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Covid, You Son of a Bitch, You Finally Got Me

But you had help, and that’s infuriating

By Jason ProvencioPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
I’m on lockdown for 10 days. Covid finally took me down. Photo by Heike Trautmann on Unsplash

After 2 1/2 years of doing the right things, masking up in public, getting vaccinated, and isolating for the longest time, it finally happened. I tested positive for Covid-19.

I’m not thrilled by this. I feel as though I’ve let my family down. It’s my daughter’s 18th birthday on Friday. That’s a big one. We were also supposed to run a Bubble-Run as a family the next day. We just hung out with extended family on the 4th, some of which have little kids. I’m disgusted by this whole thing.

I’m trying not to hate myself right now, but it’s difficult. I also have a few other people I’d like to put a little blame on, yet I know that doesn’t make things any better. There are some positives so far in this early stage of isolation. Let me first explain though how this went down.

My whole family and kids believe in science. We all got vaccinated as soon as we were able to. My Bride has a bit of auto-immune trouble, so it was most important for her to get her shot and boosters. She’s had three. No side effects other than the normal stuff. Nothing weird like the red state conservative Christians would have you believe.

I will always trust science over thoughts and prayers. Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

I’ve known plenty of people who have gotten at least two or three shots and been just fine. Some had a more difficult time than others, but they all lived. I don’t even know anyone with long-term lung damage or loss of smell. I have been through worse than this Covid bullshit.

I’m 5 ft. 11 and 225 lbs. I work out at least a couple or a few times most weeks. I definitely could stand to lose a few lbs. (Thank you, Wine-Drunk Italian Chef!) But I feel I’m stronger than the average person.

Plus I have all of this Bouncin’ and Behavin’ hair. Samson had a similar situation, right? And nobody is getting near me with a set of clippers. Covid is the reason I haven’t had a haircut in 2 1/2 years. I’m still trying to figure out when I’m going to sack up and cut it back to the profile pic length. Ugh.

And I have humor on my side. I can laugh this crap off and use it to write a decent blog or two. So far, I’m feeling pretty ok laying on the couch in the dark, I can still type and hopefully infuse a little humor into a situation that sucks major balls. Tomorrow, who knows? I’ll finish this tonight to have it ready for the AM.

So how did Covid finally take me down? I guess it was likely a couple of reasons. One of them I’m weighing more heavily than the other. And it pisses me off to no end. But I also have to realize my part in this whole situation, too.

My Bride’s parents are old. Especially her father, who’s 85. Her mother is 72 but is also a narcissist of epic proportions. She has no respect for anyone and their personal space or safety. She looks out for number one, always. That would be her.

My sister-in-law lives with them and we constantly hear about all the crazy things Grandma is subjecting them to. Grandma and Grandpa are both Trumpers and yell at the TV, playing Fox News 24–7 at ear-bleeding levels. My sis truly detests being around them and hides out in her room when she’s not working.

So of course they don’t take Covid seriously, because Fox News says they shouldn’t. Surprisingly, I think they both did get vaccinated. At least one shot. Possibly two. I’m not really sure. But they sure don’t treat it as seriously as they should.

So Grandma has been running around the house the past week coughing her head off, getting in everyone’s personal space. Never mind that her husband is 85 years old. Who cares if my sister-in-law has autoimmune troubles as well, right? Like most narcissistic personalities, she cares only about herself and her personal comfort level.

Grandma coughing all over the house unmasked didn’t help this situation. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

So Typhoid Mary is running around the house, coughing with her mouth open, sneezing all over the place and Grandpa not-so-mysteriously starts feeling sick. So he runs over to his doctor’s office to get tested. Then immediately runs to the grocery store, not knowing his test results yet.

We see him there on Sunday afternoon and hadn’t seen him in quite some time. I’m a hugger by nature, so I give him a good solid hug. We all start to chat and he tells us he’s just getting back from the doctor’s office where he got tested for Covid. That’s when I notice he’s not wearing a mask.

Now perhaps I too should have been masked up. However, nobody in my household has been sick. Still, Covid has still been running rampant in my very red, conservative, mainly-unmasked, unvaccinated state. Trump is revered around these parts and Fox News beats CNN by two to one, the best I can tell around these parts.

So I’m immediately a bit worried, but wonder if it will be ok. We only briefly hugged, and it’s not like I slipped him the tongue or anything weird. We kept a distance while we shot the shit for about five minutes, and then we were on our merry way.

I’m pretty irritated that Grandma spread around her germs and that she gave it to 85-year-old Grandpa. I’m mad that he didn’t tell us he was just getting back from getting tested. And I’m mad at myself for being lax about masks just because I had gotten the vaccine twice.

Yep, this is my scene for 10 days. Quarantining on the couch. By Rex Pickar on Unsplash

I already feel like hammered shit. I’m fortunately still able to type this blog out so far, but I can tell my brain is a bit off. I feel like I just smoked about half a joint, so at least there’s an upside to this. Grammarly is doing the rest. But damn my head sure hurts.

I feel achy already, which isn’t too bad while laying on the couch typing. I plan to take it very easy and hopefully do some writing, assuming this doesn’t get too crazy. I feel a bit feverish, but I have some cold meds to take before bed and so far, no coughing or lung trouble yet. That’s my biggest concern.

I realize that people who have been vaccinated fare way better than those stubborn dumb shits who would rather take Ivermectin (horse medication) than get vaccinated. If you trust Joe Rogan for your medical advice over scientists and the FDA, you deserve what you get.

I’ll likely work on my Twitter stuff, read some blogs on here and respond to some comments from you wonderful people. At least until it gets uncomfortable or late, whichever comes first. I hope this couch is comfy enough to sleep on, I refuse to sleep in my bed when my Bride has so far tested negative. Hopefully, things stay that way.

I can do 10 days here on the couch standing on my aching head. My people have done far longer than that for grand theft auto, robbery, and embezzlement. (Your own fault you got pinched, you shouldn’t have gotten caught, Paulie.) I’ll get through this. Science will once again win.

But fuck you, Covid. And a double fuck you to the people who are stubborn about getting vaccinated, dying, and leaving their wives, husbands, and children behind. I know at least 6 to 8 Trumper social media friends who are no longer with us. You’re not takin’ me down that easily, Covid. Get the jab.


About the Creator

Jason Provencio

78x Top Writer on Medium. I love blogging about family, politics, relationships, humor, and writing. Read my blog here! &:^)


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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  • Carol Townend2 years ago

    My husband caught covid from his past work as a nurse. He lost his sense of taste and smell, dehydrated badly, couldn't walk, and he was crippled with pain from covid and his disabilities. He was hospitalized for a while. He was wearing a mask at the time he caught it at work. We are both vaccinated, and so is my mum, who now has Covid too. Your story resonates with me. Get well soon.

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