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Celery is a popular choice for low-carb diets because it is very low in calories and carbohydrates.

By HeatherPublished 2 years ago 5 min read



Celery is a popular choice for low-carb diets because it is very low in calories and carbohydrates. A whole cup of chopped celery has just 3 grams of carbohydrates, more than half of which comes from fiber. One cup of celery also contains 1.4 grams of natural sugar. Raw celery has a high glycemic index of 35. Cooking increases celery's glycemic index significantly to.


Celery naturally contains no fat and is very low in fatty acids.


Celery is low in protein, at less than 1 gram per cup.

Vitamins and Minerals

Despite its low calorie content, celery provides several micronutrients. It contains potassium, folate, choline, vitamin A and vitamin K. Celery also provides some natural sodium and fluoride.


One medium stalk of celery contains less than 6 calories. Celery is often called a "negative calorie food," but that term can be a little misleading. The amount of heat the body uses to digest food is called the thermal effect. Celery is very low in calories, but due to its fiber content, it burns energy (calories) during digestion. Celery is a low-calorie, potassium-rich vegetable that provides fiber and folic acid per serving.

The efficacy and effect of celery is contraindicated

Eating celery means benefiting from its high water content, fiber, and micronutrients.

Prevention of Diabetes

Taking 250 mg of celery leaf extract three times a day before meals reduces blood sugar levels in older adults with prediabetes. The flavonoids in celery (apigenin, luteolin, and phenols) protect pancreatic β-cells from oxidative damage. These cells are responsible for producing insulin and regulating glucose levels.

Specifically, apigenin may help slow the progression of diabetes by preventing cataracts, retinopathy (blindness), and neuropathy (decreased sensation in the hands and feet). Celery is also rich in quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that increases glucose uptake in the liver and stimulates insulin secretion to help prevent diabetes progression.

A healthy heart

Vegetable-rich dietary patterns have been linked to lower rates of heart disease. Celery is a particularly good choice because it's high in potassium (which lowers blood pressure), fiber (which lowers cholesterol levels), and folate (which prevents inflammation). Celery does provide some natural sodium that should be limited in a heart-healthy diet. But it is rich in polyphenols that fight inflammation and protect against cardiovascular disease.

Protect eyesight

The vitamins in celery are powerful antioxidants that help prevent age-related macular degeneration, a common cause of vision loss. In addition to vitamins E and C, celery also provides two types of vitamin A associated with better vision. Lutein and zeaxanthin are specialized carotenoids that accumulate in the retina to provide concentrated protection.

Support for weight loss

Celery's high fiber and water content, along with its satisfying crunchiness and low calorie count, means you can eat more food without overdoing it. This makes celery and most other non-starchy vegetables helpful for weight loss.

Reduce the risk of birth defects

Celery is a good source of folate, which is crucial in the early stages of fetal development. To minimize the risk of neural tube defects and preterm birth, folic acid supplementation is recommended for all women of childbearing age. Eating leafy greens, such as celery, can also help provide the folate needed for a healthy pregnancy.

Celery can't eat with what

Chicken: Both are mutually gram food, eat together will hurt the vitality.

Oysters: Celery and seafood can reduce the body's absorption of zinc.


Pumpkin: Can cause bloating.

Rabbit meat: CELERY and rabbit meat belong to MUTUALLY GRAM food, both eat together can CAUSE the OCCURRENCE OF CIRCUMSTANCE such as dehydrating hair loss.

River crab: THE body OF SEAFOOD CONTAINS VITAMIN B1 DECOMPOSE enzyme, AND CELERY CAN decompose these enzymes. Thus affecting the absorption of proteins.

Soybeans: Reduce the absorption of iron in the body.

Chrysanthemum: Easy to cause vomiting.

Hairy clams: Celery can decompose the vitamin B1 contained in hairy clams.

Shrimp: It hurts.

Crab: Celery can not be eaten with crab, eating together will cause protein absorption.

Clams: Eating together can cause diarrhea.

Shrimp rice: The vitamin B1 THAT CONTAINS destroys completely.

Clams: Affect vitamin absorption.

Vinegar: It's bad for your teeth.


A celery allergy can cause itching in the mouth and swelling in the throat, tongue and lips. Respiratory or skin problems were also reported. Celery allergy is often related to pollen allergy and can be triggered by cooked and raw celery, as well as celery spice.


One cup of chopped celery contains about 30 micrograms of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting. As a result, celery may interfere with blood thinning medications designed to prevent blood clots.

When taking blood thinners, it is usually not necessary or recommended to avoid green vegetables, but to maintain a consistent intake so that the medication can be administered appropriately accordingly. If you take blood thinners, consult your doctor to learn more about the role of foods high in vitamin K.

Folic acid may interfere with the effectiveness of methotrexate, a drug used to treat autoimmune diseases and cancer. While this usually focuses more on folic acid supplements than foods high in folate (such as celery), it doesn't hurt to discuss your dietary intake of green vegetables with your doctor or registered dietitian while taking this medication. Celery is a source of oxalate, which can cause certain types of kidney stones.


There are several kinds of celery, including conga, merengo, tango, and samba. The sweetest and gentler of them all is tango.

How to store and eat

Store unwashed bags of celery in a vegetable crisper in the refrigerator for one to two weeks. Rinse thoroughly under running water before cutting or eating. Notice the dirt between the ribs. The bottom of the root and the top of the stem can be trimmed off and thrown away or used to make vegetable soup.

How to prepare

While most people discard celery leaves, they are edible and add well to soups, pesto, smoothies, or juices. Chop celery leaves and add to salads, sandwiches and charcuterie.

Raw or cooked celery adds texture, color, flavor and nutrition to meals and snacks. Braise, steam or stir-fry celery and serve with meats such as Turkey, chicken and roast meat. Diced celery, stuffing and other side dishes. Dip celery in peanut butter, hummus, yogurt dressing, tuna or chicken salad. Celery's natural crispiness makes it a healthy alternative to chips or cookies.


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