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Fat vs Thin

Things not to say and other information

By Sapphire RavenclawPublished 7 years ago 7 min read
Summer of 2016 after 6 stone weight loss

A person's weight should be irrelevant to anyone other than themselves and their doctor. Unfortunately, it is something in which people, especially women, are judged.


Questioning whether a person likes foods just because that person happens to not want any of what is on offer.

Accusing someone of being fussy because they do not want any of the limited available selection or because a wider variety of products still only includes foods with similar ingredients or because that person does not know what is in them.

I was once invited for a buffet lunch. This was before I joined Slimming World. I told my hosts that I liked most things because I did. They succeeded in offering a buffet full of foods I don't like simply because everything was pastry-based and pastry happens to be one of the few foods I don't like. I am also reluctant to have bacon, sausages, steaks, etc. because, even though I like them, I do not enjoy fried foods.

It's only a little bit. It won't hurt you.

Telling someone who has lost weight (or is still trying or even who is already naturally thin) that it's only a little bit and will not hurt or saying "you're so skinny, you can get away with it" is unhelpful.

For some, it is just ignored. For others who may not be so strong-minded, it could cause a problem. While many may shrug it off, others are inclined to believe it. One little piece of something won't necessarily hurt. Probably. However, one little piece of this here, one little piece of that there, etc. will make a difference.

People who are conscious of their weight are like that for different reasons. Some will be able to control what they eat, know their limits, and not have too much trouble. Others, however, can feel pressured into taking foods they do not really want or need. Others, still, may believe that one little piece of something is fine yet be unable to control or keep track.

2009 versus 2016

Comparison photo: 2009 and 2016

After Weight Loss:

Just because a person has lost weight, does not mean that they can now binge on anything and everything. Weight loss does not happen overnight and weight does not stay off by magic without continued effort.

Losing weight in a sensible, healthy, and controlled way is a good thing. Some people continue to lose weight after reaching their desired goal. This does not, necessarily, mean that they have 'gone too far'.

It can come across as quite offensive to have other people say that they worried about a person who lost weight in a healthy way. Losing weight does not cause a person's IQ to drop nor does it reduce their common sense.

Overweight? You must eat too much and laze around

Before my weight loss began

While I will not argue that this is the case for some people, I can assure you that it is not the case for many.

There are illnesses which contribute to weight fluctuation. There are those who are unable to exercise. There are plenty of people who do, in fact, exercise yet are still overweight. There are those who genuinely believe they have no time or can't afford to eat healthily. However, the biggest culprit for obesity is a lack of knowledge. It could be said that the health food industry (and other parts of the food industry) is to blame with misleading information. There are also overweight people who do not eat much.

So, as a formerly obese person, it would be greatly appreciated if people would not assume being overweight must equate to a person being lazy and over-eating.


Fad diets are bad. There is no 'good' diet. At least not as a long-term solution to weight problems. If you want to lose a few pounds to fit into a wedding dress, for example, or as a kickstart then a 'quick fix' is absolutely fine. Nonetheless, a lifestyle change is much better for long-term, maintainable weight loss.

Yo-yo dieting, jumping on whichever trendy weight-loss bandwagon happens to gain your attention, might work for some but it is more likely to be unhealthy as a long-term plan. Such diets are not usually sustainable and often result in gaining more weight than was lost upon abandoning the diet.

A lifestyle change might seem, to some, overwhelming or impossible. For most, it is neither. Takeaway food can be made at home. Not only is this likely to be healthier, it will also cost less.

Sometimes, simple things can make a difference such as checking for sugar content in foods and choosing a lower sugar option. There are 'diet' foods which are fat-free but contain more sugar than a full-fat version. It is simple things like this which are worth checking.


If a person is overweight there are, of course, health benefits to losing weight. These include better physical and mental well-being, decreased risk of heart disease and other illnesses, improved metabolism, higher energy levels, and a whole host of other health benefits.

Being underweight has its problems, too, so it is a good idea to have an achievable, maintainable goal in mind (whether trying to lose or gain weight) at a healthy range. BMI calculator is a good place to begin but it is important to remember that this is only a guide and may not be suitable for all body types. If you have questions about your weight, it is best to consult a professional.

Losing weight can have its own problems, though. Generally, a person who is overweight will be healthier by slimming down. However, rapid weight-loss is unlikely to be maintained and can have other side effects including headaches, nausea, constipation, and irritability.

Even losing weight at the recommended 1-2 lbs. per week can have its downfalls. One worry for many is the resulting saggy skin. This is often unavoidable but can be reduced by focused exercise, drinking plenty of water, and losing weight more slowly so that the skin has time to adjust.

Weight loss can also trigger early menopause in women due to the lack of fat reserves to store estrogen. Unless weight loss becomes an addiction in itself or a person tries to lose too much weight, there are rarely any severe symptoms caused by weight loss.

My weight-loss journey

I have always had problems with my weight. I have often been told that walking is great exercise. I'm sure it is but walking several miles on a regular basis made no difference.

I thought I ate fairly healthily. I had people assume that I must eat loads of rubbish. Well, I've never liked fast food or fried food. While I do enjoy a bit of chocolate, I've never really had a sweet tooth. I've always loved fruit and vegetables.

A little over three years ago, I joined a Slimming World group. I had tried faddy diets, calorie counting, and exercise. While some things worked up to a point, there was nothing sustainable that worked without making me ill or causing more problems then it solved. So I didn't really expect anything of Slimming World.

How surprised I was, though, to realise that Slimming World is not a diet but a lifestyle change. To know that I could lose weight without starving myself or feeling deprived. To now understand where I had been going wrong - foods I thought were healthy were actually not, 'diet' foods no better (sometimes worse) than ordinary food. Simply being aware of what was in the things I ate made a huge difference. I have won several awards in the past few years not just for weight loss but for, apparently, being an inspiration to other people.

I eat more now than I did when I was heavier. The difference is that I eat better. I do exercise regularly but this was not a focus until after I had lost weight by changing my eating habits.

I have been told that I do not need to go to Slimming World anymore. Well, I disagree. Despite having been at my target weight for over half of my time with Slimming World, the continued support is important. As mentioned in regard to the 'you don't need to lose weight' or 'you can eat that' or 'you're lucky to be so slim' comments, weight does not magically stay off without maintenance.

Read more about my own 'Journey of Self-Improvement' which includes more detail of my weight-loss story.

weight loss

About the Creator

Sapphire Ravenclaw

I am, among other things, a freelance writer and mother. I enjoy writing poetry and articles. Currently, much of my spare time is spent working on a book about Paganism (one of many subjects which interests me).

More of me:


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