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Daily Tarot Reading 08182019

What is your potential today?

By Shari MalinPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

The Chariot

What should I know about today?

The appearance of The Chariot suggests you may be facing conflicts or difficulties today. If so, you are required to find the warrior spirit within you in order to tackle and overcome these difficulties; and to show determination and self discipline to get you through. If you are able to fight in this warrior-like way you will be rewarded with a period of peace, knowing that your main battles are won. However, the appearance of this card can also warn that you may be tempted to shy away from your problems, fearful or uncertain of how to approach the battles that face you. By choosing this path you may miss an opportunity to put your problems behind you, so try as best you can to be brave and bring the spirit of the Chariot into action.

Facing difficulties

Just imagine a Chariot hurtling into battle, being driven by a team of charging horses. It must have been an awesome sight. That is the image that this card summons up: a powerful one-man fighting unit ready to do battle and take on the world. The Chariot represents this spirit and the determination to succeed in all the battles we face in life. There are times when it is right to go with the flow and there are times when compromise is the best approach. Yet when this card turns up it often indicates that what is needed is a gritty determination to win. It is important to remember, however, that many of our conflicts are internal ones, so this card should not be taken as a license to go out and do battle with the world.

The Moon

How should I approach this day?

The Moon advises you to be wary not to always trust your feelings. In times of anxiety, emotions and thoughts can become confused. You need to be continually aware of how little we, as human beings, really understand about what is going on in our lives. Try being humble about what you think you know and question all your preconceptions. Sometimes the greatest wisdom we can have is to know that we don't know. Remember also that clarity and confusion, like the Moon, have phases and do pass. The Moon asks us to be calm and patient and to not be too affected by these phases.

Wait for things to become clear

The Moon has long been a symbol of illusion and enchantment. Its intoxicating rays were said to be the cause of madness and delusions. The Moon card represents those times in our lives when we face confusion and doubt. Not knowing is scary; not just because it makes us feel out of control and vulnerable, but also because uncertainty can allow our imaginations to run wild, inventing demons and horrible fates that will befall us. The lesson this card has for us, however, is that our fears are mostly figments of our imagination and our delusions generally self-delusions.

Six of Coins

What is the true potential of this day?

The Six of Coins in this position suggests you will feel a greater generosity of spirit today. Any hard-heartedness or philosophy of lack in your life can be turned around, making you more aware of all the abundances available to you, which are free to enjoy. When you realize how much you have, you will realize how much you can give. And keep on giving! As a result your heart and sense of security will feel the better for it. If you are lucky you may also be on the receiving end of this generosity. If so, be grateful and don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

Future kindness

The Six of Coins is the card of giving and sharing. It asks us to look at those times when we have been generous to others or when others have been generous to us. On a deeper level the card asks us to look more philosophically at the ideas of ownership and impermanence. What do we actually 'have' that 'belongs' to us? Do we 'own' things or are we merely borrowing them for this lifetime? We are asked also to remember that everything changes and that sometimes we come out on top, able to give; but at other times when we go through bad patches, we are reliant on the kindness of friends. We may not realize that there is always something we can give to others. Money might be the first resource that springs to mind, but this is not always practical or appropriate. What about love? Friendship? Time? Knowledge? We can make a difference to the lives of others and the Six of Coins asks us to consider in what ways we may achieve this.


About the Creator

Shari Malin

I’m a writer living and working in the Atlanta area.

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