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Anabolic steroids:benefits, side effects, procedures, complications

Anabolic steroids: General harm prevention measures

By Sarfraz HussainPublished 3 years ago 22 min read
What Happens When You Take Steroids?

Today we are talking about the benefits of androgenic anabolic steroids (aac). Why they are used in sports and especially bodybuilding. We don’t go into biochemistry and physiology much, but we walk over the “surface”.

Steroids are substances of animal or, less commonly, plant origin with high biological activity. For example, corticosteroids relieve inflammation, and if it weren’t for them, you would have pain. We don’t equate everyone who carries this name with AAS, but we agree that steroids are the drugs used in bodybuilding.

So I want to start with the main plus that we all gathered on, this is restoring the body after strenuous physical exertion, or rather accelerating it. At natural hormone levels, the recovery process after a heavy load takes an average of 48 hours (rarely 36, often 72). Unfortunately, this is true, but building muscle takes both time and a considerable amount of energy. With Aac, recovery is much faster.

The story of Arthur Jones in his experiment with Casey Viator is very helpful here. At the heart of the experiment is training with a Nautilus simulator (Arthur Jones ’invention) to fail every other day. And it turned out that in almost a month (28 days) Viator gained 28 pounds of meat. That's about a kilogram a day! In addition, 8 pounds of fat was gone. This result is, of course, unrealistic without the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids.

Let’s look at the effects of an anabolic steroid

Take methandrostenolone, for example. So when it penetrates the nucleus of a cell, it has the following effect on the body:

  • It activates the genetic device of a cell, leading to increased synthesis of DNA, RNA, and structural proteins, activation of enzymes in the respiratory chain of tissues (a series of enzymatic processes that take place in the presence of oxygen in cells of organs and tissues, resulting in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and oxidized to carbon dioxide and water.
  • in other words, the process of energy release from the cell is accelerated.

  • Leads to increased tissue respiration (amount of substances involved and release of energy), oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis (adenosine triphosphate is the cause of your life, ATP is synonymous with energy in your cells), and microgreens (molecules that can accumulate with this energy) and give it inside the cage.
  • General benefits of using anabolic steroids

    You get the following positive effects:

    1. Regeneration of muscle tissue after exercise increases significantly whether you are on a diet or not. Of course, in the latter case, the effect is, but not as great as with a proper diet, the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats and their ratio.

    2-Reduces fat layers. We can even say that AAS as a whole “burns” obsolete salts, but for some preparations, it is not noticeable due to water retention in the body, so choose wisely.

    3. Strength increases, muscle density increases. This mass can remain the same (body composition is not, of course) because everything already happens as listed above.

    4. Strengthening the bones, but there is also the other side of the coin - closing the bone growth. For data, fractures heal faster.

    5-The side effect is osteoporosis, but it is manifested by estrogen and progesterone, which in turn causes an increase in the number of certain drugs, but more of them later.

    6- Pump. The volume of blood in your body increases, and as a result, the “hot” muscles look different to you, much more.

    7- Plus, which many people noticed - the attraction (here I think without comments, and so everything is clear). You're just blown away! Of course, the opposite sex also feels testosterone at the subconscious level :). Since blood means more and the pump is no longer just for muscles, the increase in stiffness and size in men itself understood where;) Yes, this is a pretty pleasant fact.

    8- "Steroid rage," and if not a joke, aggression. usually occurs with highly androgenic drugs (such as trenbolone). Why plus? If you’re a guy with ahead, you can use the extra energy. Even if you don’t throw yourself at people, just be prepared - if under normal circumstances you don’t pay attention to the address sting, then steroids can break your opponent’s ribs.8. Self-confidence. You see your growth, you like yourself in the mirror, you feel more confident, because everything works for you and you get to achieve your goal. Yes, here it is more likely that aac is not directly affected, but indirectly.

    In conclusion

    As you can see, steroids have very useful and interesting effects. And if you decide to reach great heights in bodybuilding, then without aac it is almost impossible to do so.

