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Beginners' Guide To Burning Fat Fast

Here are some tips for beginners on burning fat fast

By Carl BriskoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Beginners' Guide To Burning Fat Fast
Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

Why do so many people have trouble burning fat?

In our daily lives, we hear about going on a diet, exercising more, or doing other old-fashioned approaches to loss weight. However, these methods are not effective. It is because we were all sold the half-truth way to lose weight and burn fat.

The switch to a plant-based salad diet from a junk food diet

Changing to a salad diet is a common mistake made by people trying to lose weight. They think that if they eat more salads, they'll lose weight. You're wrong. When someone switches to a salad diet, they gain weight rather than lose it. The soluble fiber in leafy vegetables absorbs water, so they do not have the proper enzymes to break it down.

It takes time for the body to absorb the enzymes that allow a person to digest a salad. Instead of switching to a salad diet, start with an organic smoothie of fruit and vegetables that contain healthy fats from bananas, coconut, flax seed, and avocado, for instance.

Fats that are good for you are there to fill you up and keep your cravings at bay.

Eating large breakfasts in the morning

In order to burn body fat and lose weight, eating a large breakfast might not be the best idea. First of all, big breakfasts tend to slow your metabolism down a bit. Repeat it every day and it becomes a habit. Rather than consuming large breakfast meals, you might want to consider swapping it for a breakfast smoothie instead.

An excessive amount of exercise in one day

Exercise for too long in a day at the gym is another mistake people make. They think losing weight is as simple as working out for three hours at the gym one day and then resting the next two.

See how it will benefit you if you work out for an hour every day consistently.

Workouts with high intervals

Also known as high intensity interval training. This workout is performed by using an interval timer. For example, one minute of work is followed by a minute of rest, and so on and so forth.

People tend to lose weight faster with interval workouts, since the metabolic rate is revved to burn more fat when no exercise is being performed. You can equally increase the intensity of the exercise by adding more sets to the interval timer or repeating the set more frequently.

Strength training with powerlifting

Weight training or power lifting is a proven method for burning body fat in certain parts of the muscles. I highly recommend it.

Sleep deprivation and stress

Stress causes your body to release two hormones: leptin and grehlin. These hormones reduce your ability to lose weight due to lack of sleep.

Grehlin tells you when to stop burning fat, when to eat, etc. Leptin controls appetite, metabolism, and fat burning ability.

Having a higher grehlin production increases your appetite, and a low leptin production due to not enough sleep increases grehlin production. To get more leptin, you must get more sleep.

A diet that contains too many healthy fats

The problem is that eating too much healthy fats adds calories and a lot of them. Avocados, bananas, nuts, olive oil, salmon, coconut water, etc. offer too many calories and a lot of calories. It's usually best to limit healthy fat consumption. It should be enough to keep you going until your next meal.

Other fat-burning diets

It’s no secret that there are tons of fat burn advices out there. The advice out there on fat loss includes intermittent fasting, garcinia cambogia, detox diets, pills, supplements, and a whole lot more.

Diets that are said to work do so because they help you stay full until your next meal while you're working out and burning body fat in the process.

What we eat for comfort

There is nothing like ice cream by the end of the day. I know I do... When we eat our favorite comfort foods frequently, though, eating those foods may hinder our ability to lose weight. This is because the chemicals in our cakes, cookies, and ice creams add toxins to our bodies and inhibit our liver from absorbing vitamins and nutrients from vegetables and fruits.

Therefore, you need to give up these comfort foods in order to lose weight. I recommend smoothie diets because they are rich in vitamins, nutrients, and natural sugars instead of artificially sweetened foods.

Tobacco, alcohol, and drugs

The toxic components of drugs and alcohol hinder you from losing weight. If you have bad habits of smoking, drinking, and taking drugs, then you can never lose weight.

The following link will help you burn fat in a simple way.


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