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Cin Cin and heal ! From Universe and back to the earth

Topic just like that out of nothing and everything

By DarkosPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 18 min read

I was always thinking if does healing helps for real, those who are capable of their own emotions, actions and health issues. Is it really possible to heal for real in this world and will it last ?

How it can help if you can’t help others for real ones you are healed or once you keep yourself healthy, happy and with more peace. How you can survive being surrounded by people who not only keep on making you more and more harm but use You to heal them while you becoming more and more disconnected from yourself.

Where to find any human like existential balance or the right state to just feel completely you and true good with yourself without spreading it all and shrinking into peaces once you build the One of it all and it took so long to find a way to make it more You than you even were. How to stay calm with the chaos of the world and still stay synchronized with yourself and the others. How to keep the iron shirt flexible with You to protect You from the bad of another to disconnect You from who You really are ?

These are just some of the questions that maybe we do not ask once we find the practice, and we feel naturally it does work but we are questioned by others about it.

As a result we alone start to question ourselves which is the result of an abuse that we experienced. Mostly it's all that come from the abuse that brings chaos to our brain. There might be other reasons, I just talk from my experience and things I feel like emphasize in here to let you open more as I share my own healing journey or maybe just a little draft of mind during it. Maybe it's no longer a healing journey but a journey of a healed.

If you just started your healing journey or maybe you have been trying many ways you will probably notice that it's not always about if we are healed but more how to coexist with the unhealthy social surface of disconnections that will not serve to stay as who we are, and be connected to our own mind physicality and being. Once you will connect yourself to these of your organs like brains of your organs and You the brain it will give a great start from getting out of the confusion, illusion to the reality of the healing, open loving heart and the general state of feeling just good comfort beyond the possible explanation.

How it can really give you freedom and happiness if you can’t be free from the people who are not doing even an 0,0000000001 % of the effort to be a better human being to be healed to not to harm anymore is one of the crucial .

You just know the practice is shifting to a circle of the best possible things. Which are so normal so natural to feel that nothing and nobody can tear you apart from this way. We are human sure you can have your own natural behaviour that will surprise you or thoughts but once you turn to go through it in your chosen way you will know which is the right and let it all flow freely naturally and nourish you daily.

In my practice and through many years I have experienced that no matter how much you will heal, and will share it with others and from open heart free will to just help one another you will not be free from the most dangerous type of people that cause your life a huge damage in both mental and physical health and life and aim of life in general you have no choice but to coexist with them if that's your close environment.

Yes there is no other environment than the whole . The whole means it's full of everything good and bad. We are also full of everything but some choose to be even better and go more deeper into it and another choose to harm even better and go deep into it and no matter what we will do some people will never change. You can fill it with acceptance but not always it will make you feel good or healthy, accepting violence behaviour for example is very difficult. You do not need accept, you can just heal it and learn how to express it with yourself and by yourself without harm to your own existence and another.

People who are entirely working on damage you will not let you to be free for it that is why it is you who can actually make it through anyway.

It has nothing to do with you doing the practice perfectly or being disciplined which sure does do good to your own being and life maybe more outsider surface but not totally the insider surface. For the insider deep surface of You, you just need to keep on going more and more deep in it not to let the progress stop. What you need to know you can pause, break change shift to another practices meanwhile do as you feel naturally and You will become easily synchronized with the whole but also protected naturally with what is not for your soul.

You probably ask now or maybe you don't anymore hopefully

Yes but how to coexist in a world full of such diverse human beings, where not only you differ in the experience of life and in environmental differences that gives a contrast to the culture itself and a different language for each of us but a totally diverse way of thinking and managing things in life from the emotional to physical symptoms from behaviours that some of us work on to be just better and some work on giving just more harm to it all.

How to survive, how to manage your own healing path and stay strong, connected with your own immune system and truth of life and self. How to have natural way of your heart open and not allow to be consumed with the mind of manipulative, cruel and controlling games of another.

The most out of it all how to keep your healthy state around very annoying behaviours that provoke you to be the worst be someone who you are not.

The answer is quite simple and complicated as it is. You want to be You again you need to do the healing work immediately now. It doesn't matter if you are still with the unhealthy environment living or working, maybe still connected or dating a monster. What you need to do is to start from finding ways how to creatively transform your emotions from rage and abuse as It is the most common reason for our unhappy state. How to get out from the abuser still living and not being able to leave ? .

