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Feeling Stressed? 5 Ways to Relax & Calm Your Anxious Mind

Feel happier and less anxious

By Susie KearleyPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
(c) Susie Kearley

Stress-related absence from work is a growing problem with around 17.9 million working days lost to stress in the UK, according to Health and Safety Executive (HSE). In the USA, it’s estimated that more than half the 550 working days lost to sickness are stress-related. So what can you do to reduce your stress and anxiety levels?

Review what you put in your body

In today’s busy world, many people rely on caffeinated drinks and sugary snacks to get them started in the morning. They top up with unhealthy snacks throughout the day. This results in short bursts of energy followed by lethargy, which makes them feel stressed and anxious.

One way to prevent peaks and troughs in your energy levels, is to avoid sugary foods, caffeinated drinks, cigarettes and alcohol. Instead, eat whole foods that provide sustained energy, good nutrition and help alleviate anxiety.

Good choices include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds. These foods will provide energy without causing surges in your blood sugar levels, or peaks in the stress hormone, cortisol.

Don’t skip meals — you need sustained energy

It’s easy to skip meals or have a liquid lunch when work’s busy and family demands are calling on your time. But erratic eating can add to your anxiety levels, so don’t pass on lunch or eat junk food on the go.

Take 20 minutes out and eat something nourishing that will support you through the afternoon. If you’re hungry between meals, snack on fruit and nuts because they provide sustained energy and nutrients that support concentration.

Are you getting enough exercise?

Exercise has been proven to lower stress levels. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America advocates exercise as an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety.

“Regular participation in aerobic exercise (which includes walking) has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem,” they explain.

If you don’t enjoy exercise, the prospect of aerobic exercise might sound pretty awful, but simply going for a walk can do you a lot of good. Find an environment you enjoy — perhaps a brisk walk to the local duck pond?

Enjoy green spaces

One way to boost the benefits of exercise is to visit local parks or countryside, because green spaces are known to lower anxiety. A Danish study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, showed that a natural green environment can have a positive effect on reducing levels of stress and anxiety. They concluded that, “Green spaces may play an important role as health-promoting environments.”

See the humour in difficult situations

Humour can help you manage anxiety. Try to see the funny side of a situation — humour boosts the immune system and suppresses stress hormones, whilst laughter releases endorphins that make you feel good. Comedy movie anyone?


To reduce your anxiety levels and avoid the highs and lows caused by stimulants, focus on a wholefood diet, paying attention to good nutrition for concentration and sustained energy. Have regular meal times, enjoy the outdoors, and make time for relaxation and good humour!

It's easy to allow stress to overwhelm you in the modern world, but if you adopt some of these good habits, it may help you reduce your stress levels and feel happier, calmer, and more able to go about your day feeling relaxed. These approaches can also help you cope with life's many challenges. Good luck!

(c) Copyright. Susie Kearley 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Previously published on Medium.


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