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Follow 5 simple Yoga tricks and improve your eyesight

How to improve eyesight by yoga

By Specs CartPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Worried about your worsening eyesight?

There are a number of reasons for our eyesight to deteriorate and very few that could remedy our ailing eyes. Your cheap glasses are an aid that facilitates viewing, not improve your eye vision for better.

You might have already tried eating healthy food, tried to improve your lifestyle (which never work out at least for me) and you still do not get satisfactory eye test results.

What else have you not tried? Yoga. Does it work?

Maybe. Maybe not. There aren’t any definitive researches that prove that yoga can improve our bodies or cure any diseases.

But what’s the harm in trying? Yoga is cost-effective and taking out a little time out of our busy schedule for health is the least we can do.

Free some time from your mornings and try this set of simple exercises. All you need to do is sit down on a mat with a straight back and legs straight in front of your body and work out these few simple sets.

Set 1- Viewing sideways

  1. Lift your arms up
  2. Close both your fists with your thumbs out
  3. Look straight at your eye level
  4. Fix a point, look straight at it and inhale
  5. Now shift your vision to your left thumb and exhale
  6. Take a breath in again at the left side
  7. Then change to the center and exhale
  8. Inhale again
  9. Change your vision to the right thumb and exhale
  10. Inhale at your right side and shift your vision to the center and exhale
  11. Repeat this at least 10 times
  12. Close your eyes and rest

Set 2- Viewing front and sideways

Similar yoga steps. You need to sit in a similar position and breathe in a similar pattern, that is, inhale in one position and exhale after shifting the position.

  1. Close your left fist and put it on your left knee with your thumb pointed upwards
  2. Look straight at your eye level
  3. Keep your head fixed in this position
  4. Inhale and shift your gaze to your left thumb
  5. Exhale and look straight again
  6. Repeat this exercise 10 times
  7. Now repeat the same steps with your right thumb

Set 3- Rotational Viewing

  1. Place your left hand on left knee
  2. Lift your right arm
  3. Keep your right elbow straight and close your right fists with your thumb upwards
  4. Keep your head still
  5. Inhale and rotate your right thumb five times in a clockwise direction
  6. Fix your vision on your right thumb
  7. Now keeping your vision fixed, exhale slowly and rotate your thumb in an anti-clockwise direction
  8. Repeat the same steps with your left thumb
  9. Now close your eyes and rest

Set 4- Viewing up and down

  1. Place both your hands on your knees with thumb upwards
  2. Place your fists on your knees
  3. Inhale and slowly lift your right arms to the maximum extent with thumbs raised upwards
  4. Follow the motion with your eyes keeping your head still
  5. Exhale while lowering your arms
  6. Repeat at least five times
  7. Repeat the same steps with your left arm
  8. Close your eyes and rest

That’s one too many to follow. No worries there are simpler ones too.

You can follow these tricks whenever you get time or whenever your eyes feel strained and fatigued. Prescription glasses online also come with blue light protection that can ease your eye fatigue and prevent your eyesight from deteriorating further.

You can try prescription glasses online or try these few simple yoga tricks-

  1. Palming - In this exercise, you need to straighten your back and sit straight. Next rub both your palms vigorously till they are warm enough. Now close your eyes and place your warm palms on your eyes. The transferred heat will soothe your eyes and relieve your eyes from eye pain and strain. Repeating this process a few more times will reduce your eye fatigue.
  2. Blinking - Like the name, you need to blink your eyes ten times quickly. Next, close your eyes for 20 seconds and focus on your breathing. Repeat this exercise at least ten times. This yoga trick will be helpful when your eyes hurt after working in front of a desktop screen for long hours.
  3. Gazing at your nose tip - In this, you need to straighten your right hand with your thumb upwards. Focusing your gaze on the tip of your thumb, bring it closer to your nose slowly. Inhale while closing your thumb in. Slowly exhale while moving your thumb far away.

Yoga is a preventive measure and not a solution. If you have vision problems, try to wear glasses all the time. Not wearing glasses will not only make your vision poor but also strain your eyes. For instance, if you are nearsighted, you will have to strain your eyes to see far. If you are not wearing glasses you will strain your eyes and tire them out. This can further increase the numbers for your eyesight. There are online glasses that will not constrain your wallet. With modern style and shades, your look won’t be tarnished.


About the Creator

Specs Cart

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