First of all you need to do all to leave all other unhealthy people, friends who for years are just taking from you without ever being the friend you really aimed for.

Maybe the environment of your course or other group you are connected with is not healthy at all. Maybe the person you talk to today seem good but started gaslight and You know, but You keep on staying just not to be alone.

You are not alone that's what you need to know, we are never alone. Have you ever felt alone being alone ? For real, Imagine or maybe just realize the truth. You sit alone in the room, there is already You and full world in Your head opened freely. This world is full of people, they are everywhere about which loneliness we actually talk about ? You can feel lonely with your way of life but I am sure that's not the only lonely path of Yours. There are many people who are probably doing and thinking the same you just don't feel the evidence of that connection but You are already connected with them somehow beyond the living understanding of the way others exist and made You to believe this way is how to walk on this earth if you step away that's not a norm while you already know or are on a good path of knowing more than what is and how it is to live feel experience in this world is your own journey of mind. A journey free from others and from the mind of others you just feel synchronized and aligned.

Yes, I know there are things you want to share and If you don't talk these things to people, if you don't say them you will feel kind of a trapped in your own mind, and sometimes you will just tell it all but the person might not be the listener. Find ways to tell your things through different ways. It will become natural with time and You will make a good creative habit out of it whenever that something unexpectedly inexplicable but actually very explicable comes follow your truth instinct to do things your way whether you will find solution for it that day you start it or it will be changing. We often find solutions to so many things faster than others but thrown into the mind trap of another. Probably you are discovering great solutions and ways and you are not responsible for how the world is controlled or how people through their ways impact or effect your own probably better choices and solutions. You need to know that people who are there outside messaging you out of nowhere are more likely to bring you disconnection, test your strength which such doesn't exist even the one that so called " trying to help you " or " I just want you to feel how I feel " in a so called " good meaning of actually destroy you for real " which we know will not happen as we will rebuild again and again for our own life aim.

A thing that we keep on supporting us are the human ones,

Human want help but not through emphasize the word help. People who really help they just do it they don't talk about it their all language is for you to take something out of their experiences and solutions into your own being and that's all.

The rest You need to figure it out having these good souls that are here showing you the way to get out from the living hell and to nourish yourself with the real of You leaving behind the hell for hellish personalities and bringing you more of a calm natural state where you experience all but you still can be with your own real mind and soul.

Find ways for your insider connection to Yourself where You can experiment with almost everything that is given also for free on YouTube channel.

I know being already overwhelmed, maybe angry and having to go through many content that are just more bringing you down but once naturally you will try to find the way and nourish You with the prayers it will all start make a good sense and direct you on your path.

You will be choosing what serves you for real and for longer and you will be shifting to each of it on a daily basis. You will also check your energy your whole state of being. For example you feel things are improving but you still can't find a way a strength out of it all for real and you begin to gain something but loosing yourself another way. It's not the right practice the real that helps fully will very quickly lead you to the truth path with everything and everyone in your life. It can lead you to kind of a no sense of it all at first but you will want to experience the whole so you search for more, more deep and until it will make You who You really are in a good comforting healing, peaceful and healthy state. The moment you start to be creative about things naturally, the moment all start to suddenly click and You will just feel healthy good more and more just being You just being alone. It is where it all works for real. You need to find this kind of a Teacher or Teachers that will synchronize with similar issues in life. The teachers who will show you how they are dealing with a problem whats their solution to it and will keep you in a better condition to your own life, struggle and being. The moment you alone start feel the good healthy right mind is the moment when you finally found a homeland inside of you.

Life is not a way to keep it but the way to nourish it to cherish it by working on bringing more of it into Your being. Once You get it, you need never ever stop practicing, never ever stop believing if it works because once You let the devil mind give you doubts about it and You discover something doesn't work You will need to stay truth to your own experience and beliefs of it.

If for real that's all you have been looking for and it works that is all for your beliefs to keep moving into that direction. Everyone else and everything else that is trying to make you slip from this path is someone to Ignore deeply and harshly to Ignore. For your own Life and being. You need to be free in it and with it.

