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Are You Ready to Come Out of the Spiritual Closet?

I was afraid to talk about it

By lupu alexandraPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

It took me a long time to figure out that I was spiritual. When I finally realized this, I was afraid to talk about it. I would hesitate to write or talk about spiritual things because my friends or work colleagues would think that I was too “woo woo” or New Age.

There is no need to be ashamed of who you are as a spiritual being! It’s time to come out and share your spiritual light with the world! The ability to tap into your spirituality is a gift. It’s something you do for yourself and all of humanity. In a world that feels more and more challenging with each passing day, it’s time to let your spiritual light shine.

What is spirituality?

Many people think you’re talking about religion when you talk about spirituality. Religion may involve many spiritual experiences, but it’s more about bringing together a group of people who share the same beliefs. In my own experience, religion revolves around dogmas and doctrines. It focuses on a deity who is “out there.” There are usually rules to follow or ways to behave if you want to get closer to this deity.

In simplest terms, spirituality is the central core of who you are. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Your being or your core is spiritual in nature. You don’t have to believe in a specific deity — God, Allah, Krishna, Buddha, Shiva, Yahweh, Akal Murat — you simply have to believe in a force behind life. And that force isn’t outside of you. It’s inside of you, and you are a part of it.

Spirituality is a “oneness” rather than a “separateness.” Spirituality is being conscious of your connection to that higher power and to everyone and everything in life. Everything in life is also part of this energy or force behind life.

Why do we feel the need to keep our spiritual beliefs to ourselves?

We’re afraid of what other people think. Our self-worth aligns with what people think of us, not in line with what we know or believe to be true. It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders when I came out. I was finally able to be my authentic self.

I never had any sort of spiritual awakening or moment in life when I “saw the light.” I was in touch with my spiritual nature when I was younger. But then life took over, and my ego became more prominent. I was worried about doing well at school, what others thought of me, how successful I was, what job I had, and how much money I made. The ego is not spiritual, and I lost touch with my true self.

As I got older, I started to see that there is more to life than what goes on in the confines of my little brain. More and more often, I glimpsed that I was connected to something much greater than myself. Whenever I saw this, I noticed how much calmer and happier I felt.

I lost both my mom and dad in 2013, only 6 weeks apart. It was a terribly tragic and sad time for me. I took great comfort in knowing that their spirits lived on even though my parents were no longer in physical form. I could actually feel that I was still connected to them. I didn’t talk about this at the time because I was worried about what people might think.

Even once we become comfortable with the fact that we are spiritual beings, the voice of judgment and fear can creep in. It is important to ignore that inner voice.

Why it’s important to come out of the spiritual closet

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

We tend to talk about spiritual things as if they’re outside of ourselves, but in reality, they’re a part of who we are and a big part of how we make sense of the world. When I began to talk about spirituality, I was surprised by how many others did the same.

I soon discovered that millions of people realize their true nature. These people are a part of a growing movement: the “Spiritual but not religious” (SBNR) movement, which is also called the “Spiritual but not affiliated” (SBNA) movement. It’s a group of people who don’t identify as religious but deeply spiritual.

Coming out is so scary because we worry about how others will view us and respond to who we are. We don’t want to be labeled or criticized for who we are.

But the thing is that we’re ALL spiritual. There is no exception to this. If other people don’t yet see it, that’s fine. You don’t have to judge them anymore than you hope they don’t judge you.

Whenever I talk to people, even atheists, they usually admit that there’s an energy behind life. In fact, the science of quantum physics says that everything is energy. The energy behind life is responsible for keeping your heart beating and magically healing your wounds.

It is essential to come out of the spiritual closet because it will affect you and all of humanity. No matter what topics are in the news these days, there seems to be a dichotomy of opinion. Different opinions are healthy, but not when they lead to separateness and violence. Humanity would benefit by focussing on its similarities rather than its differences.

The benefits of coming out of the spiritual closet

There are many things to gain by living a more spiritual life and not being afraid to talk about it.

It will “normalize” that we’re all spiritual beings having a human experience. There is no one to convert and no one to convince. You wouldn’t walk around telling people who cut themselves that their wounds will heal. Everyone knows that. Everyone understands how the body functions. It’s simply a fact that there’s an energy behind life, and we are all spiritual in nature.

It’s a great way to get out of the mental prison we all live in. What do I mean by “mental prison”? The ego-driven mind that stops you from connecting with your authentic self. When you get your ego out of the way and connect with your spiritual self, it quiets your mind.

It reminds you that you’re not alone. Many of the problems we experience today, such as anxiety, stress, and depression, have their roots in the fact that we feel separated from everything and everyone else. We think we’re alone, isolated, and that no one has our back.

Getting in touch with your spiritual nature involves letting go of expectations. Expectations are nothing more than made-up thoughts you put on yourself and your life. Knowing that these are ego-driven and surrendering to a higher power takes the pressure off you.

Being spiritual is not about meditating, wearing robes, or chanting. It’s about realizing who you are at your core and cutting yourself some slack for being human. We all have egos, and they get the best of us at times. They cause us to regularly forget that we’re spiritual beings.

How to come out of the spiritual closet

Spirituality is about discovering the truth of who you really are and how you fit into a divine plan.

Even if you don’t subscribe to a specific religion, you acknowledge the energy behind life. As a spiritual person, you feel connected to this force that guides you to be happy and follow your purpose in life.

Seek out like-minded people and have some conversations. It’s much easier to find groups on the internet these days. There are spiritual forums, discussion groups, and support groups.

Read spiritual books or watch spiritual movies. Many spiritual books, authors, movies, and producers will point you to the truth. There is no one guru, text, teacher, or film…there are many ways to get to the truth.

Sometimes merely understanding that you are part of something greater than yourself is enough to quiet your mind. However, meditation is an easy way to help ground yourself in the present moment and slow down those spinning wheels and inner dialogue.


You shouldn’t have to come out of the spiritual closet any more than you should have to announce to the world that you are human! We are all spiritual beings have a human experience. It applies to everyone on the planet.

When you live life true to your spiritual nature you will:

Feel more connected to the world around you.

Be more at peace with yourself and others.

Enjoy a greater sense of purpose in life.

Find it easier to forgive others and yourself.

Experience less stress and anxiety in your life.

Be more compassionate and understanding towards others.

Spirituality is being aware of your connection to a higher power and to everyone and everything in life. The sooner you realise this and share it with others, the sooner all of humanity will benefit.


About the Creator

lupu alexandra

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