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Daily Tarot Reading 08202019

What do I need to know today?

By Shari MalinPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

Six of Swords

What should I know about today?

Receiving the Six of Swords in this position suggests that you may be experiencing a feeling of transition today. You may, however, not realize that this is what is happening to you. Instead you might be feeling listless, depressed or that you are just 'getting by.' You may thus be feeling bad about yourself and wondering why you don't 'have it all together.' These feelings may indicate a need for you to extract yourself from the world, or at least from some of your issues for a time, whilst you contemplate what is the right next step forward. Thus, this card actually represents a positive stage in our lives, heralding careful consideration and a more appropriate future for us.

A time of transition

The Six of Swords represents a period of transition—a time when we need to pull back from life temporarily in order to get to a better place and/or perspective inside ourselves and outside in the world. At these times we may experience a drop in self-esteem, as it is difficult living in the world today whilst being unclear about what we are doing. As a result we may doubt ourselves, forget any successes we may have had previously and fear we will stay stuck in this transitional phase. However, this card always promises a better future if we can be patient, have faith and see it through. This card essentially reminds us of the 'otherness' of life. Whilst the busy rush of plans are being implemented in the heady whirlwind of life 'out there,' there is a whole other life going on inside us. When we face traumas or breakdowns in life we are reminded of this otherness. Yet the Six of Swords does not require us to have a breakdown in order to receive its wisdom! We simply need to hear and follow the inner call and pay more attention to our spiritual natures. In so doing, we may begin to understand the wisdom underlying change and the transient nature of life. Within this understanding, we can also realize how so much of what we do is unimportant, whilst in contrast, our spiritual nature reveals its true value, moving us forward and keeping us safe.

Nine of Cups

How should I approach this day?

The Nine of Cups in this position advises you to think carefully and be clear about what you want in the future in all areas of your life. If your dreams are vague, so will your future be. Envisage the best future for yourself. What do you see? The clearer your vision, the more likely you'll be able to create it. When you've done this think about what work you need to do to make it come true. Remember to keep your vision 'high' and as closely attuned to your inner self as you can. Shallow goals will not make you fulfilled in the long-term. If you have been working towards your dreams but have not been feeling the happiness you expected from them, remember to work also on developing your spiritual side alongside your work in the world, as this is where your most reliable and deepest joy can be found.

Be careful what you wish for

The Nine of Cups is known in tarot as the 'Wish Card.' It is the card which tells you that you can have what you want, and represents the contentment and happiness which can come from that. The basis of this happiness, however, does not originate from anything outside ourselves, but rather from the joy which manifests within. It is from this place that we find the bliss of our soul, which then flowers and spreads into all other aspects of life—through the emotional, physical and even material planes. The appearance of this card can of course be a very positive sign, but it is also warns us to watch out for the negative feelings that can be aroused when wishing for something. We may be able to get what we desire, but if in the process we end up being complacent, taking things for granted, desiring the wrong things or becoming impatient or greedy, we have missed the positive, spiritual aspects of this card. We should also remember the responsibility that comes with having our wishes come true. If our dreams are shallow, so will our lives be.

The Moon

What is the true potential of this day?

This card suggests you may find yourself challenged by a feeling of uncertainty today. You might encounter a situation which makes you feel anxious or you may find yourself mis-reading people and circumstances. The Moon asks you to be calm and patient when this happens and to remember that there is always a valuable lesson to be gained when facing any confusing situation. Any worries you face will soon pass and you will be rewarded with greater clarity than you had before.

Confusion and uncertainty will come and go

The Moon has long been a symbol of illusion and enchantment. Its intoxicating rays were said to be the cause of madness and delusions. The Moon card represents those times in our lives when we face confusion and doubt. Not knowing is scary; not just because it makes us feel out of control and vulnerable, but also because uncertainty can allow our imaginations to run wild, inventing demons and horrible fates that will befall us. The lesson this card has for us, however, is that our fears are mostly figments of our imagination and our delusions generally self-delusions.


About the Creator

Shari Malin

I’m a writer living and working in the Atlanta area.

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