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Back pain: Home contexts for back treatment

How do I know if my back pain is due to a witch's arrow - cold or hot for treatment? This is how your physiotherapist advises you to treat your back symptoms

By Sarfraz HussainPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Daily Exercises for Back Pain, How to Treat Back Pain at Home, How to sit in Back Pain, Back Care

Back pain is a nasty companion. Pain is very common and the main causes of it are heavy physical work, poor working postures, immobility, sports and structural injuries. Home care prevents and helps keep your back in better shape. This article opens up back pain treatments that you can do completely at home.

How can back pain be prevented or treated at home?

Good muscle condition prevents back pain, especially the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are key, not forgetting good posture. If you go to the gym to work out, you should pay attention to the techniques. Lifting techniques and trajectories should be reviewed with a professional to avoid injuries. Even if your back pain is already your daily routine and your middle body is in poor muscle condition, it is never too late to start strengthening your middle body.

Try these to treat back pain

Breathing exercises

If your back is really sore and stuck, breathing exercises alone can help you get in trouble. Often in a painful state breathing is superficial. It would be good to be able to relax and focus on breathing on the diaphragm. Deep diaphragmatic breathing especially helps with lower back pain and activates deep muscles.


If you have mild back pain, it is a good idea to continue exercising lightly. For example, swimming, walking and various gymnastic movements for the neck and back are suitable forms of exercise. Nordic walking allows you to move comfortably on your back. However, when moving, you should listen to yourself so as not to strain your back too much.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and pilates are good as well as gentle forms of exercise when you want to strengthen the deep abdominal and back muscles. The movements are done at a calm pace, listening to yourself and breathing slowly, so these are great for the backless. If a movement feels awkward, you can omit it or do a replacement movement.

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Stretching is really important in body care already in terms of pain prevention. Stretch at home, for example, in the mornings or evenings when you watch TV or want to relax before going to bed. Stretching is a good routine. If you’ve never tried hanging, then you might want to test it too. For the relief of acute pain.


Roll the muscles open with a muscle roller. Rolling is efficient and your own muscle roll is definitely worth getting home. Carefully roll the upper and lower back according to your own feelings. There are different muscle rolls in the stores, choose the one that suits you best. If you haven’t rolled before, you might want to get a softer roll first.

Massage ball

A small ball, such as a tennis ball or a massage ball, will also help with home care. The ball can be spun on your back under your back or against a wall. This will allow you to go through all the areas of pain yourself.

Pain hook

The pain hook is effective in treating back pain points. It puts the applied pressure in just the right place. The hook makes it easy to go through the pain points throughout your back and neck.

Overall well-being

When you take care of your fitness, diet and social life, they also help to take care of your back health. In the treatment of back pain, the psyche is important so that you can cope with adversity. If your back pain bothers you a lot or you do not take it to heal you should contact your doctor. Sudden severe back pain should be taken seriously. Your back is important, take good care of it!

How do I know if my back pain is due to a witch's arrow - cold or hot for treatment? This is how your physiotherapist advises you to treat your back symptoms

Did a sudden back pain hit you when you shoveled snow? It could be a witch's arrow. Follow these instructions to take care of it at home. But how can you be sure that trouble is just a witch's arrow?

1. The witch's arrow twinkled as I shoveled snow in the yard. What first aid?

If you can, straighten your back gently. However, it does not make sense to force your back straight. The position may therefore be slightly bent and oblique due to the pain.

The most important thing in this acute stage would be to get your back relaxed.

2. How to relax your back?

You can relax your back in different rest positions. For example, you can go to your back and raise your legs hooked over the bench. Allow the upper back and hips to press against the base.

If necessary, you can put a low towel roll or pillow under the lower back. In this position, you can also practice diaphragmatic breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing relieves pain, activates deep muscles that support the back, improves back mobility, and lowers the amount of stress hormone produced by pain in the body.

Place your palms on your lower ribs so that your fingers touch each other.

When you inhale when you inhale, your abdomen should rise slightly and your fingers should part slightly. This tells you that you are breathing properly on the diaphragm and not just superficially on the top of your chest.

Diaphragmatic breathing can later be used to relax the back.

3. Cold or hot?

In the acute phase, you can try a cold. If you do not have a pharmacy cold pack, a regular frozen vegetable bag will work. The cold bath should be wrapped in a thin towel before application to the skin. A cold soothes the inflammatory reaction in the back and may accelerate healing. The effect of cold gels, on the other hand, is very superficial and even insufficient.

