beneficial nutrients. These kinds of carbohydrates pass through your digestive system quickly, causing your blood sugar and insulin levels to rise quickly and significantly. Following the initial rise in glucose and insulin, there is a crash that leaves you feeling famished, exhausted, and cranky.

But the issue with refined carbohydrates is not just that. A high-refined-carbohydrate diet raises the risk of metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by extra belly fat among other things and was published in Missouri Medicine in October 2016. Complex carbohydrates and high-quality proteins can be substituted for refined carbohydrates to help you lose belly fat and trim your waist. The following ten refined carbohydrate-rich foods should be avoided for a flat stomach:

White bread

White pasta

White rice


Potato chips

Instant oatmeal

French fries

Cakes, cookies, and desserts

Candy and chocolate

Ice cream

Dangerous Trans Fats

It’s challenging to discuss belly fat reduction without addressing trans fats, but there is some good news in this regard. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration decided to eliminate all partially hydrogenated oils from manufactured and processed foods by January 2021 after learning about the risks of trans fat. Trans fats won’t be a problem in the long run as a result, but they are still important to note.

At the height of the trans fat debate, an older study that was published in Nature Reviews In an article published in April 2009, eating trans fats not only makes you fatter around the middle, but also encourages chronic inflammation and raises your risk of developing metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. While saturated fats received a lot of attention, according to another study published in Obesity in September 2012, trans fats actually increased visceral fat, or the dangerous belly fat, to a greater extent. Foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils should be avoided if you want to make sure you’re not consuming trans fats. The top 10 sources of foods to avoid for a flat stomach appear to be:


Frozen breakfast sandwiches

Microwave popcorn



Frozen pizza

Fried foods

Processed crackers


Commercially prepared cakes, cookies, and pies

weight loss

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    OOWritten by Oluwatosin Ogunniyi

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