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Binaural Beats & Heart Beats

Music in a Living Dream

By Jenna W.Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Binaural Beats & Heart Beats
Photo by Magic Bowls on Unsplash

Vibration, sound, frequency are all one and the same. There is a deep rhythm and hum of the earth, our breath, our heart and the sun. From the dawn of time humankind has used music to move the body and soul, to relax and heal. Shamans have used drums to induce trance, meditation and healing. Monks have used singing bowls and chants to create vibrational and sound healing.

Music, the collaboration of sound and frequency influences the human psyche, stimulates the mind in early development and can even change the structure of water. This is especially important since we are mostly made of water. Music has the ability to shape us. Dr. Masaru Emoto devoted an entire study on music and words and the impact upon water.

The Hidden Messages in Water, Dr. Masaru Emoto

I find all of this deeply fascinating and essential particularly when it comes to our well-being. I like to think I do most things with intention and by design and music is a deep influence in my passion of work. If we are comprised mostly of water, how is the music we listen to influencing our health and the relationship to self?

In the beginning of my career as a Body Worker/Massage Therapist I began to dig deep into musical vibrations and health. Music is such an important part of the massage. I avoid lyrics. I don't want my clients listening to the story of a song. I encourage them to engage with their inner-self, this is their time.

I discovered early on (unless someone needed to be invigorated) never use music with bird chirping in massage sessions because singing birds are associated with sunrise and waking-up. However, gliding hawk screams linger and echo on the air which is deeply satisfying particularly when paired with wind instruments and other nature sounds.

In my massage sessions I will often play the same music and diffuse or apply the same oils to create a sense of comfort and familiarity. Upon hearing the music and scents, the body will automatically begin to let go as it expects it is going to be treated with kindness, healing and restoration. There are no surprises only a safe place of rhythm.

To go deeper I choose music that encourages my clients to enter a trance- like, meditative state. This is when I discovered the Artist, Anugama. I was mesmerized by the album Shamanic Dream upon first hearing it and could not get enough of it. It was all I wanted to listen to, and on most days still is.

I enjoyed it so much, I wanted my clients to experience it as well. I wasn't certain at time how well received it would be as at the time massage music was limited to babbling creeks and piano. I didn't particularly enjoy this music and it certainly didn't flow with my strokes and movements and often my clients would say it made them need to run to bathroom. That was not the tone I was seeking in my healing sessions. I wanted something deeper, richer. Shyly, I played my now favorite album. My clients reported a deeper sense of relaxation, seeing colors, meditative states and even saying things like, “I have no idea where I just went.” This was all with good reason as I discovered everything about this Artist and music was designed with intent for suggesting meditative soothing, relaxing states.

This is the weave of the album: The drum beat is of the heartbeat rhythm. We all deeply resonate with the calming and nurturing sound of the beating heart. A meditative mantra repeats over and over, “so be it” the mantra is surrender and the reputation creates an expectation and meditative, trance state. Integrated into the music is Brainwave Sync to slow down brainwave activity, while nourishing the brain with Sonic Spectral Enhancements, Primordial and Planet Sounds of nature to create a transcendental harmony in sync with the earth and planets that surround our hemisphere, chants and Three-D sounds that allow the listener to enter an consciousness expanding effect. This is rich.

Imagine for a moment if you will, you are in a soft lite room with this music drifting through the air, paired with aromatherapy relaxing the body through the olfactory sensor paired with warmed oils drenching the skin and gliding movements to soften tissue, release tension and create better circulation and flow of blood and lymphatic fluids. The massage is dancing with the music. Coming back to reality a refreshing glass of water awaits you. The water has been present in the room during the treatment and now is bathed in sound energy and frequencies that will filter through your body and and bringing an even deeper, inner sense of nourishment, refreshment and harmony.

This is the Ohm of music and influence on the mind, body, water and spirit. This is not only for my clients, but for me as I too and enveloped in all this richness and receiving. This is bliss.

In honor of Anugama, I invite you to lay in a warm, quiet space. Place a weighted blanket over your body and eye pillow over your eyes. Perhaps burn some incense or aromatherapy. Pour yourself a glass of water and allow the music to float through the air or vibrate in your ears with headphones while falling into a peaceful state and a journey into Shamanic Dream:


About the Creator

Jenna W.

Writing is one of my favorite forms of creative expression. I was first published at 14 and continue to enjoy storytelling and producing educational pieces as well. Thanks for your interest & taking the time to read my words!

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