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Ask an Expert: What Are Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors?

The danger of developing type 2 diabetes extends to a large number of undiagnosed individuals in the United States.

By Thiwanka DPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Ask an Expert: What Are Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors?
Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

The danger of developing type 2 diabetes extends to a large number of undiagnosed individuals in the United States.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that more than one-third of Americans are obese and that more than two-thirds of Americans are either obese or overweight.

By Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

1 The ongoing epidemic has also caused many people to cut down on their workout routines and increase their intake of sweets or alcohol, which increases their risk of gaining weight or contracting a disease like diabetes.

Environmental barriers like being in food deserts, where over 13.5 million people call the United States home, equally deplete resources.

**** Solutions ****

1 : Berberine Supplement https://www.digistore24.com/redir/352613/ThiwankaD/

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Verywell Health: How have the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted type 2 diabetes treatment and risks?

Dr. Lee: In terms of treatment, it hasn’t been that bad. The introduction of telemedicine was very helpful, as we could do almost everything virtually except a detailed physical examination and possibly things like placing a sensor on their arm. We’ve been able to write prescriptions and don’t require authorization approval requests, which has increased accessibility. Generally, too, telemedicine reduced no-show rates and also increased compliance.

In terms of risks, however, people’s lifestyles changed. Most people stopped working out, most people ate a lot more sweets, most people drank more alcohol, and most people didn’t exercise. This wasn’t true for everyone, as tons of people also increased their exercise duration and intensity, but for the most part, people went the opposite—like a hibernating bear—and put on a lot of weight.

Type 2 dibetic worried can I loose 2 half stone in 3 months?

*Yes definitely you can. When I was newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I tried to loose weight to reverse my diabetes which was not possible though. I succeeded loosing about 12kg in 2.5 months. What I did was:

I did not eat more than 70g carbs a day

I walked 10km 6 times a week

I completely eliminated sugar, grains, diary and high fat products from my diet

I also ran 2 times a week

I mostly survived on oats, low fat milk, chicken and vegetable soup, salmon, salad with lot of green vegetables and most important about 5 cups of green tea.

Added vitamin D, omega 3 and calcium pills

What is diabatic-free rice?

Without a doubt, one of the most common medical diseases in India is diabetes. It is a condition of health in which an individual is unable to create enough insulin or is unable to use the insulin that is already present in the body. Diabetes was always believed to be a hereditary predisposition, but today we know it is caused by the lifestyles we are adopting. It results in elevated blood sugar levels, which can ultimately cause cardiac disorders. Although diabetes cannot be totally cured, it may be well-managed by making a few modifications to our food and way of life. While some recommend excluding rice from the diet of diabetics, it is a staple of the Indian diet. The causes

Are diabetics able to take Liv.52?

There is a substantial amount of research on Liv, with 81 studies dating back to 1966 and 52 papers published in peer-reviewed publications. Although Liv. 52 underwent a diabetic fatty liver disease clinical study at a Russian clinic, it is not commonly used as a therapy for diabetes. Despite not having access to the publication and not having read the Russian research, the abstract makes no mention of any negative effects that are specific to diabetics. Unless you had fatty liver disease, I would assume it would not be dangerous but also probably not useful for managing diabetes.


About the Creator

Thiwanka D

Hi , Im Thiwanka ,im 20 years old boy

A/L biology student

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