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An Open Letter to Anyone Struggling to Cope with COVID-19

We live in a time where we need each other more than ever

By Louisa JanePublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I'll start by saying I'm sorry for how this is affecting you. Wherever you are, whenever you're from, the outbreak of COVID-19 has completely shook all our worlds and this is a scary and uncertain time we are facing. At this moment we are becoming a part of history. We've been fortunate in our lives to only ever read about crisises such as this, and we've been lucky to know that in the stories we've read, it all came to an end at some point. We're not quite there yet in our story here and now and we don't know when we might go back to neutralisation, but we are getting there slowly.

It's hard to say 'don't worry' to anyone that's truely worried about the Corona virus because of course you'll worry. I'm worried too. I don't know about you but I'm watching this whole situation have awful effects on the mental health of people I know, probably my own as well. Constantly living in fear for our own wellbeing and that of the people we love, and constantly fearful of the unknown of how and when this'll end, and what will be left of us when it does. Your children, your parents, your friends, your work, your business, your house, your finances, your sanity, what will become of everything you work so hard for? You're not alone in these worries. It's pretty terrifying, and it's okay to be scared.

You've got to remember; this story will have an end. It's horrendous at the moment with so much uncertainty and the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and the media giving us more and more reasons to worry ourselves half to death - You never really know it is a good thing to know too much or too little about a situation, but I think that in this insatnce, the media and social media platforms are only feeding the already huge anxxiety around COVID-19. Nothing lasts forever. We will get through this. It might not be easy but there will be a lightf at the end of the tunnel.

You have to remember to look after you first - how are you suppose to think straight and be useful without some self-care?

1) Get plenty of water down you.

2) Eat well.

3) Use this time away from others/away from work to detox - shut your eyes and make an effort to have some real switch-off time.

4) Make a start on all those things you always said you'd do and never found the time - Read books, make cakes or recipes, teach yourself a language or pick up that guitar you've been meaning to learn to play ... It isn't like you haven't got the time!

5) Reach out to others - Whether you're self-isolating or not, be sure to keep in check with the people around you, for both yours and their sakes. Voice your thoughts and feelings and concerns, you'll be quick to find someone else who feels the same. Help others where you can, do little things that make you feel good and remaining positive.

6) Keep your chin up - You're doing brilliantly. Recognise that you're doing the very best you can at this time and take credit in your efforts.

We are already seeing how things are improving in Hong Kong. Soon Italy will follow, and so will the rest of Europe, us and the world. We are getting through this with each second that passes. Keep positive, we will overcome this.

Keep well, stay safe, you've got this.


About the Creator

Louisa Jane


Paediatric speech and language therpaist.

Art enthusiast.

Amateur-dramatics amateur.



People person.

Of the general happy-go-lucky sort :)

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    Louisa JaneWritten by Louisa Jane

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