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Daily Tarot Reading 08092019

What's in store for you today?

By Shari MalinPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

What should I know about today?

The Three of Cups in this position suggests you may be suffering from a deficit of social contact and fellowship today. Ask yourself whether you are cutting yourself off from people or putting them "on hold" whilst you engage in other activities which may seem more important to you. This may be a time to redress the balance and bring more community into your life. You could, as a result, find new joy entering into and enhancing your life.

Lacking connections

The Three of Cups is the card of community and its celebration. In cultures which advocate the philosophy that we live to work, it can be hard to take seriously, our deep need as human beings to bond with one another and celebrate our togetherness. After all, what is the point? What does it achieve? But celebration is an end in itself. We could equally ask, "What is the point in just living to work? Where is the joy in that?" but also, "What greater joy and safety is there than in knowing that one is both loved and able to love?"

How should I approach this day?

The Page of Wands in this position advises you to think about how open you are to adventure and new endeavors. Think for a minute about times when you may have been in a group setting and the facilitator asks for a volunteer. Are you the first to stand up or do you pull back, hoping you won't get chosen at all? Perhaps it is time to put your hand up, be counted and announce to the world that you're in this game, and you intend to play it to the best of your ability. To do this, practice becoming aware of your habitual reflexes which encourage you to say, "No." Then, rise to the challenge of becoming the best that you can be.

Say "Yes" to life

The Page of Wands is an adventurer. He announces, "Count me in!" to the world and believes in his ability to change things when he makes that commitment. Sometimes, it is easier for us to say no to life than to say yes. Sometimes, it is even easier to say nothing at all and simply run away. Saying yes and saying no are both contagious. We all have the power to bring ourselves and others "up" or "down," and all of us constantly face this choice every day. This card asks you to say, "Yes," to life and see what amazing effects this little word can have.

What is the true potential of this day?

The Devil card suggests you may be tempted today. This temptation could be from outside or inside yourself, or a mixture of the two, and could cause you problems if you succumb. However, it is certain that the means for meeting this temptation will be found inside you. If you can look objectively at your own "inner devil" or saboteur and find the strength to combat him, you will not only find yourself back on the straight and narrow path in your life, but will also feel a sense of achievement, pride, and nobility as a result. Remember, temptations can be there to test us, and tests we pass will be rewarded.

Temptations may arise

The Devil is usually seen as the ultimate embodiment of evil, but in Tarot, he is used more to represent temptation. Traditionally, the Devil doesn't have a great deal of power himself. His power lies in his ability to entice human beings into doing things which will ultimately lead to their downfall. Therefore, if we have anything to fear in this card, it is ourselves. The card is a reminder of how we are often enslaved by our own weaknesses. The reason we are trapped is because we are no longer in charge of our destiny. For a heavy drinker, it is the bottle that is in charge, while for a compulsive pessimist, it is the negative thoughts that call the shots. When this card turns up, it often warns of an unhealthy situation developing where we are losing control of our lives.


About the Creator

Shari Malin

I’m a writer living and working in the Atlanta area.

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