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Fitness basics

Diet and Training

By Elite Fitness StudioPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Welcome back,

So far we have barely scratched the surface of how we can alter our mindsets to achieve out desired targets. Primarily through habit manipulation, we can begin to piece together the path we need to take.

In this post, I will explain the basic principles that you will eventually have to accept as the new normal in order to progress in your health and fitness journey.

The first, and definitely one of the most important is diet. We all know that we need to eat well in order to BE well, but what does that mean? To be honest, it means different things for each person. To buy a meal plan that is not specifically tailored to your personal body type, activity level, hormones, weight, height, allergies... the list goes on, can actually be quite detrimental to your progress and even your overall health. My point is that there are too many variables to take into account to just be handed a cookie cutter program, and expect it to be sustainable and effective in the long term. So make sure if you seek assistance with this, the person who is programming for you takes the time to sit with you and discuss how best to accommodate your needs. The basics of diet are easy to research, but can be difficult to understand, how many carbs should I have each day? What about training days vs non-training days? Good fats vs bad fats? The best place to start is with websites designed by accredited health professionals, (Doctors, Dietitians, Nutritionists, etc). There will always be conflicting information, that's what makes it confusing, and this is where a personal health professional can help to cut through the noise and specify what is best for you, personally.

If I had to suggest basic daily diet recommendations, generally I always advocate for flexibility and variety. Lots of grains, fruits, dairy, vegetables, lean meats, and yes, even the occasional junk foods. Personally, I have found that it can be detrimental to your health to restrict too heavily the foods that you crave. Eat some chocolate, have a milkshake, eat what you like to eat, just do it in moderation. Respect yourself by considering the foods that you are enjoying, and how often you are enjoying them.

Our second aspect, training. Buying training programs online opens you up to a world of new workouts and exercises that you may not have thought of, but keep in mind the same cookie cutter process is often used to save time and earn more money for online personal trainers. If the training programs aren't specifically tailored to you as a person, with all variables considered, the program isn't personally for YOU. Without saying anything too rash, I personally disagree with the approach of MOST online personal training. It is in the name, PERSONAL training, it is meant to be very personal. As a PT, you are supposed to get to know your clients personally, so you can successfully understand WHY they train, HOW they live, WHAT is important to them, and WHO they are. I'm not saying all online personal training is ineffective, but remember to take into account how much of a service they are offering you, especially if you are paying them to do it. Seek professionals who are invested in your results as much as you are. Trust me, you will know them when you meet them.

My suggestions for training are as follows;

For beginners (0-2 years training), a frequency of 2-4 times per week of exercise. This can be walking outside, cardio at the gym and light to moderate weight training for a duration of 30-60 minutes per session. The key is movement. Make movement a definite part of your day. If you sit all day for work, take the stairs, go for a walk every now and then, just MOVE.

For intermediate and advanced people (2+ years), now that movement is and should be a part of your day, training frequency should be closer to 4-6 times per week, for 45-90 minutes duration per session. By now, you already know what to do, and how to do it, so just keep at it. The weights sessions are more intense now, the cardio is more sustained for longer, you're fitter, and if you stay on this path, the only way to go is up.

You have all the tools you need at your disposal, you may just need a nudge to get started. Consider this your nudge. Ask questions, read and research, and set some goals. You've got this.

Until next time, D.


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