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A Stitch in time saves nine

Sort out a problem immediately it may save a lot of extra work later

By Shubhangi GuptaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

First of all, time is a very precious aspect of life. According to many successful individuals, time is money. This precious blessing of time is very limited. There are only 24 hours in a day. Also, the average human life expectancy probably ranges from 80 to 90 years. This certainly means that one can’t afford to waste time at all. Hence, “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine” avoids wastage of time.

A stitch in time saves nine is an old adage that has been around for centuries. The proverb is used to encourage people to take prompt action to prevent a problem from getting worse. The phrase implies that if you take the time to take care of a problem as soon as it arises, it will save you time and effort in the long run.

The phrase itself dates back to the 18th century and is thought to have originated in a book of proverbs by the English author Richard Baker in 1732. The full phrase is “A stitch in time saves nine”, with the concept being that if you take care of a small problem quickly and efficiently, you will save yourself the trouble of having to deal with a much bigger problem later on.

Advantage of this concept is less effort. This is due to early dealing with a problem. Dealing with a problem early requires a certain amount of effort. However, with delay the problem becomes ugly. Now to rectify this even more difficult problem means much more effort. So, following “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine” saves effort.

“A Stitch in Time Saves Nine” has another advantage. It is better decision making. Following this concept means that a person has sufficient time to handle a problem. Therefore, a person can prepare solutions efficiently. In contrast, a person who delays problems will have a shortage of time. Consequently, this person would become stressful and nervous. Due to this, poor decision making would result

The phrase has been used to encourage people to take care of small problems quickly, such as fixing a small hole in a garment or patching up a leaky pipe before it becomes a much bigger and more expensive problem.

The phrase has also been used in a more figurative sense to encourage people to deal with situations or issues quickly and efficiently before they become bigger issues. This can apply to relationships, work, and other areas of life where small problems can easily become bigger if not addressed properly.

This proverb holds true in many different aspects of life. For example, if you are trying to organize a project or a task, taking the time to plan ahead and think things through will save you time and energy in the long run. Doing regular maintenance on your car, house, or any other item will help it last longer and save you time and money in repairs.

The proverb is also applicable to relationships. Taking the time to address issues and have conversations with the people in your life can help prevent issues from escalating and save you energy in the long run. It’s important to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to relationships.

The proverb has been around for centuries and is still relevant today. Taking the time to take action and address problems now can save you time and energy in the future. Thinking ahead, planning, and being proactive are all key to making sure you don’t have to spend extra time and energy in the future dealing with issues that could have been avoided.

In conclusion, “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine” is extremely essential to follow. Above all, it should be the code of life for everyone. Furthermore, one who follows it always be successful. Also, one who neglects it is on the path of failure.


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