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What’s Your Sign?

Let's talk about the zodiac

By TestPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Like the rest of you, I am a sucker for clickbait and find myself reading garbage articles about what the signs mean. Some of them are all about talking trash about people, some of them try to point out that only certain signs birth serial killers (not factual), and others are written so poorly I can’t stand to read them to figure out what they are about. I’d love to write a retort or at least an article about what the signs really mean for each person born under them, but that’s not even possible. Seriously. You can’t pigeonhole a person to their zodiac sign alone.

So, what gives? Why is there more to it than being a Scorpio or a Pisces, or whatever sign you are?

The thing is, many things go into how astrology pertains to each person. Your astrological profile contains more than your sun sign traits. You have to get a birth chart done if you want to delve into how astrology affects your personality, your future, and your life in general – and then you still have to look at all of it with an open mind.

Your birth chart, or natal chart, looks at where the sun, moon, and other planets were at the time of your birth. It looks at houses and all of the other important aspects of astrology at the exact time you were born. If you’re really into astrology, I highly recommend buying some books on the subject. One can never own too many books.

You can get a decent birth chart for free online, from various outlets. You’ll need your birthdate, exact time of birth, and where you were born (city, state, country). Once you have this info, you can look at the other signs of the zodiac that affect who you are -- like how the moon affects your emotions.

Another thing that can make your personality traits different is if your birthday is on or close to the cusp of the zodiac sign before or after yours. While some astrologers dispute this, I have personally seen how someone can reflect two signs simply because of their birthdate, even when one of those signs isn't something super distinctive within the rest of the big 3 or big 6 on their natal chart.

A Little About Horoscopes

I know some people scoff at horoscopes. As someone who has been studying astrology since the age of 13, I feel like I have some important insight that might help you enjoy reading your horoscopes a bit more. I used to write horoscopes for a couple of different entities, and writing them easily reminded me that what your horoscope says is always up to your interpretation.

Billions of people may share your zodiac sign, and each of you has the same daily horoscope, but what those words say to the rest of the world doesn’t have to be what they say to you. You have to read horoscopes with an open mind and find out how those words of advice fit into your life.

Of course, horoscopes look at all sorts of things going on in the sky at the time, from the phases of the moon to what other aspects are in the air that month or day.

Our Western Zodiac Signs

Western astrology isn't the only astrology, and studying things like Chinese astrology and sidereal, or Vedic, astrology, can help you to get to know yourself even more. No form of astrology is more accurate than another, though sidereal tends to look more at our karmic life as opposed to the major focus on traits we get from Western astrology.


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