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Essential Dental Habits You Never Learned in School

Let's discover Dental habits you never learned in school

By Shen ChaoPublished 9 days ago 3 min read

Let's face it, flossing wasn't exactly the highlight of our school health classes. Between dodging dodgeballs and dissecting frogs, did anyone truly grasp the importance of proper dental hygiene beyond brushing twice a day? Fast forward to adulthood, and maintaining a healthy smile might feel like navigating uncharted territory. Fear not, fellow adulting warriors! This guide dives into essential dental habits you may have missed in school, setting you up for a lifetime of pearly white confidence.

Brushing Beyond the Basics

Brushing twice a day is a good start, but there's more to the story. Here's how to elevate your brushing routine:

The Two-Minute Rule: Imagine your mouth as a battlefield, and those pesky plaque deposits are the enemy forces. To truly win the war, you need a well-planned attack. Ditch the quick scrub and aim for a full two minutes of brushing. Think of it as systematically sweeping away the enemy from every surface of each tooth. Don't forget the backs! They're a prime target for plaque buildup, so give them some extra attention.

Angled Attack: Precision is key in this battle. Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle where the gum meets the tooth. This allows the bristles to effectively clean both the tooth surface and just below the gum line, where plaque loves to hide. Use gentle circular motions to dislodge the enemy without harming your gums. Remember, strong isn't always better! Brushing too hard can damage your delicate gum tissue, so be gentle but thorough.

Don't Forget Your Tongue: Your tongue can harbor a surprising amount of bacteria, which contributes to bad breath and can even dull your taste buds. Don't let your tongue be a traitor in the fight for fresh breath! Gently brush the surface of your tongue to remove bacteria and freshen up your breath. This will not only improve your oral health but also boost your confidence throughout the day.

Electric Revolution: Consider an electric toothbrush. Studies suggest they may be more effective at removing plaque than manual brushes.

Flossing: Your Plaque-Busting BFF

Yes, flossing is still crucial! It reaches those tight spaces between teeth where your brush can't reach, removing plaque and preventing gum disease. Here's how to floss effectively:

Floss Like a Boss: Use about 18 inches of floss, wrapping it around your middle fingers. Gently glide the floss between each tooth, scraping the sides to remove plaque. Don't force it – a sawing motion can irritate your gums.

Flossing Frequency: Aim to floss once a day before bedtime, when bacteria build-up is at its peak.

Floss Options: Traditional string floss, water flossers, or interdental brushes – choose what works best for you!

Beyond Brushing and Flossing

Maintaining a healthy smile goes beyond the daily routine. Here are some bonus habits to keep your teeth happy:

Hydration Hero: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day washes away food particles and keeps your mouth naturally lubricated.

Diet Dilemmas: Limit sugary drinks and snacks, as sugar feeds the bacteria that cause cavities.

Regular Checkups: Regular dental checkups (every 6 months) help prevent cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer through early detection and professional cleanings, even if you brush and floss perfectly.

Don't Smoke: Smoking not only stains teeth but also increases your risk of gum disease and oral cancer.

By incorporating these essential habits, you'll be well on your way to a healthy, confident smile. Remember, adulting doesn't have to be all stress and bills. Taking control of your dental health is a simple yet powerful way to invest in yourself. So grab your brush, floss like a champion, and conquer the world with a radiant smile!

Author Bio:

Shen Chao is part of Dr Joshua Hong’s Smile Clinic. While working for the Smile Clinic, he's gained first-hand experience with the questions and concerns that dental patients have. He has been writing to inform people about various dental topics to help his readers improve their oral health. When he's not working, you can find him on a hiking trail with his dog or having a Sunday cook-out with friends.


About the Creator

Shen Chao

Shen Chao is part of Dr. Joshua Hong’s Smile Clinic. While working for the Smile Clinic, he's gained first-hand experience with the questions and concerns that dental patients have.

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    Shen ChaoWritten by Shen Chao

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