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Breaking Down the Myths of Fat Loss: The Science-Based Truth You Need to Know

Everything you need to know about Fat Loss

By SunanosPublished 9 months ago 5 min read
Breaking Down the Myths of Fat Loss: The Science-Based Truth You Need to Know
Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash


Losing weight has always been a concern, for many of us. There’s much information available online making it overwhelming to distinguish between whats true and whats not. We come across weight loss products that promise miracles but often end up draining our wallets of shedding pounds. After conducting my research and successfully losing over 50 pounds in than 8 months I’ve come to realize that the key to effective weight loss lies in consistency rather than intensity.

Before we delve into strategies for loss lets address some common misconceptions that circulate on the internet.

Misconception #1: Spot reduction or targeting areas of the body to lose fat is impossible.

Fact; This is a myth that many believe. Doing crunches alone won’t magically remove belly fat. Fat reduction occurs in an order to each individual and determined by genetics.

Misconception #2: Cardio is the solution for loss.

Fact; While cardio exercises have their benefits they aren’t necessarily the approach, for losing fat

Here are some facts and myths related to loss and nutrition;

Fact: While doing cardio exercises is beneficial, for heart health and calorie burning it is not the most effective method for losing. Strength training can actually be more effective in achieving fat loss goals and building muscle mass. I will provide details on this topic later.

Myth #3: Eating fat leads to weight gain.

Fact; Consuming dietary fats does not directly result in gaining body fat. However it’s important to note that excessive calorie intake from any source can contribute to weight gain.

Myth #4: To lose fat you must eat meals.

Fact; The number of meals you have throughout the day does not impact your ability to lose fat. In reality it has no correlation with loss. For example I could claim that I had 12 meals in a day. If each meal consisted of a watermelon slice the calorie intake would differ significantly compared to having steak in each meal. The key factor for loss is maintaining a caloric deficit. I will explain this term on.

Myth #5: Cutting out all carbs is necessary for losing fat.

Fact; Carbohydrates are a part of a diet and should be included in your plan, for losing fat.To effectively manage carbohydrates it’s important to consume them in moderation and prioritize carbohydrates, over ones.

There is a misconception that supplements can replace a diet and exercise when it comes to losing fat. However it’s important to understand that supplements are intended to supplement your diet not act as a solution. They can be beneficial when used alongside a lifestyle. Should never be seen as a substitute for it.

Now lets get into the details.

The first step is to create a caloric deficit. This means consuming calories than you burn. To achieve this you can refer to the guide called “Shrinking your waistline; The power of a caloric deficit.” Making this your main focus will ensure loss. It’s crucial not to make changes; instead gradually increase your deficit. Aim for a deficit of 500 1000 calories as going beyond that range can have impacts, on your health.

Using an application to monitor your calorie intake can be incredibly helpful. There are apps that provide valuable assistance in this area.

When you’re, on a caloric deficit it’s crucial to ensure that your daily food consumption consists of foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. These types of foods are low, in calories. Can leave you feeling satisfied and full preventing you from exceeding your set caloric deficit.

In terms of loss strength training has two benefits. Firstly it burns calories during exercise. Secondly it aids in the development of muscle mass. You might wonder how this helps with loss. Let me explain; as your muscle mass increases your body expends calories to provide energy for those muscles. This is advantageous because it raises the number of calories your body requires, allowing you to increase your deficit without reducing the amount of calories you consume.

Now lets talk about cardio — a subject some individuals adore while most detest it.

I previously mentioned that cardio isn’t the method, for losing fat but it is indeed one of the best ways to burn calories. Exercises like running, cycling or swimming help in calorie. Also improve endurance. Its recommended to aim for 150 minutes of moderate intensity cardio per week.

Another crucial aspect is getting sleep. Sleep plays a role in weight loss as it impacts the hormones for regulating appetite and metabolism. Strive to get a 7 8 hours of sleep each night.

In terms of tips I personally found that taking progress pictures was highly motivating. Seeing the changes in my body over a span of two months when comparing photos was eye opening. I suggest capturing progress pictures throughout your fat loss journey as it can be challenging to notice any changes without a reference. These pictures will definitely help you appreciate the difference and progress you’ve achieved far.

Additionally avoid weighing yourself every day; instead limit it to 1 to 2 times per week for measurements. To ensure results weigh yourself in the morning without any clothes on so that your weight measurements can be relative, to each other.

Just a friendly reminder, the weight of water, in our bodies tends to fluctuate quite a bit. So if you see a 5 pound increase overnight (unless you devoured 10 family boxes of Oreos) there’s no need to panic.

It’s important to ensure that you stay adequately hydrated at all times. If you often experience headaches it could be a sign of dehydration. So make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day especially when engaging in exercise.

Remember, achieving your desired weight or fitness goals takes time and consistency. Like how Rome wasn’t built in a day. It’s absolutely crucial to find an approach that’s sustainable for you and stick with it patiently and persistently.. If things start feeling monotonous why not switch things up by trying out activities, like hiking of running? The key is to maintain that consistency! Wishing you the best of luck!


About the Creator


Unleashing the Power of Lifting and Nutrition for a Healthier You


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