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All Is Within All

By Bobby BushnellPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

“The body is the universe. The organs are the greatest teachers. All the degrees in which one must climb to understand the great mystery of the mind are contained within the spine. Once condemned, the spirit awakens, the soul reveals itself, and the lesson is learned. The light of the story fades out at the 33rd step and we begin again.”

As my eyes closed, I entered into a small light. I woke up inside the body and found myself on vertebrae. As I began to climb the ladder of the spine, a cell whispered to me saying,

“John, before you climb any higher, let's pause the workings of the body for a short period allowing us to exit the spine into a vein that will accelerate us to the top inside the mind.”

As we approached the top, I looked out at the view of the body and saw the cells of the heart, kidneys, intestines, pancreas, liver, and lungs all working together to maintain their family known as the organ.

As we moved closer to the inner part of the mind, I was surrounded by countless neurons. One of the brain cells approached me and said,

“Welcome to the mind John, are you ready to watch the light?”

I was puzzled and asked the brain cell what it meant. The neuron explained that the light was my story. Then, the brain cell asked me about my dreams and ambitions. I explained that I wanted to heal disease in my waking life and show the world that miracles do happen. The brain cell listened and then told me that my dreams and ambitions will be granted to me if I was willing to watch, learn, and trust the light he was about to show me. I said,

“Of course, turn the light on and let's begin.”

As the mind became enlightened, I saw myself back on the spine where I started. As I watched myself climb, other cells drew near to me helping me along my journey. The brain cell explained that the cells are my teachers that will guide me to the coming of my dreams and the life I was predestined to live. However, there are toxins and pathogens that will try to hurt, confuse, and steer me away from my true purpose and meaning in my waking life.

The brain cell then explained to me that I had power over all these invaders as well itself, and the other cells that make up the organs. However, I must not take the cells for granted as they contain all the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of myself and others in my waking life. If I want to unlock this information, I must listen, learn, and take care of them. If I do, they will give me the keys to everything I ever dreamed of.

I asked the neuron how I can serve them. The brain cell then invited other cells to explain as we watched my story from beginning to end through this light.

The liver and intestinal cells explained that I would feel anger and hate during the turning point of my story, which can delay the liver's functioning to detox harmful pathogens from the body. Also, it slows down the digestive process which hinders the intestines ability to absorb important nutrients that give you energy, motivation, and drive. The liver and intestinal cells then asked me if I knew what the opposite of anger and hate was? I explained,

“Of course, the opposite of anger and hate is forgiveness and love.” The liver and intestinal cell then called upon the kidney cell.

The kidney cell explained to me the power of 528 and how deeply I was going to be connected to this number. I then asked the cell what 528 meant? It explained,

“528 is the miracle sound echoed by the self that uplifts every cell of all the organs. It helps bring all the cells back into harmony with one another which allows us to experience gladness, laughter, and peace.”

I then asked the kidney cell what the sound was and it explained that it’s the phrase, “I am.” The kidney cell then said,

“John, whatever words repetitious after 528 is how you speak to all the cells in your waking life. It’s important to echo righteous words after 528 regardless of whatever external circumstances come upon you. At the shadow of death, I want you to echo 528 internally to us so we can guide you out of the blackness of night into your breakthrough of the light.”

I then asked the kidney cell what the shadow of death meant? It called upon the heart cell to explain,

“The shadow of death is where your faith in us is truly tested. Obviously, you won’t be able to see us in your waking life, but faith is believing in us even when you don’t see us. It’s after you experience betrayal, abandonment, and loss that you will be tempted with doubt. Doubt is what allows the toxins to make us hard. We will teach you the lesson to keep myself as well as the other heart cells soft as long as you trust in us. Keep the faith in 528 so that the toxins don’t overtake us. It’s here where you unlock the quality of higher understanding which is needed to guard us from the invaders.”

I nodded my head to the heart cell, and it called on the pancreas cell to elaborate more on what will take place on my journey. The pancreas cell explained that I will develop healing regimens that will cure a variety of diseases. They explained that at this point in my journey, I will feel as if I’ve completed all 33 steps of the spine successfully. However, when success comes, the opposition will always take notice. Here, the attackers will try to steal your success bringing fear to your spirit which in turn damages myself and your other pancreas cells. "Can you guess what the opposite of fear is John?” I knew right away stating,

“Yes, I learned from the heart cells that the opposite of doubt is faith. So, if I have enough faith, fear shall not overtake me. Faith is what raises the spirit bringing oneself comfort and serenity.”

