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Black Fungus, White Fungus, Yellow Fungus: Are They Affecting Fertility

black and white fungus

By IvfjunctionPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

With the second wave yet to subside, and an impending third wave COVID brings with it associated issues that cause a lot of concern. The terms black fungus, white and yellow fungus have become household names. With the rise in cases, there is an intriguing concern about the dangers of the disease and how to prevent them.

Also known as Mucormycosis, it is caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes. It is not a new disease as such but has gained attention during the pandemic. It occurs in patients after they recover from COVID 19 due to the weakened immune system. These molds are found in leaves, compost, soil etc. When you inhale the molds, there is a possibility of infection in the eyes,face,lungs or sinuses.


Black, white and yellow fungus- what are they?

What do experts say?

Do they affect fertility?

It starts with blisters or ulcers on the skin, face swelling, pain and redness, fever, headache, cough, itchy and bloody eyes etc. This progresses to the sinuses- air pockets found in the nose, forehead, cheekbones, behind the eyes and teeth etc. In a more severe stage, it may cause coughing up of blood and can be life threatening. It can be as grave as having to have the eye removed to prevent the disease from progressing and save the patient’s life.

It most likely affects those who have very weak immune systems, uncontrolled diabetes, long stays in the hospital/ICU with the use of oxygen support, had an organ transplant etc. The danger here is that the condition progresses very rapidly and causes loss of lives in a very short duration . Complications such as paralysis, a brain infection and death may occur.

What do experts say?

According to experts, the terms black, white and yellow fungus are in reality variants of a fungal attack, caused by Mucormycosis, Candida and Aspergillosis. Naming the condition by colour can be misleading, such as white fungus which in reality is a mushroom called Tremella fuciformis, also called white jelly mushroom, snow fungus mushroom, snow ear fungus, silver ear fungus etc. Another type is the white coral fungus termed white fungus. These are edible and favoured by some but sometimes white mold on oyster mushrooms can be concerning and may be trimmed off before cooking . This mold most commonly in oyster mushrooms keeps at high temperature. Dried tremella is an important part of Chinese cuisine.

Similarly, black fungus is a term used to denote black corn fungus that grows inside corn and is considered a delicacy in Mexico. The high black mold on corn is seen in the kernels and is a good market buy in Mexican cuisine. Black fungus or black finger fungus refers to Xylaria polymorpha that grows at the base of trees. Some other types of black fungus also exist. Apart from these there are various types of black and white fungus of the respective colour.

When it affects the skin, black patches appear. White patches occur in a fungal attack caused by a specific fungus called Candida, and commonly as thrush starts in the tongue or private parts and commonly occurs in the nose, mouth, lungs and stomach or nail beds. Aspergillosis is a rare infection and infects the lungs directly.

Symptoms include a cotton-like feeling in the mouth ,loss of taste,pain while eating or swallowing ,cracking and redness at the corners of the mouth etc. When the infections get severe, there is a dip in blood pressure, fever, abdominal pain and urinary tract infections.

Pus accumulation can cause fever, swelling , slow wound healing, and progress to serious symptoms such as organ failure. It is a combination of multiple factors that increase the probability of the disease such as uncontrolled diabetes, impaired immunity, poor nutrition, improper hygiene and sanitation etc.

As far as mucormycosis is concerned, a high sugar environment is conducive for the fungi to grow and since the disease progresses very rapidly, it is important to detect the disease early in order to prevent complications.Experts also suspect that the use of steroids in COVID 19 contribute to the lowered immunity which in turn increases the chances of mucormycosis.

Fungi are organisms present in the environment. When the body’s immunity is low due to a variety of reasons, the body loses its ability to fight disease-causing organisms in the environment and this may cause an infection. It is extremely important to get a medical opinion when any of these symptoms occur as a delay could be fatal. The Centre for disease control and prevention reports that there is a 54% risk of death when left untreated.

If your doctor suspects an infection, a sample will be taken from the throat or nose and tested. CT or MRI scans may be necessary. When found early, the disease can be prevented. Treatment is possible in the early stages with antifungal medications.

How to Prevent Mucormycosis

In order to prevent mucormycosis affecting you,

– Avoid exposure to dusty areas

– Wear masks and maintain them clean and dry.

– Avoid unnecessary use of steroids especially without medical advice.

– Wear shoes and gloves while handling soil , manure etc

– Maintain good personal hygiene, including a daily scrub bath

– Keep blood sugar levels under control

– Maintain humidity levels inside the house

– Keep surroundings clean.

– Maintain good oral and nasal hygiene

– Do not wear damp clothing. Dry completely before use.

– Keep frequent use areas dry and prevent mold formation

– Report to the doctor immediately if you notice any symptoms

– Do not self medicate. Get medical advice before taking any medication.

Do they affect fertility?

Among the fungal attacks, Candida infections or yeast infections referred to as Candidiasis have a role to play in male and female fertility. These infections are more common in women, and about 72% of women experience such infections at least once in their lifetime though males can also have the condition. In women, frequent infections alter the pH of the vagina, causing itching, swelling and discharge. When this delicate balance is disturbed, the sperms do not survive well in an acidic environment, thus making it difficult for the sperm to enter the uterus for fertilization. Also, in candidiasis, the vaginal discharge is either watery or cheesy.

When the sperm enters the cervix, the consistency of the vaginal discharge makes it difficult for the sperm to swim . This may kill the sperm and hence delay pregnancy. Women with candidiasis may develop an aversion towards having sexual intercourse due to the rashes, burning sensation, and extreme discomfort caused by the condition.

Males may also be infected with Candida causing a reddish rash, moist skin and white shiny patches. This may interfere with sperm function and quality and contribute to infertility. These infections are transmitted through sexual intercourse and hence both partners will need treatment and abstain from unprotected sex until it clears up.

As always, prevention is better and take note of these:

Wear breathable cotton underwear.

Do not stay in wet underwear

Maintain a healthy diet and cut down on fried processed food, and alcohol.

Do not use scented vaginal lotions or douches unless advised by the doctor.

These infections are treatable and need not hamper your dream of having a baby. Take precautions and avoid these factors that may exacerbate the condition and get medical advice as early as you see symptoms and you are good to go!

If you are struggling with fertility issues, our experts at IVF junction are glad to help you. IVF junction can be your partner along the way to having a baby. Visit us at https://ivfjunction.com/ to know more, choose your expert and embark on the journey of parenthood. Just like many, if the pandemic is concerning you about starting your journey ,feel free to listen to our experts all about IVF.

Source : https://ivfjunction.com/blog/black-white-yellow-fungus-are-they-affecting-fertility/

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