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Bite Me, Chicken Little!

I come with a message of hope, not fear.

By Sylvana Published 3 years ago 10 min read
Bite Me, Chicken Little!
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

'SLAM!' (Incoherent swearing)

'SLAM!' (Incoherent swearing)

'SLAM!' (Incoherent swearing)

You wouldn't think that a trip to the grocery store would include slamming of freezer doors or swearing... but that's where I found myself, fuming, at the end of my search for a frozen chip that didn't include canola oil or chemicals. I was just trying to find a non-gene altering, chemical-free frozen chip brand for my youngest child who was in the throes of a hot chip obsession.

But it wasn't to be.

I was angry at myself for not checking the ingredients before and angry at the bunch of corporations that had created a situation where not even a frozen chip was safe to eat.

I had to tell my child that that hot chips were now off our menu.

Clean, Fresh, Drinking Water... NOT!

Finding out what is purposely added to our water supply nearly popped a blood vessel in my head. Investigating my own tap water was how I found out that many water supplies are often tainted with fluoride. Do you know where that crap comes from? Most disgustingly, it comes from the inside of the smoke stacks of the agricultural industry. Apparently, that's safe to ingest along with the myriad of other chemicals permitted into our water supply.

Yuk, no thank you. Not for me, not for my child and not even for my dog.

I Burst Into Tears Because There Was Nothing To Eat

Starving hungry and driving around while being a new natural-food eater was a recipe for disaster. In my 'h-angry' state and through my flood of tears I could just make out the big neon signs telling me that I could have fast-food in any shape or form but I just had to drive past them all. None of it was suitable to eat. The chemicals and hormones used in what I call 'food-like products' should be avoided at all costs by all human bodies, not just the highly sensitive ones like mine.

Non-Chemical Food, Please!

Really, I need, we all need, clean, real food to eat. Real food doesn't come from corporations. There is very little profit to be made on Mother Nature without adding heaps of chemicals to it. That's where the profit lies; in the addition of chemicals to our food. You can't patent anything that is naturally occurring but whack a chemical in it and walah! ...a new 'product' is born and profit to be made!

The addition of chemicals is apparently 'justified' by the fact that food spoils very quickly. One chemical addition to stop discolouration, one chemical addition to stop food from going rancid and whatever other chemicals that are deemed necessary so the masses can keep consuming aged, food-like products.

Fun fact - When a food or pharmaceutical ingredient makes up less than 1% of the total end product they don't have to declare that ingredient on the packaging. WHAAATTT?! (REF. 1,2,3)

This means that we will NEVER, EVER KNOW what is in that food-like product that is going into our body. How's your trust level for corporations going?

Is it OK to ruin the health and resulting lives of millions or billions of humans for a dollar? What about for ten dollars? Where is that line? At what point of profit does it become morally justifiable to poison millions or billions of people?

(Stick with me here a while longer because I have a solution!)

“Five million different chemicals are now recognised, and relatively few of the chemicals in use have been adequately tested for toxicity to humankind or the environment.” REF 4

My investigation into organic certification in Australia smashed any notion that 'certified organic' can be of any use to the consumer trying to eat healthily. The rest of the Western countries have very similar organic certification scams. So, organic products cannot be blindly trusted either. The evidence for that is right in my own body. Sometimes after eating something that has been labelled organic my body tells me in no uncertain terms that it's definitely not natural. It's icky to tell you exactly but it includes GI tract problems.

The evidence of chemical pollutants is right there on the food packets in their ingredients lists. You don't need to know exactly what all those chemical numbers mean, you just need to avoid them. And that's hard to do.

In a perfect world EVERYONE would be naturally healthy. There are no perfect humans so a perfect world seems a bit much to ask. How about we just focus on re-naturing ourselves, one small step at a time?

Chemically, there is no place to run, no place to hide. But, I aim to change that...


The Re-naturing Yourself Project

What brings me true fulfillment is helping other people step into their natural, normal life and freeing themselves from the wildly poisonous chemical soup that we all swim in. How better to do that than to BE the change I'm looking for?!

I am going to build a natural living 'apothecary' Instead of having wall-to-wall medicines, I will build an example property to showcase how to live free of chemicals in modern times without sacrificing your sanity or bank account. No, we don't have to live tech-free like Luddites but we DO all need to align with Nature before we get any sicker.


I suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) which makes my suburban life hell on wheels. My body and mind react to every-damn-thing so every-damn-day is a near constant battle to ensure my survival against corporations that only exist to make bank. Well, sorry corporations, but human beings actually need to SURVIVE your products to keep using them. Most people don't react as instantly to chemicals as I do however, EVERYONE is affected. Yes, even if you don't realise it yet, you can bet your bottom dollar that, deep inside your body, poisoned cells are gathering.


Since MCS has forced me into becoming hermit-like, I now spend each day hoping upon hope that the neighbours don't use deodorant sprays because when they do I nearly die. Those foul and toxic sprays travel so far on the wind that being merely next door to it means that my house smells like someone has sprayed in it. Yes, gagging nearly to death on toxins, in my own house, that is toxin free is sooooo NOT COOL. I'm a canary in this 'coalmine' of filthy, toxic products and I'm trying really hard to sing but yeah, it's gagging me. I have to get out. I can't even go to work in any environment that has other people because nearly everyone is covered in some sort of wildly toxic spray. Carcinogens, anyone?

