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Benefits, Uses of Amla

Be healthy

By Ashrafur RahmanPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Amla is a very beneficial fruit that has been considered a medicinal fruit in Ayurvedic medicine for many centuries. Even now, amla has been proven to be the most powerful antioxidant-rich fruit. There are many food items mentioned in Ayurvedic medicine, when it taken, gets rid of various diseases as well as brightens the skin. Amla is one of these foods. It contains all kinds of essential minerals and vitamins, which help to keep the body healthy. You can eat amla raw or by making juice. It can also be eaten by making pickles or jams. Amla, which is rich in vitamin C, helps in boosting immunity and metabolism. Apart from cold and cough, amla also protects against viral or bacterial infections. Amla can reduce the number of cancer cells. According to Ayurveda, amla juice balances all the processes in the body and relieves arthritis, phlegm, and bile.

When and how much Amla juice to drink:

In the morning on an empty stomach should drink 10 mg of Amla juice. Later you can increase it to 20 mg. If you drink more than this, it can have side effects on your health. You can drink it twice a day.

How to Use Amla

Amla can be used in many ways. Here are some ways you can use Amla:

1. As a fruit - The best way to eat amla is to eat it raw and whole. Add a little salt and cut it into pieces.

2. As a dried fruit - the pleasure of eating amla dried in the sun is different. Cut the amla into pieces and mix salt, chilli powder, chilli powder, cumin powder, etc. in it and leave it in the hot sun. When it is dry, you can eat a little bit in the morning in a bowl.

3. Dried amla powder- Dry amla in the sun and grind it into powder and eat it in water every morning on an empty stomach. It is very beneficial for health.

4. Amla juice- Drinking one glass of Amla juice every day is very beneficial for health. It works like an ayurvedic medicine and has been around for centuries.

5. Amla oil- Amla oil is very important for skin and hair. It makes skin and hair smooth, soft and fresh.

Benefits of Amla:

1) Amla helps to increase eyesight. The problem of cataracts can be overcome by mixing one spoon of amla powder with honey.

2) Fever can be reduced by drinking boiled amla juice. In addition, in case of toothache and cavities, you can get relief by mixing a little camphor in amla juice and applying it on the gums.

3) Eating amla in any way keeps the body cool. In addition, if you have hiccups or vomiting, you can get relief by mixing amla juice mixed with it and drinking it two or three times a day.

4) Amla is beneficial for enhancing beauty by removing facial blemishes. Make a paste of it and apply it on the face to make the skin clear and bright. In addition, the wrinkles are reduced.

5) Again, according to health experts, its juice is useful in the treatment of coughs and flu as well as mouth sores. Drink two teaspoons of honey mixed with two teaspoons of amla juice to get rid of cold and cough. Gargling with two teaspoons of amla juice in water to cure mouth sores can be beneficial.

6) Regular consumption of its juice can reduce cholesterol levels. This keeps the body healthy. Due to the amino acids and antioxidants present in it, the function of the heart is adequate.

7) Amla is useful in curing respiratory problems such as asthma. In addition, Amla is responsible for controlling diabetes and the proper functioning of the digestive system.

8) Amla helps to keep the liver healthy. This causes all the toxins to be excreted from the body.

9) In addition to vitamin C, amla contains iron, calcium and phosphorus. As a result, the supply of nutrients to the body continues.

10) Amla acts as a medicine for hair. The amino acids and proteins present in it make the hair grow, prevent hair fall and keep the roots strong.

Side Effects of Amla

Nothing extra is ever good for the body. In the same way, it is not right for amla to enter the body in excess.

1. High intake of vitamin C and fiber can lead to various stomach problems such as heartburn, upset stomach, constipation, etc.

2. Amla style is a little cold so playing it in excess is likely to cause colds and coughs.

3. Those who have kidney or diabetes problems due to high potassium need to eat it carefully.

However, there is no denying that amla is a very useful and necessary fruit according to Ayurvedic and herbal medicine. This amla helps to eliminate various problems of the body. Then you and your family must add it to your daily diet without delay.

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About the Creator

Ashrafur Rahman

My name is Ashraf, a textile Engineering graduate. I write about Textile, Garments & Merchandising, Moral Stories and Ancient stories.

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