    Steroids are like a catalyst in chemistry (much like them) - they speed up the process of getting results. But if you stop studying, then two or three months and you look the same as before the course.

    We remind you that the use of anabolic steroids has a serious effect on the human body. If you are not going to combine your life with professional sports, think carefully about whether you need them.

    Effects on the central nervous system

    Initially, experts paid most attention to the negative effects of AU on organs and systems that are directly responsible for the physical condition of the body. And it wasn’t until some time later that researchers concluded that the effects of steroid use didn’t have the least impact on people’s mental state and behavioral responses. The human brain has receptors for interaction with testosterone and therefore may well be considered a "target organ" for this hormone and its synthetic analogs.

    From the late 1930s to the mid-1980s, steroids were used abroad as medications to combat nervous system and mental disorders, including psychosis and depression. Therapeutic doses of AC in a clinical setting improved patient memory, reduced fatigue, and elevated mood. Studies have also revealed a significant effect of testosterone on nervous system development and function. Testosterone and AC affect brain function, which increases hormone levels. They cause changes in brain function, such as amphetamines and antidepressants.

    However, in addition to these therapeutic side effects, those caused by steroid use were also observed. They look different depending on the dose. Doctors found conditions for psychosis and manic depression, as well as depression, associated with a sharp cessation of steroid use. Exposure to AU can increase aggression, a propensity to violence, depression, and hallucinations.

    Cyclic steroid intake with interruptions causes constant changes in the state of mind, leading to general unstable brain function. There are many specific examples in the specialized literature where excessive passion for AU led to changes in central nervous system function and traditional behavioral reactions in athletes (increased aggression, including the extreme nature of arousal and increased psychosis, period of psychosis). Most of the time, the sports careers of these athletes ended completely, but a serious disability was also added to it.

    In addition, sexual offenses based on AC reception are described. a tendency to violence, depression, and hallucinations. Cyclic steroid intake with interruptions causes constant changes in the state of mind, leading to general unstable brain function. There are many specific examples in the specialized literature where excessive passion for AU led to changes in central nervous system function and traditional behavioral reactions in athletes (increased aggression, including the extreme nature of arousal and increased psychosis, period of psychosis).

    Most of the time, the sports careers of these athletes ended completely, but a serious disability was also added to it.

    Age-dependent behavior of steroids who have used steroids has been observed. The younger the athlete, the deeper changes in the psyche occur, i.e., the young growing body is much more sensitive to steroids. A significant side effect of using the AU is the emergence of addiction to those athletes. In addition, psychological dependence on AU is much more common than physical dependence. It is not yet definitively clear whether there is a clear tendency to do so, and if so, what is the reason for it.

    In general, the consequences of the use of AU on the central nervous system are very individual, can be very significant and lead to serious irreversible consequences, and may disappear after cessation of their reception, depending on the specific preparation and dosage.

    Effect on the endocrine system

    Since testosterone and anabolic steroids themselves have hormonal activity, it is natural to assume their effect on the endocrine system. This is, firstly, the male reproductive function. The introduction of high concentrations of anabolic steroids for a long time inhibits the synthesis of one's testosterone, leading to a decrease in its concentration in testicular blood atrophy, a decrease in testosterone formation. Spermatozoa lose mobility, the ability to penetrate the egg, the number of sperm decreases. The boy has early puberty, impaired growth process. Because some of the testosterone and anabolic hormones are converted to estradiol in the metabolic process, feminization occurs in the male body.

    This is expressed in gynecomastia - breast growth in 65% of adolescents and 40% of adult men. Experts believe that declining fertility index, change in sexual desire, and impotence is the most striking clinical symptoms of so-called drug anabolic syndrome, which is prevalent among athletes, i.e., a new disease in civilized society caused by the systematic use of anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids also affect the adrenal cortex, which regulates the metabolism and water exchange of electrolytes in the body. Increased potassium and sodium levels can lead to water retention and swelling and weight gain. caused by the systematic use of anabolic steroids.

