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Fire and Water

Where Intuition meets Intent

By Sarah St.ErthPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Directly Indirect

Being born on a cusp has always been a subject that was presented to me, from the time I was little. The indecisive piscean dreaminess meets the cardinal force of the Arian determination in a puff of steam that sometimes fuels great things. Big Dreams actualized and big adventures taken. Other times the sensitivities of the piscean attributes reign in my more spontaneous tendencies.

I have definitely been infused with the energy of the dreamer, and often have dreams so vivid and inspiring I could write an entire book about each one. I align very much with the gifts of Pisces.

However, I am also very aligned with the force of the immutable determination of Aries. I do not quit when a difficult task arises, and I accesss the ingenuity and flexibility of my gentler piscean traits.

Mine is called the cusp of rebirth, fitting as the spring equinox is also on my birthday. Sharing a birthday with the earth, what an honour, what a gift.

It is also a massive challenge to anchor all the forces of rebirth through my body. I am often supremely energized and massively creative approaching my birthday.

Of course I have other signs that influence my astrological reality. In fact when you start to explore the meaning of each zodiac apparent in your chart, the specifity can be mind blowing. The dualities of my main sun sign in the Aries piscean cusp have created in me an extroverted hermit.

I have opinions and ideas, and your going hear them if you enter my realms but I won’t come looking for you.

My Aries side loves to follow all the dreamy paths that Pisces imagines, and has allowed for me to have the courage to explore where other may have feared to tread.

Like at the edges of galaxies, or deep in the North living off grid and carrying my water and chopping my wood.

Not to mention my ability to heal and release the past, and trauma that may have otherwise paralyzed me. I have entered bravely into love, time and again despite failures and heartbreak.

The forces within me have made me a sought after initiate, someone the opportunist wants in their realms, and if I want to remain single or solitary I have to HIDE! Or be fierce in my boundaries. There are only the two options. The gentleness of Pisces gives me a sensitivity and compassion that discourages unkindness. The empathic qualities of Pisces do serve to balance the insensitivity of The cardinal forces of Aries.

Often I rely on the indecisiveness of Pisces to chase others away. Or I put on my Aries pants and declare concrete and unmovable ideas that are off putting to almost everyone. Either way, if I want you in my life I will go to great lengths to love and protect you, and if I want you gone, well, eat my dust.

I don’t always know what I want and will tend to fall into a holding pattern if an obvious choice doesn’t present.

Aspects of “be still and know that I am god” ring very true in my process for making a decision. Especially when I am confused or disarmed by someone else’s behaviour.

The spontaneity of road trips and festivals are my favorite way to clear away the static webs of winter and sleep.

I simply love taking care of my family, my pets, and my gardens. Assisting all who surround me to clear away the dead, and that which no longer serves our growth.

I do not tolerate darkness or evil and will expand my light very quickly to banish it. Very effectively.

I don’t always get my way of course, but I am quick to let go, and find another path toward my goals. Or change my goals completely.

In my work I have remained fluid, not committing to a career that will span 50 years, but have reveled in change and diversity. I have been a mother for more of my life than I have not, and I have training and experience in a wide variety of employment sectors that span medicine, alternative healing, community service, business management, and currently creative writing and inventing.

I thrive on learning new things, and resist being tied down to one job, often having three at any given time.

I also take space in the winter, to dream and be still. The only work I do is for my family during the winter.

Like a bear I hibernate, waking only when the birds sing and things turn green again. In this I am unapologetic.

I am consciously connected to the cycles of action and stillness, and have aligned quite successfully with a high level of acceptance of these cycles that gives me an innate confidence.

Some may perceive me as a know it all, sometimes preachy, but again, I won’t come looking for you.

Now approaching my 50’s, I have to say, I still feel 18, my energy exuberance and appearance belie my almost senior status.

I am sure I can thank the cusp of rebirth for this gift of eternal youthfulness.

Yes, I have silver woven through my locks, but I wake each day feeling new and inspired. For which I can thank my beautiful sons and my wonderful Piscean husband whose attributes perfectly compliment the wild and often undisciplined spirit within me.

Thank you vocal for the opportunity to explore what it means to be born on an Equinox, and to all who read this, I hope you enjoyed this dive into what it means to be an Aries born on the Piscean cusp.

Many Thanks

Sarah St.Erth


About the Creator

Sarah St.Erth

BC Born activist, Mother & Grandmother. Raised in Music and counter culture. My Pen name is an ode to my matrelineal lineage. Sign up for Vocal plus here


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    Sarah St.ErthWritten by Sarah St.Erth

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