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Change Your Circumstances by Changing Your Thoughts

Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to improve your life, relationships, and finances.

By Theresa MaskaPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

We live in a vibrational universe. Everything on our planet and in our universe gives off a vibrational energy. The old saying "water seeks its own level," is not just a cliché. It is a very accurate statement because everything on this planet seeks out matches to its own vibration.

Many people who have explored ways to improve themselves or their lives have heard the word "affirmation." These are usually short statements people are directed to say on a repetitive basis to improve an area of lack in their life. For example, if you are a person with a lack of self-confidence, suggested affirmation might be something like, "I trust myself, and I know I am a confident person."

However, what most self-help courses forget to mention is that "affirming" something is not enough to make it happen. What *really* matters is your underlying belief about that affirmation. Using the above example, if you honestly do not trust yourself and don't believe you have the ability to be a confident person, then stating an affirmation 1000 times per day will not increase your confidence. This is because the Law of Attraction reacts to your vibration, not the words coming from your mouth.

Whenever something is spoken, there is an emotion of one sort or another attached to those words. Think of the last time you were angry. You didn't just say some sentences out loud about how you were feeling. Your words, I'm guessing, were said very powerfully and full of emotion.

Thanks to the Law of Attraction, whatever you really "feel" is what you will bring into your life. Therefore, if you want to change your life, your finances, or anything else in your current circumstances, then you will need to change your thinking and your vibrations.

To change anything in your life, it's important to stop looking at "what is" and instead, focus on what it is you want. Let's continue with the same example regarding a lack of confidence.

Step 1: Cease talking about how you have a lack of or no confidence because this isn't true. You may be lacking confidence in some area of your life, but not in everything. So, start focusing on the areas you do have confidence. For example, you are confident you know how to drive your car. You are confident that you are a good person. You are confident that you know the route to your work to arrive on time, and so on.

Step 2: Let's say you feel you have "no confidence" because you want to ask your boss for a raise, but are too scared. Now that you've been focusing on the areas where you demonstrate confidence, keep building on that momentum, but in regards to your job. You can tell yourself things like, "I do a good job at work." "I am reliable and trustworthy." "I help my co-workers when they need assistance." "I show up on time and finish projects ahead of schedule." "I have an excellent work record and receive compliments for the quality of my work." "I like my boss, and he/she appreciates the effort I make to do a good job," etc.

Step 3: Talk to your subconscious in the present tense or future tense and only in positive terms. Your subconscious does not know the difference between "what is" and "how you want things to be." It will draw to you what you focus upon via the Law of Attraction. If you consistently say you have no self-confidence or lack confidence, then everyone around you will view you the same way. However, if you slowly tell your subconscious that you are confident and all the positive things you do regarding confidence (even if you are not currently doing those things), the Law of Attraction will bring people and events into your life to prove you right. After a short time, you'll be presented with an opportunity to either ask for that raise or better still you'll get an increase in pay without ever speaking to your boss. The Law of Attraction is very powerful and will improve your life if you let it.

Step 4: Don't talk to people about what you are doing. There will always be naysayers and haters. People take a perverse pleasure in tearing other people apart. It's almost like people enjoy misery and complaining. If people see you trying to improve yourself, they may try to cast doubt on your efforts. It does not matter if you are seeking to improve your confidence, relationships or financial status. It is better to keep your plan to improve to yourself and let people see the fruits of labor as they unfold.

Step 5: Remember at all times that whatever you focus upon, you draw into your life. If you have any doubt about this, think about the last time something bad happened to you. You probably had "feelings that something bad was going to happen" or perhaps you got fired from a job. Before getting terminated you probably "saw the handwriting on the wall" and then focused on how you were going to get fired, and you finally were let go. What about good things? Focusing on good things brings good things into your life. Did you ever get dressed to go out dancing or to a bar with the intention to meet someone new and fun and then that's exactly what happened? Well, that wasn't an accident. It was your vibration going out to the universe and Law of Attraction answering your vibration.

Think more positive thoughts and focus on the good in your life, and you'll see your life improving every day because the Law of Attraction is always at work.

self care

About the Creator

Theresa Maska

Theresa Maska has been writing for over 10 years as both an online contributor and a ghostwriter. She has many interests from food and travel to Law of Attraction to Politics and everything in between.

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    Theresa MaskaWritten by Theresa Maska

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