    Anabolic steroids also affect the adrenal cortex, which regulates the metabolism and water exchange of electrolytes in the body. Increased potassium and sodium levels can lead to water retention and swelling and weight gain. caused by the systematic use of anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids also affect the adrenal cortex, which regulates the metabolism and water exchange of electrolytes in the body. Increased potassium and sodium levels can lead to water retention and swelling and weight gain.

    In women, anabolic steroids cause change infertility as a result of disorders of the uterus, ovaries, menstrual irregularities up to amenorrhea. In women, especially young women, virilization (thickening of the voice, hair growth in the jaw and upper lip, shrinkage of the mammary glands, enlargement of the clitoris, muscle growth changes the male type figure). When anabolic steroids are removed, athletes rehabilitate within one or two months, and when reception is long after six months, the changes are sometimes irreversible.

    Practical recommendations. In these cases, gonadotropins, multivitamin complexes such as supradine, vitamin E, level tone, eltonapivit are recommended. tranquilizers, antidepressants, and other drugs. Use symptomatic treatment.

    Procedures in the urogenital system

    In the kidneys, anabolic steroids cause stones to form, and glomerular function is impaired. Cases of kidney tumors have been reported in athletes using steroids. The fact about the effect of androgens on the growth of prostate adenoma in men is also undisputed.

    Discuss the role of anabolic steroids in the development of prostate cancer and female genital tumors. They agree that anabolic steroids are not a moderate cause of cancer, but their long-term use contributes to the development of prostate cancer. As a result, the athlete’s urogenital balloon is exposed to fairly obvious changes that cause anabolic steroids during long-term use. The increase in pressure in athletes (and non-athletes) who have used anabolic steroids, which sometimes leads to fainting, is a well-known fact. 25% of patients taking anabolic steroids develop heart disease and hypertension, and 1-2% have injuries. heart meat Various authors have described several deaths due to acute heart failure as a result of the use of anabolic steroids, so with an increase in blood pressure metabolic shift to lipid symptoms (increased concentration, radicals, and others), the risk of cardiovascular complications from a young age.

    Practical recommendations. To alleviate these complications, doctors use drugs that lower blood pressure, improve microcirculation, prevent and treat acute and chronic heart failure (heart ischemia, arrhythmias, which are often exacerbated by high levels of exercise).

    Cardiovascular actions

    The increase in pressure in athletes (and non-athletes) who use anabolic steroids, which sometimes leads to fainting, is a well-known fact: 25% of patients who use anabolic steroids develop heart disease and hypertension, and 1-2% have heart muscle injuries. Various authors have described several deaths as a result of acute heart failure as a result of the use of anabolic steroids. Thus, when the increase in blood pressure tends to, the metabolism changes in the direction of the occurrence of risk phases (increased concentration, free cholesterol lipid content, increased cholesterol acid concentration). and others), the potential for cardiovascular complications increases many times despite the relatively young age of athletes using anabolic steroids.

    Practical recommendations. To alleviate these complications, doctors use drugs that lower blood pressure, improve microcirculation, prevent and treat acute and chronic heart failure (heart ischemia, arrhythmias, which are often exacerbated by large amounts of exercise).

    Effect on liver cells

    It is the most typical and obvious effect of anabolic steroids that athletes, doctors, and educators are very well aware of (liver pain syndrome, liver enlargement below the arch, and others). Intense physical exertion itself can cause pathological changes in the liver because the metabolism that takes place during them increases many times over, and the liver, which is responsible for the body’s metabolism, may not have time to wean off all the resulting byproducts, including steroids.

    If you force it to also poison anabolic-type exogenous steroids in high concentrations, it may not have time to cope with this task. This leads to liver pathology. Liver cells have testosterone receptors and selectively associate testosterone with anabolic steroids.

    It has been shown that oral (pill) forms of anabolic steroids have a much greater negative effect on hepatic detoxification (excretion) and excretion than injectable drugs. Functional changes are followed by organic changes, which are expressed in jaundice, cholestasis, hepatitis, and hepatic hypnosis. Acute liver failure, which is often encountered in athletes who have long used anabolic drugs, is associated with biliary obstruction and cholestasis.

