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Does cell phone radiation actually cause brain tumors?

People who play cell phones before going to bed, these 5 hazards do not ignore

By TanoriaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

"Pregnant women can't play with cell phones, can you control your daughter-in-law!" Sun Danang was on fire.

After her pregnancy, Lili's body had a stronger reaction to pregnancy vomiting, so she quit her job to raise the baby at home.

After a few months, the vomiting subsided, and Lili was bored every day and had to rely on playing with her cell phone to pass the time.

However, her mother-in-law had a lot to say about her playing with her cell phone, as she felt that the radiation from her cell phone was very high and was afraid that it would affect the development of the fetus. However, Lili's mother-in-law's words fell on deaf ears and she continued to play with her cell phone on her own.

The mother-in-law was very angry but could not do anything about it, so she asked Lili to put the phone in the living room before going to bed at night, not on the bedside, there is radiation.

Lili still did not listen to her, every day the phone was on the bedside. She felt that her mother-in-law is too listen to the wind is rain, and the phone's radiation is not enough to hurt the body.

Su Danang could not control Lili, was very angry, and directly told Lili that every day the phone on the bedside will get a brain tumor, and also easy to make people miscarry. If she had an unfortunate miscarriage, she would be the first to let her son divorce her.

In the mother-in-law's words, Lilfeelsel very helpless, but also do not want to argue with her more, the old generation of people's thinking is difficult to be changed in a few words.

I believe that we all have around like Su Danyang such a crowd, they regard radiation as a flood of beasts, that as long as the electronic products will have radiation, will threaten health, is this true?

A, is regarded as a "flood beast" of radiation what exactly?

Radiation is a kind of energy transfer, radiation in our life can be said to be everywhere, the sun when there is ultraviolet radiation, the use of microwave ovens when there is electromagnetic radiation, and so on.

From the perspective of physics, radiation can be divided into two kinds of ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation, the former includes radiation generated by nuclear radiation, CT examinations, etc. Long-term exposure to these radiations can bring a great threat to health, and even cause cancer.

Non-ionizing radiation refers to some radiation with lower energy, which will not bring excessive threat to health. The radiation produced by our daily cell phones and other electronic products is non-ionizing radiation, which has a very low radiation frequency and will not bring health threats, so there is no need to be too panic.

Second, will cell phone radiation cause brain tumors?

It is rumored that cell phones should not be placed by the pillow because the radiation will bring a greater threat to the brain tissue and easily induce a brain tumor to occur.

There is no scientific basis for this statement, as long as the regular manufacturers of cell phone products, their radiation value is within the safe range, will not bring a great impact on health, and do not need to worry.

The World Health Organization conducted a large retrospective case-control study in 2012, which included data from more than 10,000 subjects from 12 countries worldwide, including 6,420 brain tumor patients and 7,658 healthy people.

There may be a link between cell phone radiation and the development of brain tumors, but the link is not significant. The frequency of cell phone use in modern times is rising in a spurt, but the incidence of brain tumors does not show a high increase, which is not much different from the previous years when cell phones were not so popular.

Even so, there are still many people who feel uneasy about putting their cell phones by their beds. For this reason, you can put your cell phone on a table or outside the room slightly away from the bed during the night's sleep.

Third, pregnant women can not play with the phone in the end.

There is no shortage of mothers-to-be worried about cell phone radiation, playing with cell phones during pregnancy will be very scary, and even some will wear radiation protection clothing to avoid radiation, is it really necessary to do so?

Cell phone radiation is not as terrible as we think, for pregnant women is also the same reason.

As for whether you need to wear radiation protection clothing, "you can wear it or not".

The radiation that you will be exposed to in your life is non-ionizing, and the radiation itself will not bring a threat to the health of women and fetuses, while some X-rays and CT examinations will be exposed to ionizing radiation, even if you are wearing radiation protection clothing is not able to block the radiation.

Therefore, radiation protection clothing can be worn or not, but wearing it may bring some psychological comfort, so you can choose to wear it or not according to your needs.

It is recommended that women in the first trimester of pregnancy do not play cell phones for a long time, the fetus at this stage is very fragile, long time playing cell phones may lead to its normal development being affected to a certain extent.

Fourth, for people who like to play on cell phones before going to bed, these 5 hazards do not easily ignore

Modern people playing cell phones before bed seems to have become a habit, but in fact, this habit is not healthy, long-term bedtime play cell phones, may bring a series of health hazards.

First, the light of the phone will lead to the body's melatonin secretion being inhibited, some researchers found that 2 hours before bedtime looking at the phone, the body melatonin secretion will drop by 22%.

The decline in melatonin secretion is likely to cause difficulty falling asleep, difficulty entering deep sleep, and in the long run, will lead to the brain can not get enough rest, more likely to have memory loss, brain cell death, and other problems.

Second, the international journal "Sleep" has published a study, study pointed out that people who play on cell phones for a long time before bedtime, easy to hurt their health and psychological, and the risk of depression and anxiety of such people will increase by 20%, to 14%.

In addition, when playing on cell phones before going to bed, many people are in a side-lying position, which can easily lead to pressure on one eye, resulting in inconsistent vision in both eyes. Some people also like to play with their phones with the lights off, which can lead to a much higher risk of eye strokes.

Not only that, long time playing cell phone will generally have been maintained in the same position, easy to our cervical spine, and hand muscles bring adverse stimulation, increasing the risk of cervical spondylosis and tenosynovitis.

Finally, a study found that the blue light on the phone screen can penetrate deep into the skin, easily causing oxidative damage to cellular DNA, resulting in damaged collagen, and elastin production, easy to make the skin pores bigger, the skin will become more and more rough, affecting the face value.

The radiation produced by playing with cell phones generally does not bring health threats, but playing with cell phones may bring some other adverse health effects, to life try to reduce the time spent playing with cell phones, more to see the world outside the phone.


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no rose without a thorn.

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