If you ask me why I do healing world is giving million reasons people even more but still because being hurted I do not want to harm another at least not on purpose. I do not want to get unhealthy, I feel pain from being abused, mistreated so I experience symptoms physical ones. I do not want to live in pain especially chronic pain. Feeling in pain and living with abusive people it is pain and I do not want live that pain I prefer to heal it and have my own way in life out of it all.

Experiencing loss even of another unknown it's a pain that I try to go through, thoughts and information about things that can not be explained through the normal human language and existence that seem beyond the living understanding to help me go through it all digest I paint I do the practice to understand myself to understand the world to coexist. To be me with good happy joyful feeling and not to be kept away from myself.

It's the way to better joy outside of this world but being in this world.

Practice because through this connection you not only get the meaning of all the things that are inside of you but you get the picture of others who might be manipulating you in a such a way that you simply can not get out for your own path no matter what are you trying to do everything is failing they have mastered

What you haven’t even realized is possible the mind of a controller and manipulator to all of your being and believing even though you remask them you uncover their all dirty shits how you can leave alone such a person especially if that is your relative ? How you highly sensitive can leave such horror and hell but at the same time leave a human being

Unhealthy unhealed human being ?

Well the answer is if you are lucky enough sure you can the question is where can you go for real to be safe where it can be that you can get yourself back on track in life and heal how you can achieve this goal . The world is both good and bad people as well and if you will be the one to attract all the good you would probably not even read this story how we can actually free ourselves from these everyday traumatic experiences of life that put us into trouble with the outside world even more for the time being I had no answers and there are still answers left to no answer but there is definitely a way through your own capacity of conscious practice and relaxation which will help you to survive the worst scenario.

You probably so far started to feel normal already because this story is quite what are you in this life already realizing or not actually aware or awake of what is going on and as long as your natural flow still is going on you may consider yourself as a lucky one but if your natural flow is just a moment in a week there must be a way for you to find an exit to it all

An exit that we call life that you probably do not even know yet no matter what you went through

Your age is probably between 26 and 52 at the moment and if it's a different one I am happy you are still reading it you might get a new message from your being to the world outside.

There are good things about the person like I and like you the creativity that we have made so far to survive the work and the effort and the service to the world but there is a time to more often say No and to say Yes to your own being and trying a life a different life with your own hands not chained through services to the one who will never appreciate


At first, you might feel life is boring if you are out but that is an illusion you are probably not yet awaken in your brain in how much of awakening great things are left to discover, and the only way to make it is to do the practice daily otherwise you will just use 30-40% of your brain and energy that is actually not using much of life not even reaching happiness that you can truly inwardly enjoy !

Where it comes to practices there are so many to choose and every one of us with different mindset ideas ways will for sure find our own way to it evolve and go on and that's the journey of life while the rest is not even life its a mirror of patterns million of disorders and behaviors that we wish to never see experience and react to

Life is in everything and everywhere we see and feel the joy non of the less is life itself so don’t trust the non-living things because what life is for real is not a narcissistic deal it's our meal it's our freedom from their actions and our free space to celebrate who we truly are in our self.

Be gentle with yourself not with how you behave to the bad be gentle to your mind not to people who react on your true self but to how you can process and overcome their pretense as none of them nor reached nor was in your circumstances and have made so greatly what you have

Celebrate daily yourself that's the only way to live life in your own space be poor and learn to celebrate it takes a minute a second to be in the joyful state be rich and still know how to celebrate it fully healing from attachments enjoy the freedom you got!

No matter what others are doing to you and the cruelty look at you have been making all these things like some kind of superhero ! Cin Cin !

The more you heal the more you evolve in ways how to get out from things that are hardly possible to cope with, put up with simply possible !

Life is only great through your own natural flow what is not you it is not you so it doesn't become you

leave it and live it up to your own self

What does it mean to be a actually You ? Is it not that we are what we choose ? We are or we choose ? I think we are both we are and we choose what we want to be. So choose more what you want to be no matter if another is trying to make an advantage of your being in here through your own truth path you will help him or her to leave you because there will be no other way for You just to truly be who You are and will do what naturally with God as your own individual supporter to take this journey of life on a better level on your truth right being. This way will help you to be healthy to stay healthy in your mind and to not let another fool or make you stay away from the real aim of your being in this life.

Thank You so Much for Your Reading, Tips & Likes much Love and Big Heart to Your side ! 

mental health

About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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