    Some authors have described the occurrence of malignancies in the liver after the use of anabolic steroids. Athletes were found to have liver adenoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, angiosarcoma, and other serious diseases that often result in fatal diseases. adenocarcinomas with long-term use of high doses of anabolic steroids.

    Practical recommendations. To prevent liver disease during rehabilitation after the use of anabolic steroids, it is appropriate to use all liver protectors Essentiale Forte, legal, LIF-52, Kargil, antioxidants, antioxidants containing antioxidants, sodium Etodelov, propolis, pollen, mother substance, honey), plant and animal).

    Actions on the musculoskeletal system

    It is characterized by increased trauma due to the discrepancy between the growth and strength of the muscles and ligaments to which they are attached. Adult athletes have ligament ruptures up to the most effective ligament (Achilles tendon). In children and adolescents, the use of anabolic steroids has irreversible changes, premature ossification of long bones, accelerated overgrowth of epiphyseal plates, and impaired growth. The so-called muscle blockage, of which athletes are well aware, is due to a violation of the microcirculation of muscle tissue.

    Practical recommendations. Prevention of increased trauma includes removal of anabolic drugs, changes in physical function, surgical, and rehabilitative treatment as certified by a physician.

    Other complications

    The appearance of an athlete taking steroid-anabolic drugs is quite typical, and it manifests itself especially at a young age in the presence of acne, increased sebaceous gland secretion, an allergic rash, and other skin symptoms. Due to the immunosuppressive effect of anabolic steroids, resistance to tuberculosis, AIDS, and common colds are impaired. Several authors have described other side effects of anabolic steroids that can so far be considered isolated cases.

    The reader will probably ask the question - does every athlete necessarily get one of the side effects described in the article while taking anabolic steroids? The answer may be this - it is not necessary at all, but the risk of getting it does exist and depends on many factors of the body's pharmacogenetic properties (rate of metabolic transfer of certain drugs), their dosage form, chemical structure, dose, duration of exercise, exercise and gender ... Many athletes use AC in combination with other medications. This is done for different purposes: to avoid side effects, to perform doping control, to better prepare for the performance. Often, athletes strive to win at any cost and are willing to drive any kind of substance to themselves just to succeed. It must be borne in mind that the combination of pharmacological drugs, even under medical supervision, is very dangerous, and independent experiments can easily lead to serious consequences and even death.

    General harm prevention measures

  • Do not use large doses of medications
  • Do not take courses for more than 2 months
  • Choose ACs that reduce testosterone production to a lesser extent
  • Give priority to drugs that are not toxic to the liver
  • Use antiestrogens to restore testosterone secretion and prevent gynecomastia
  • Contraindications to steroid use

    Do not use anabolic steroids under the age of 21, as they can cause irreversible side effects at a young age: changes in hormone levels and stopping growth as a result of closure of bone growth zones.

  • Heart defects are also an absolute contraindication because the use of drugs can exacerbate the disease.
  • Renal and hepatic impairment
  • Uncompensated arterial blood pressure
  • Benign prostate tumor
  • Severe atherosclerosis
  • Special cases
  • Inhibiting your own testosterone production

    Inhibition of endogenous testosterone secretion is an inevitable consequence of the use of anabolic drugs. When hormones are introduced into the body, the signal to the endocrine system triggers an excessive increase in their plasma concentration, which in turn leads to the suppression of their production in the testicles.

    This is the so-called feedback mechanism. The body constantly strives for homeostasis, and if the concentration of one or another hormone begins to increase, the receptors correct this and the endocrine system reduces the production of this hormone to restore endocrine balance. Thus, the secretion of almost all hormones is regulated.

    The figures show that as the concentration of nandrolone in the blood increases, testosterone levels begin to be reflected in the plasma, causing the opposite process to occur.


