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Dreaming and the Art of Dreams

Dream interpretations ... differently.

By TestPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

What do you think is the point of dreams? I’m talking about the dreams you dream at night when you’re asleep, not the dreams that are your hopes and wishes.

If your first thought is that they are a way of playing out the things your mind is trying to work through, then you’re pretty much right. The stories played out in our heads while we’re snoozing are the way the human mind works through all of the stuff we’re dealing with in our waking life. The problem is, sometimes (most of the time, actually), those dreams aren’t straightforward. They’re jumbled and full of symbolism. And, sometimes they're nightmares.

So, how does one learn from their dreams? You need to find out what they mean. The best way to do that is through dream interpretation. But it's not as easy as picking up a dream interpretation book because those can't know what you're going through in your waking world. You and someone else could have a similar dream, like both dreaming of losing a tooth. But, the meaning of your dream could mean something completely different than that other person's dreams. One of you could be worried about an actual loss, while the other could have actual dental worries sneaking into their dreams.

Leave the books on the shelf and find someone who has studied the meaning of dreams, has honed their intuition, and knows how to use word association and other tactics to pull out the true meanings behind your dreams. A lot of what happens in dreams needs an intuitive interpretation because dreams are strange and unusual. While you can sometimes dream about things as they already played out or will play out, often there are oddities in those dreams that have their own meanings, and you may need assistance figuring out what those meanings are.

I've been doing dream interpretations for a few decades now, and for me to do a dream interpretation, I ask the dreamer to give me as much info from their dream as they can. Some of the things I want to know are any colors that really stood out, places and people that may have been in the dream, and what happened at those places or with those people. Was it day or night? Did you see any animals? Did something significant happen to you in the dream? Was it a holiday or a specific calendar day?

Pretty much everything that stands out. It helps to keep a dream journal by your bed. When you wake up from a dream, immediately write down what you remember of the dream, as much as you remember. The things you forget right away may not have been essential parts of the dream story, so don’t fret if you can’t remember the whole thing.

Once I know what the dream was about and any key things that stood out, I can talk to the client about what things in their life these may symbolize, as well as the general meanings of these things and what my intuition is telling me about the story. Basically, it's a life coaching session based on a dream.

Dreams may be telling you to make changes in your life. They could be telling you what your next decision should be when it comes to some major life event. Your dream could also be a message being sent to you from a spirit guide or a loved one who has passed, but you might not be able to figure out what that message is on your own.

Recurring dreams are a sign of something as well. There's something going on that you're ignoring or unconscious about that is trying to get your attention.

Ps. Did you know that even if you don’t remember dreaming, you probably did have a dream? You can begin remembering your dreams by telling yourself you will remember each night before you go to bed and by keeping a dream journal.

Have a dream that's been plaguing you? Visit Raevyn's Hollow to reach out to Cylestea Fortunaa for a dream interpretation.


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