They say that MCS is idiopathic, meaning they don't know the cause. Huh? They don't know the cause of getting sick from being exposed to chemicals?



Instead of panicking and shriveling up in the corner, MCS is going to become a gift that is showing me the way to help others.

Why EVERYONE Should Support The Renaturing Yourself Project...

Do don't it for me. Support this project for the many millions of people suffering with MCS AND YOU. Yes, you. We are all drenched in chemicals all day, every day. This is not a situation that can endure without catastrophic consequences. How long do we think we can ignore this collective health disaster?

The chemical situation is getting worse. It needs to get better and this project is going to be a showcase for natural, chemical-free living.

With the constant poisoning of our air, food, water and minds how long do we think we've got? Yes, this is urgent.

How I Will Find Paying Members?

I will run Facebook and Google ads to sign people up to my free daily membership newsletter. The ads will pay for themselves with a 'one-time-offer' As free email members are joining the free email list, they are offered a one-time-offer of an 80% discount on the purchase of my Re-Naturing Yourself physical book. Some people will buy the book at that discount and those sales will pay for the advertising on Facebook and Google.

The free email group is where I will sell paid memberships from, with daily emails detailing the setting up of the property and then after that, the emails will consist of basic 'how to' topics. All topics relating to how to live a naturally healthy life even though you may be in suburbia. The in-depth investigatory articles and videos will be for the paid members who are financially supporting the project.

I use Weebly to create websites and can easily integrate membership sign ups using Memberful's easy to understand instructional videos. Memberful's customized landing page will also come in handy to host my landing (email sign up) pages. Each traffic source will have its' own landing page so I can track which advertising or content marketing is working. Memberful even has the ability to sync with Discord for my future community communication and online hangout. I will probably also make good use of the custom branding that is available on Memberful pages.

I have close to 5000 'friends' on the Facebook platform, nearly all of whom are natural living enthusiasts. I also have a natural living page on that platform with 1500 fans... so far! I am hopeful that my first few Memberful memberships will be sold to those on my friends lists on Facebook and elsewhere (like Gab, with another 4500 natural living followers)

How it Works...

If I win this Memberful/Vocal writing challenge then I can go ahead and buy the bush block (a small plot of land in the country, and yes, they can be had for around $20k) where I will build the natural, chemical-free showcase house. After that, the few ongoing costs I will need to live in and create instructional videos from the house will include; council rates, electricity, maintenance and ongoing infrastructure costs. I hope to meet these costs via the ongoing membership site.

Re-Naturing Yourself Membership Includes...

4 Base Modules to give basic knowledge on clean air, water, food and minds.

Weekly in-depth investigation video.

Email access to me to ask questions.

Knowing you're supporting the human transition to a natural, chemical-free life.

Upon joining, each member will receive a freebie such as a bonus bag of organic food seeds or planting guides or interviews with sustainable living people or my report 'What Certified Organic Means in Australia'

Monetitization Of The Chemical-Free Showcase House Could Also Include...

Selling natural living video-courses on; clean food, water, and homes.

Selling free range, organic eggs, and other organic produce.

Chemical-free parenting.

Organic, chemical-free livestock husbandry.

How to make chemical-free kombucha.

How to make organic, chemical-free ACV.

Chemical removal checklists for the home, car and workplace.

How to make organic, chemical-free, home-made alcohol.

How to treat food before storing.

The list is endless!

After initial setup of the micro-farm, non-chemical showcase house, if I can attract just 100 members with a $5 per week membership, I can be self-funded on $500 per week in my quest to re-nature as many people (and their pets!) as possible.

There are also the financial run-on effects of me setting up in a small rural town and bringing income to it.

Our world needs to include many more people to tend the garden of natural living and good-to-humans health. Our lives are currently filled with toxic substances however, if we can all drastically cut down on our use of chemical-based products then the world we leave our children will be full of clean air, clean water, clean food and clean minds.

I want to live in a world where Nature is once again cherished and celebrated. My mission is to help others to leave this chemical-laden world behind and step into the natural, chemical-free ways of our future. Wish me luck!

Sylvana is a natural living freak. She has to be, AND she's dragging everyone else along for the ride! Check out the Re-naturing Yourself Project here: www.renaturingyourself.com

Living as natural a life as possible is a form of honesty... honesty to your mind, body and planet.


1 (usa - https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=101.4

2 UK - https://www.gov.uk/food-labelling-and-packaging/food-labelling-what-you-must-show

3 Aust - https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/code/Pages/default.aspx )

4 Quote - https://www.bsem.org.uk/pages/155-multiple-chemical-sensitivity


About the Creator


I am an impassioned woman fulfilling my life mission to empower others to live a natural, healthy life. When I'm not researching and writing about natural health and healing, I'm in my ever expanding healing herb garden or practising yoga.

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