  • Fortunately, this side effect is reversible. To minimize the side effects of steroids, gonadotropin must be used - this tool can effectively increase your testosterone production and prevent stone atrophy.
  • In our body, gonadotropin is constantly produced, it is he who supports the function of the stones (throughout sexual activity). During steroid therapy, gonadotropin production is impaired and the testicles begin to atrophy. The introduction of exogenous gonadotropin allows you to restore hormonal balance and maintain testicular function.
  • Doses of gonadotropin depend on the "strength" of steroid therapy. If the duration of the course does not exceed 4 weeks, one drug is used in small doses, then no gonadotropin is needed. If the duration of the course is more than 4 weeks, the dosage will be overestimated, at least 2 anabolic agents will be used: 2 injections of gonadotropin per week, 500 to 1000 IU each, starting from the third week of the course.
  • You can often hear the opinion that the addition of gonadotropin is necessary only at the end of the course, but this is wrong, because in this case the testicular tissues do not receive stimulation for a long time and begin to atrophy, and this cannot be allowed. The introduction of gonadotropin throughout the course allows the maximum physiological balance of hormones in the body to be achieved and sexual function to be maintained. It should also be emphasized that the need to use it, in this case, is not related to weight gain but to safety, which is why small doses are needed.
  • To restore your testosterone secretion, tamoxifen is used successfully at a dose of 20 mg a day for 2 to 3 weeks after the course.
  • Liver damage

    Liver damage is one of the most well-known side effects, but its true significance is quite minor. The media often focuses on this issue as an inevitable consequence of anabolic steroid use.

    First, liver damage is only caused by tablet forms of drugs in which the methyl group is in position 17. This group prevents the destruction of the drug in the liver but makes it toxic. Second, side effects in the liver occur only at very high doses.

    Confirmation of these words is the result of studies with fluoxymesterone, Dianabol, and laboratory animals. Researchers have found that liver tissue damage occurs only at 10 times the recommended dose. Thus, for example, the toxic properties of methandrostenolone begin to appear only at a daily dose of more than 80 mg per day, while the recommended dose is about 20-30 mg.

    Another study has already been done on humans. Two groups of athletes, one using steroids and the other using only natural means, were examined for liver changes. Athletes who used high doses of steroids showed signs of liver damage, but no changes were found after 3 months. Thus, it can be concluded that the hepatic effects are reversible.


    • do not use 17-alkylated drugs
    • Injectable forms are preferred, they are safe for the liver


    Gynecomastia - This is a benign growth of the male breast. This side effect is very unpleasant, but it only manifests itself in stupidity because it is very easy to avoid.

    Gynecomastia is only caused by drugs that are converted to estrogens (Methandrostenolone, Testosterone, Sustanon, etc.).

    Nandrolone, Boldenone, Primobolan, Winstrol, Anavar, etc. - rarely causes gynecomastia.


    • If you plan to use drugs that smell like estrogens, then start starting antiestrogens (tamoxifen 10-20 mg per day) from the second week of the course. The medicine is easy to buy at a pharmacy. This provides a nearly one hundred percent security guarantee.
    • Very often you may hear stupid recommendations such as antiestrogens should not be used until after the course or until the first signs of gynecomastia have appeared. This is a serious mistake that has caused gynecomastia in many athletes. Antiestrogens must be used throughout the course, gynecomastia is irreversible, so it must be prevented, not treated!

    Acne (Blackheads)

    Another common side effect. Acne is caused by anabolic drugs that increase sebum secretion, leading to inflammation of the hair follicles and the formation of acne. This effect is particularly strong in highly androgenic drugs.


    • Keep skin clean
    • Highly effective drug Accutane

    Increasing blood cholesterol levels

    Anabolic steroids can lower high-density lipoproteins (good) and increase low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol). Hypothetically, this can lead to atherosclerosis.

    In practice, however, this is not the case due to the short duration of this effect. Elevated cholesterol levels do not lead to changes in organs and blood vessels for 4-6 weeks, and after discontinuation of medication, cholesterol levels return to their original values.

    It should be noted that an increase in cholesterol does not always occur and not all medications have this side effect.


