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Boost Your Fat-Burning by Fixing your Gut in 5 Simple Ways

Your gut health could be the one contributing factor to weight gain

By Ange DimPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Dan-Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash

Gut health is probably the last culprit on your list for increasing weight and decreasing your longevity.

The food we eat, despite how healthy, may not even contribute to our overall longevity due to malabsorption.

Nutrients in and nutrients out.

This can lead to health challenges and generally feeling unwell.

You may be doing the right things, but your gut isn’t cooperating with you.

One of the most unrecognised and most dangerous factors to our gut health is the number of stress levels we experience.

For example, continuously high cortisol levels can damage the gut protective lining.

If you happen to indulge in a poor diet filled with refined sugars and processed fats - it can lead to a more inflamed gut.

Over time, these can lead to a leaky gut syndrome, causing even more health issues well throughout life.

The great news is that we can do a lot to repair and heal our gut, mainly on the nutrition level - together with sound reduction in the amount of stress in our daily lives.

One: You really should avoid as much processed sugar as possible

Anything made on a machine filled with processed ingredients is terrible news for an inflamed gut.

No matter how much you want to eat these foods, they are doing your gut microbiome more harm than good.

In addition, eating these foods daily will slowly reduce your diverse microbiome (leading to feeding the harmful bacteria instead of the good ones) and chronic inflammation.

Have you ever experienced flatulence and general stomach upsets after eating a particular food? This could be the result of gut inflammation.

Two: You must know what causes your gut to react - and avoid them

We all have different trigger foods that set out gut off on a musical farting tangent or cause cramps, diarrhoea or worse - constipation!

These are all poor gut reactions towards something we’ve eaten or keep eating.

Although it’s not that easy to distinguish what it might be, start with the bigger culprits; - things like gluten, corn, soy, eggs and specific animal proteins might be setting you off.

From my own experience, till this day, I still do not know every single food that sets me off - but I try my best.

Avoid the bigger culprits and keep a watchful eye and ear on any gut reactions to something else you eat.

Three: Try to fast once in a while

Eating several meals a day can continuously smash our digestive system.

We never allow it to rest or recuperate from all the constant ingestion of food.

Fasting helps to stimulate mobility, which helps contract the downward flow of food through the intestines.

That gurgling you hear when spending a significant amount of time without food is mobility in action.

If you fast in short term bouts- either skipping breakfast or dinner, you allow the gut to perform some general housekeeping to maintain its health.

Fasting from about 16- 18 hours is more than sufficient.

Four: Be aware that protein can inflame your gut too

High protein diets can inflame the gut, and we’re talking animal protein here.

Ensure you always add an abundance of vegetables to all meals and chew your food correctly.

Any larger chunks of animal proteins that do not reach the GI tract multiply and cause more inflammation and harmful gut bacteria.

Five: Think about supplements for repairing the gut

I have taken glutamine on several occasions.

It helps to improve the gut lining for better nutrient absorption.

Taking it before exercise can reduce stress naturally when blood is pushed to the muscles, heart, and lungs.

Although some pressure is good for us, it can increase cortisol, which constantly weakens our gut.

There are so many small yet significant things that can harm and damage our gut lining.

Malabsorption can lead to a host of health problems - especially in children.

Unfortunately, it may be hard to pinpoint the one causing the most damage.

If we can begin to see the signs and symptoms our gut tells us, we and start to put a plan of action in place, it can change the quality and quality of our lives.

NOTE: The health information in this post is for general information and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based on such information, I encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. I do not provide any medical/health advice.

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About the Creator

Ange Dim

My mission is to help people become the best version of themselves through nutrition, exercise and mindset. Get your dose of coaching every week here: https://anged.substack.com/subscribe

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