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Alternative Options To The Covid-19 Vaccine

But The Choice Is Yours

By Daun RelosPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo Provided By Bettervapes.com

DISCLAIMER: This article is in no way here to persuade you, influence you, or post any bad or unhealthy ideas. The article is for people who have been searching for a healthy alternative to the Covid vaccine. I am NOT giving an opinion, nor am I saying people should or shouldn't get the vaccine. That choice is yours. Once again, this is for people who have already made the choice NOT to get the vaccine. If you are still undecided, please do not read this article until you have made up your mind. Thank you.

What are my choices?

Okay, you have made it past my disclaimer. Now you are wondering what your choices are besides the vaccine. In an article by NPR, a vaccine patch is the latest in what laboratories and scientists are calling a safe alternative. (NPR.org - Beyond the nasty needle...). That is assuming your hesitancy for the vaccine is strictly the pain of getting a shot. If you are more hesitant about the vaccine for any other reason, keep reading.

Ivermectin History

The Avermectin compound was discovered in 1970 in Honshu, Japan. A scientist named Satoshi Omura isolated Streptomyces bacteria near a golf course. He sent it to William Campbell and the lab tests showed the bacteria could cure mice infected with roundworm. The name Ivermectin is the Avermectin B1 compound or its natural form mixed with pharmaceutical properties. (Wikipedia.com)

Where do I get Ivermectin?

Okay, the Ivermectin that a doctor could prescribe is the same Ivermectin you would give to your horses. Did she say horses? Yes, but you have to do the correct dose by using your weight and the little notches on the tube it comes in. I will get to that in the next paragraph. You could see if your doctor would prescribe you Ivermectin, but not all doctors will and I am not sure if insurance companies cover it. An example is: In Oregon, you may get a prescription, it all depends on your doctor, but the pharmacy may refuse to fill it. Some pharmacies are refusing to fill Ivermectin. The reason I am mentioning this is because it is easier to buy the Ivermectin sold as a horse de-wormer. It is the exact same stuff you will buy for $10 to $20 versus a prescription for $90. Again, the reason I mentioned that second-hand information is only to be used as an example of how to save money and why you would buy something labelled horse-wormer. I am not giving my opinion or trying to persuade or talk-shit. I am simply stating that the easiest way to obtain Ivermectin is through a live stock store or online through Amazon. I ordered three tubes on Amazon for $30, but I won't get them until late September.

Photo Provided By Amazon

This is the exact same brand as the one I bought. The dosing is very important.

"This syringe contains sufficient paste to treat one 1250 lb. horse at the recommended dose rate of 91 mcg. ivermectin per lb. (200mcg/kg) body weight. Each weight marking on the syringe plunger delivers enough paste to treat 250 lb. body weight." (durvet Ivermectin paste - www.durvet.com).

Dosing Applicator - Picture Edited with PicsArt

Notice the the black markings on the above picture, that is set for my weight. I honestly don't know how to set this, I had my friend help me. Her doctor gave her this information. If you are not sure, study the applicator carefully and keep this in mind, the dose is barely pea-sized. Notice the smallest notch says 250 lbs. If you weigh 120 like I do, you will go so many notches below the 250 by turning the white ring part and then pushing out your chosen dosage. I apologize for my lack of insight on using the applicator, but I trust you will be able to read the instructions and figure your correct dose. (I hope).

Below is the I-mask Prevention and Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for Covid-19. The paper came from a doctor. The picture is lousy, but you can still read what it says about dosage and vitamins.

Photo taken with My iPhone.

I-Mask+ Prevention Protocol

(Ivermectin) Prevention for High-Risk Individuals

0.2 mg/kg per dose with or after meals. One dose today, repeat after 48 hours, then one dose weekly.

Post COVID-19 exposure prevention

0.2 mg/kg per dose with or after meals. One dose today, repeat after 48 hours.

Vitamin D3 1,000 - 3,000 IU/Per day

Vitamin C 500-1,000 mg/Twice a day

Quercetin 250 mg/Per day

Zinc 30- 40 mg/Per day

Melatonin 6 mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness)

Vitamins are very Important!!!

I have taken a dose of that same syringe/tube of Ivermectin I posted. It does taste like apples but it has a very bitter aftertaste. My friend thought it was the worst tasting stuff on the planet. She puts her dose in capsules and as long as it is kept cool, the capsules won't melt. Otherwise, they will melt a capsule because it is wet gel-like substance. Please be smart and use your heads with the Ivermectin. You are not a 1250 pound horse, therefore, you don't need that much. A human dose is pea sized or smaller. Take vitamins too. They are very important.

I hope this information is helpful, and like I said before, this is for those who already made the choice to seek an alternative to the vaccine. The choice is yours and I assume no liability nor am I suggesting you do any of this. I am simply posting this because someone out there is searching for it.

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About the Creator

Daun Relos

"Sometimes you get a windstorm before life is a breeze."

Quote by E Sarah Ann Casey

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