    • Take Omega-3 fatty acids during the cycle
    • Limit the number of chicken yolks and animal fats

    Cardiovascular problems

    It is known that the use of anabolic steroids is associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is probably related to their effect on cholesterol. In addition, drug abuse in this group can cause ventricular hypertrophy. However, it should be noted that strength training also leads to this.


    • Do not take long courses or use large doses
    • Include aerobic exercise in your training program

    High blood pressure

    This problem is because the speaker:

    • Keep sodium in your body
    • Narrow blood vessels
    • Increase blood circulation
    • Normal blood pressure should be less than 140/90 mm Hg. Art. Measure your blood pressure systematically with a sphygmomanometer.


  • This side effect of steroids is fairly easily eliminated with 50 mg Metoprolol and 5 mg Enalapril. If this is not enough, you can increase the dose of antihypertensives to normalize your blood pressure.
  • Kidney problems

    The kidneys filter blood and remove metabolic by-products from the body. Taking anabolic steroids may increase renal strain, but the drugs do not have a direct toxic effect, and the increase in load is associated with the increase in blood pressure described in the section above.

    There are steroids (such as nandrolone) that are even used to treat certain kidney diseases.


    • Normalization of blood pressure
    • Increased aggression is a very rare side effect of steroids, occurring in less than 3-5% of cases at high doses.
    • One study showed that temperament plays an important role, and if you are not exposed to aggression in everyday life, then the use of alternating current does not lead to this problem.


    Anabolic steroids can promote hair development in men, and this only applies to the scalp, while the hair in other parts of the body can thicken slightly.

    The researchers believe that baldness is related to a gene located on the X chromosome, so AS can only provoke this process if it is associated with a genetic predisposition. If there was no hair loss on your father’s and mother’s side in your family, then it is not a threat to you either. Otherwise, this is an almost inevitable process.

    The reason steroids affect baldness is dihydrotestosterone, so you can use medications that do not convert to this metabolite.


    • Use AC devices that have not been converted to DHT
    • Finasteride has been used successfully to prevent baldness, but it has relatively few side effects
    • Minoxidil (cream) dominates the proven effectiveness


    The use of anabolic drugs leads to an increase in prothrombin time or, in other words, an increase in blood clotting. In rare cases, in older people, this may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke due to the formation of microthrombi in the feeders.


    For the harmful effects of steroids on the heart, antiplatelet drugs are recommended for people over 40 years of age. The ideal solution is aspirin at a dose of 100 mg per day (a quarter of a tablet), this drug prevents platelet aggregation and eliminates the possibility of blood clots in the blood vessels.


    Virilization or masculinization - these are irreversible changes in the female guard associated with the acquisition of masculine features: decreased voice, atrophy of the mammary glands, clitoral hypertrophy, facial features in men, etc.

    These symptoms are particularly common with medications with a low anabolic index.

    Stopping growth

    This is an irreversible state. Relevant only at a young age when bone growth zones are not yet closed. For this reason, it is not recommended to take anabolic steroids under the age of 21.

    This effect is particularly strong in flavored preparations.

    Prostatic Hyperplasia

    First, it should be noted that steroid drugs only rarely promote prostate enlargement, and this usually occurs after the age of 40 when there is a genetic predisposition.

    As in the case of baldness, dihydrotestosterone is cited as the main cause.


  • Finasteride has been used successfully for prevention and treatment.
  • Infertility

    It would be more correct to say that it is not infertility but temporary sterility associated with a change in the hormonal background of the body. Fortunately, this is a fully recoverable state.


    For faster recovery, antiestrogens (tamoxifen) and chorionic gonadotropin are used according to the schemes described above.

    Atrophy of the stone glands Due to the above feedback mechanism, the production of natural gonadotropin is reduced. This hormone constantly stimulates the testicles, if its concentration decreases, the testicular tissue begins to atrophy.

    Testicular atrophy may not be reversible in severe cases! This in turn can lead to impotence.


    About the Creator

    Sarfraz Hussain

    I am a professional journalist and I work as a writer and reporter in a national newspaper. The purpose of my life is to help people. Useful Tips on Health Care to Improve the Lives of an Ordinary Man.

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