Later, the heat may feel better and relax the sore spot. A micro-heated oat bag is suitable for the thermal bath. When moving, use a wool warmer that comes in the back area.

4. What about painkillers?

Over-the-counter painkillers can be taken for the worst pain as long as the dosing instructions on the pack are followed.

5. Should I throw myself on the couch and wait for the pain to ease?

By no means. At first, a short rest may be in place, but as soon as the worst pain is relieved, you need to start moving. However, the teeth in the grin must not move, but within the limits allowed by the pain.

Staying still only prolongs recovery and may cause stiffness and misalignment in the back. The movement accelerates blood and fluid circulation in the sore area and thus promotes tissue healing.

Walking is the simplest and gentlest sport of all. Water sports, such as water running and other upright water exercise, are also well-suited for the recovery phase.

Swimming is not recommended as it will have back bending.

Ordinary everyday life also offers a lot of opportunities for functional training. When you walk, squat, bend over, or turn, your back will stretch.

6. How should you back-jump?

When the worst pain subsides, you should do small exercises that increase the mobility of the spine and hips.

For example, start with a simple rotation. Go to your back and put your feet on the hook so that the soles of your feet are on the ground. Rotate your legs calmly from side to side. You can increase your trajectory within the limits allowed by the pain.

You can also roll your hips in the same position. Lift your hips out of the platform in a controlled manner so that the soles of your feet and upper back remain on the ground. Lower down calmly.

It is also good to stretch the gluteal muscles. On your back, lift one leg on the hook so that the calf and ankle are transverse to the body. Pull your foot towards you. You can keep your other leg straight or hooked.

On the flank, you can do an opening of the chest and an external rotation of the hip. Instructions can be found on the Internet.

7. How do I know it's a witch's arrow and not something else?

In Lumbago, or vernacular, a witch’s arrow refers to a stretch of soft tissue in the back that strikes suddenly. It can be caused by uncontrolled back movement when you lift or bend over to pick up something, even just light debris from the ground.

The witch arrow irritates the pain nerve endings in the outermost strands, ligaments, or muscles of the septum.

The pain feels dotted in one place. Nature protects damaged tissue by putting it on a support vest, so to speak. The muscles surrounding the injury become activated and get stuck. While the pain can be very sudden, there is nothing serious about it.

Sciatica is recognized by the fact that it radiates from the lower back to the foot. The symptomatic septal bulge, on the other hand, usually pains in the morning, and the pain rarely strikes suddenly like in a witch's arrow.

Lower back pain can also be a benign pain for which the exact cause is unknown. After all, there is a huge amount of painful tissues in the lower back.

8. How long does the witch's arrow bother?

The witch's arrow may be very irritable at first, but the pain should ease during the first week. Overall, the pain can last up to three weeks.

If the pain does not ease, but stays close to 7 on the 0-10 scale pain scale, it is worth looking for more detailed examinations. Also, if there is a sudden change in stool or urinary retention, or if the sensation or strength in the legs is impaired, a doctor should be consulted.

9. If the witch's arrow strikes repeatedly, is there anything that can be done?

If a witch’s arrow comes more than once, it is often caused by a variety of muscle weaknesses as well as poor muscle mobility, movement control, and balance. Fortunately, all of these can be trained.

If you are being bullied by a recurring witch arrow, you should seek an appointment with a physiotherapist.

The cause of back problems may be found in the weak muscles of the legs, hips and buttocks. If they do not support the body enough, the force is taken from the back.

To increase muscle strength and mobility, you don’t have to go to the gym, but you can do the exercises at home with your own body weight.

Movement control is also very essential in the prevention of witch hazel and other lower back ailments. For example, your back may be too sagging or crooked when you lift something, such as shoveling snow. Movement management can also be trained according to the instructions given by the physiotherapist.

10. Does aging increase lower back pain?

More, but the symptom changes its nature. Younger people often suffer from septal bulges and sciatica, as they age, the ailments are most typically caused by spinal wear and muscle weakness. As we age, muscle strength weakens at an accelerating pace, so it should be trained even more.

Balance and movement control also deteriorate with age.


About the Creator

Sarfraz Hussain

I am a professional journalist and I work as a writer and reporter in a national newspaper. The purpose of my life is to help people. Useful Tips on Health Care to Improve the Lives of an Ordinary Man.

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