The pancreas cell then called in the cell of the lung which preached to me that meditation, yoga, and breathing are big parts of my story that utilizes their power to heal the mind, body, and spirit. It explained to me that I will find myself at ground zero somewhere in my story where the invaders will try to falsely damage my reputation to steal my healing regimens. The lung cell stated that this incident will deplete me of my finances as I seek an attorney who will betray me and bring me closer to the shadow of death. The lung cell then said,

“John, you will suffer much grief during this part of your journey. It is in this moment where we will come to you and guide you back to the present moment. We will blow away the attackers for you to help you see and think more clearly. Can you explain to me what the opposite of grief is?" I nodded my head saying,

“Yes, the opposite of grief is joy.”

The lung cell smiled and called back the brain cell who carried me out of the spine to the top of the mind.

The brain cell then explained the climax of my story saying,

“John, after you experience hate, anger, fear, betrayal, abandonment, loss, doubt, and grief, then you will attain the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of yourself which is all of us cells and all of us cells are the universe. It is then where your faith in the power of 528 will begin to appear in your waking life. Through all the hardships, battles, and trials, you will still keep your faith in us and for that, we will deliver you to the miracle of 528. Let’s tune in to watch and hear this miracle .”

All the cells of the body were with me as well and we all all turned our eyes and ears to the light revealing the event of 528.

At the shadow of death, I kept repeating…

“I am strong.”

“I am blessed.”

“I am worthy.”

“I am abundant.”

“I am light.”

“I am life.”

“I am love.”

After repeating my “I am,” affirmations in the stillness of silence, I got the nudge to go for a long run on a trail in the forest. As I was running to the forest trail, I kept seeing the number 528 everywhere. I saw it on price signs, license plates, and billboards. When I made it to the trail, I looked at my fitness step tracker and it froze at 528 steps. I found a small bench in the forest and took a small break from running to reflect on the number 528.

As I was meditating in the forest, a red cardinal landed on the tree branch right next to me. I remember my good friend serenity telling me that red cardinals are visitors from heaven coming to comfort and uplift our spirits as well as reminding us of the faith within that overcomes all fear. The cardinal then flew on what looked like a small black notebook. As I walked over to this object, the cardinal flew away. I picked up the notebook, blew the dirt off it, and on the cover, it read "Fate through 528.” On the inside, there was a poem that read,

“We are shaken to become more awakened. Just when we think we’ve completed all 33 steps, our faith is tested by depriving us of all that we’ve manifested only to give it all back, but now with a greater truth that bears more fruit for our perseverance and faith in the miraculous power of 528.”

On the next page were deep insights on the healing power of certain herbs and sounds along with specific breathing techniques that deepens our connection to the universe and mother nature around us, the divine from within, and the eye from above. As I was reading the different techniques and philosophies, the eye of the sun rose from behind me, shining light directly on this black notebook. Then, a note fell out of it that said,

“Congratulations to whoever comes across this black notebook; you are a chosen one! Allow grace to turn the blackness of night into the breakthrough of light.”

I flipped to the end of the notebook and on the inside back cover was a pocket filled with $20,000 in cash and a check for $32,800 totaling $52,800. I hurried back home to put this black notebook and the money in a safe. Then, I received a call at exactly 5:28P.M. from a well known celebrity saying,

“Bobby, I received your letter about your healing services. I’m very interested in setting up a meeting to go more in depth on your practices.”

I received numerous calls after from big named artists, athletes, and entrepreneurs begging to meet me after they heard of the diseases I healed.

As I watched this event with all the cells of the Body, I asked the brain cell a question.

“Why did the celebrity call me Bobby, my name is John.” Before the brain cell could answer my question, there was a hand that reached through the light where we were watching the event of 528. The hand grabbed my head and pulled me into the light. I began to cry because the brain cell wasn’t answering my question. Then, I heard a voice say, Congratulations mam, it’s a boy born at exactly 5:28 A.M. on May, 28 (05/28).


About the Creator

Bobby Bushnell

My name is Bobby Bushnell. I'm the CEO and owner of Inner Eye Fitness LLC. I'm also the author of, "Inner Eye 3-6-9," and the founder of the, "Inner Heroes For Humanity," Foundation.

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