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Daily Tarot Reading for 08102019

What do you need to know today?

By Shari MalinPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

Five of Cups

What should I know about today?

The Five of Cups in this position suggests you may be suffering from a loss of some kind today. Have you experienced the ending of an important relationship, job, or a dream you held dear? This may be painful for you and, unless healed, may continue to affect you in future. The card may also indicate that you feel there is something missing from your life. The card asks you to become aware of this loss or emptiness, acknowledge and accept it, and recognize that you now need to fill the space with something positive—perhaps a new relationship or career, or maybe an improved relationship with yourself or spiritual side. Whatever you decide, it is important to let the past go, grieve, and move on. Only by doing this can you allow new opportunities to come into your life.

Suffering a loss

The Five of Cups speaks of loss and regret. It appears at those times when we have to say goodbye to something in our lives and find it hard to cope with the empty feeling this leaves behind. One of the reasons loss feels painful is because we struggle to hold on to possessions, people, jobs, etc. When the time comes to let go, we then find it difficult to disassociate ourselves from these things, and thus a part of us feels empty when they're gone. Although this card feels sad and discouraging, it also signals a happier time. If we are able to deal with loss—to accept and heal—we leave a space for something new to come into our lives. This could be a new relationship, work opportunities, friends, or even new dreams. It is important, therefore, not to resist the passing of something or someone from our lives that no longer belongs, but instead welcome in the changes which are more appropriate for us at this time.

King of Swords

How should I approach this day?

When you draw this card, you are being asked to develop the qualities of the King of Swords in yourself. Believe that you have this strength of character inside you which can help you confront any confusion or difficulties in your life. Trust that all answers to all questions lie within you, in order to help you move through any periods of darkness. When you adopt the qualities of the King of Swords, you will find yourself experiencing a dramatic improvement in self-belief and feelings of empowerment. Also, any confusion you may currently be experiencing will lessen or vanish altogether. Therefore it is worth persevering and committing to this path, acting "as if" you have this great clarity of thought, decisiveness, sense of justice, and mastery over your own destiny. This is the way to make these qualities your own.

Think things through

The King of Swords represents justice and ethics—the ultimate in logical thought and reasoning. The card speaks of the part of us which is able to see, understand, and solve all problems easily and effortlessly. We may attribute the qualities of the King of Swords to others in authority: "They" are clever, "They" are articulate, "They" are the ones who can solve problems and change nations. Yet this card represents the judgment, intellect, and foresight to be found within each one of us. This is a powerful card to draw when you are feeling confused because the King of Swords' mental capacity is great. Yet, unlike so many so-called "great" thinkers, he is also just and ethical, making him comparable to the sort of judge or leader the world so needs today.

Ace of Wands

What is the true potential of this day?

The appearance of this card suggests you will find your creativity becoming stronger today. Perhaps you have the beginnings of a creative idea right now and have not yet trusted it to be real. The card suggests that this could be the time for you to plant any such seeds and watch them grow. They could become transformative for you and bring tremendous adventure and vibrancy to your life. By following through with this action, you will, in the future, find it easier to be more inventive with your life. If, at any point you feel stuck, you should apply lateral thinking to your situation in order to move through obstacles and hindrances. Remember that no mountain is too high for the Ace of Wands!

Creativity will flourish

The Ace of Wands symbolizes the power of creative thought and imagination. We may not always be aware of it, but there is, in all of us, the ability to be original and imaginative in the way we lead our lives. This could mean coming up with new ways of doing things, finding imaginative solutions to problems, or having a dream of how life could be. Whatever the result, it is thought that proceeds action and this card reminds us that thinking in straight lines is not always the best way of doing things. This card often appears when things are feeling stagnant, and a powerful shift is needed to shake things up and move forward into a brighter future. It speaks of times when all our passion, fire, and persistence is required to lift us out of what feels like a hole, and take us to new horizons, which will make us feel vibrant and alive again.


About the Creator

Shari Malin

I’m a writer living and working in the Atlanta area.

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